This special remote stores files on an Android device.

The `adb` program is used to access the Android device, which
allows connecting to it in various ways like a USB cable or wifi.

## example

To add a remote for the /sdcard/DCIM directory
on the Android device, allowing to import and export photos:

	git annex initremote android type=adb androiddirectory=/sdcard/DCIM encryption=none exporttree=yes importtree=yes
	git annex export master --to android

## configuration

A number of parameters can be passed to `git annex initremote` to configure
the adb remote.

* `androiddirectory` - Set to the location on the Android device where
  files for the special remote are stored.

* `androidserial` - Normally this is not needed, but if multiple Android
  devices are accessible, you'll be prompted to use it to specify which
  one to use.

* `exporttree` - Set to "yes" to make this special remote usable
  by [[git-annex-export]]. It will not be usable as a general-purpose
  special remote. Since this makes the exported files easily browsable
  on the Android device, you will almost always want to enable this.

* `importtree` - Set to "yes" to make this special remote usable
  by [[git-annex-import]]. When set in combination with exporttree,
  this lets files be imported from it, and changes exported back to it.

* `encryption` - One of "none", "hybrid", "shared", or "pubkey".
  See [[encryption]].

* `keyid` - Specifies the gpg key to use for [[encryption]].

* `chunk` - Enables [[chunking]] when storing large files.