### Please describe the problem.

The assistant prints _"No known volume monitor available through dbus; falling back to mtab polling"_ on startup. Based on source code, it expects to find `org.gtk.Private.UDisks2VolumeMonitor` on the session bus.

However, gvfs 1.26 (on GNOME 3.18) has renamed the service to `org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor` instead, and git-annex doesn't know about that yet.

### What steps will reproduce the problem?

Start the assistant on GNOME 3.18.

### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

Arch Linux:
git-annex     6.20160114-8
gvfs          1.26.2-1

### Please provide any additional information below.

The signals seem to have the same format:

[[!format text """
signal time=1453449272.593009 sender=:1.25 -> destination=(null destination) serial=2270 path=/org/gtk/Private/RemoteVolumeMonitor; interface=org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor; member=MountAdded
   string "org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor"
   string "0x1981b90"
   struct {
      string "0x1981b90"
      string "A0D8-7268"
      string ". GThemedIcon drive-harddisk-usb drive-harddisk drive"
      string ". GThemedIcon drive-harddisk-usb-symbolic drive-harddisk-symbolic drive-symbolic drive-harddisk-usb drive-harddisk drive"
      string ""
      string "file:///run/media/grawity/A0D8-7268"
      boolean true
      string "0x7f396402a400"
      array [
      string "gvfs.time_detected_usec.1453449272586665"
      array [

The DBus interface looks like this:

[[!format text """
$ gdbus introspect -e -d org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor -o / -r
node /org/gtk/Private/RemoteVolumeMonitor {
  interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties {
      Get(in  s interface_name,
          in  s property_name,
          out v value);
      GetAll(in  s interface_name,
             out a{sv} properties);
      Set(in  s interface_name,
          in  s property_name,
          in  v value);
      PropertiesChanged(s interface_name,
                        a{sv} changed_properties,
                        as invalidated_properties);
  interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable {
      Introspect(out s xml_data);
  interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer {
      GetMachineId(out s machine_uuid);
  interface org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor {
      IsSupported(out b is_supported);
      List(out a(ssssbbbbbbbbuasa{ss}sa{sv}) drives,
           out a(ssssssbbssa{ss}sa{sv}) volumes,
           out a(ssssssbsassa{sv}) mounts);
      CancelOperation(in  s cancellation_id,
                      out b was_cancelled);
      MountUnmount(in  s id,
                   in  s cancellation_id,
                   in  u unmount_flags,
                   in  s mount_op_id);
      VolumeMount(in  s id,
                  in  s cancellation_id,
                  in  u mount_flags,
                  in  s mount_op_id);
      DriveEject(in  s id,
                 in  s cancellation_id,
                 in  u unmount_flags,
                 in  s mount_op_id);
      DrivePollForMedia(in  s id,
                        in  s cancellation_id);
      DriveStart(in  s id,
                 in  s cancellation_id,
                 in  u flags,
                 in  s mount_op_id);
      DriveStop(in  s id,
                in  s cancellation_id,
                in  u unmount_flags,
                in  s mount_op_id);
      MountOpReply(in  s mount_op_id,
                   in  i result,
                   in  s user_name,
                   in  s domain,
                   in  s encoded_password,
                   in  i password_save,
                   in  i choice,
                   in  b anonymous);
      DriveChanged(s dbus_name,
                   s id,
                   (ssssbbbbbbbbuasa{ss}sa{sv}) drive);
      DriveConnected(s dbus_name,
                     s id,
                     (ssssbbbbbbbbuasa{ss}sa{sv}) drive);
      DriveDisconnected(s dbus_name,
                        s id,
                        (ssssbbbbbbbbuasa{ss}sa{sv}) drive);
      DriveEjectButton(s dbus_name,
                       s id,
                       (ssssbbbbbbbbuasa{ss}sa{sv}) drive);
      DriveStopButton(s dbus_name,
                      s id,
                      (ssssbbbbbbbbuasa{ss}sa{sv}) drive);
      VolumeChanged(s dbus_name,
                    s id,
                    (ssssssbbssa{ss}sa{sv}) volume);
      VolumeAdded(s dbus_name,
                  s id,
                  (ssssssbbssa{ss}sa{sv}) volume);
      VolumeRemoved(s dbus_name,
                    s id,
                    (ssssssbbssa{ss}sa{sv}) volume);
      MountChanged(s dbus_name,
                   s id,
                   (ssssssbsassa{sv}) mount);
      MountAdded(s dbus_name,
                 s id,
                 (ssssssbsassa{sv}) mount);
      MountPreUnmount(s dbus_name,
                      s id,
                      (ssssssbsassa{sv}) mount);
      MountRemoved(s dbus_name,
                   s id,
                   (ssssssbsassa{sv}) mount);
      MountOpAskPassword(s dbus_name,
                         s id,
                         s message_to_show,
                         s default_user,
                         s default_domain,
                         u flags);
      MountOpAskQuestion(s dbus_name,
                         s id,
                         s message_to_show,
                         as choices);
      MountOpShowProcesses(s dbus_name,
                           s id,
                           s message_to_show,
                           ai pid,
                           as choices);
      MountOpShowUnmountProgress(s dbus_name,
                                 s id,
                                 s message_to_show,
                                 x time_left,
                                 x bytes_left);
      MountOpAborted(s dbus_name,
                     s id);

### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders)

Works fine in general.

> [[fixed|done]] --[[Joey]]