<div .span9 .hero-unit> <h2> Adding an Internet Archive item <p> <a href="http://archive.org/">The Internet Archive</a> allows anyone # to publically archive their information, for free. All you need to # get started is to # <a href="http://archive.org/account/login.createaccount.php"> Create an account <p> The Internet Archive stores "items". An item can be a single file, or # a related group of files. You can make as many different items as you # like. <p> By default, only files that you place in a special directory # will be uploaded to your Internet Archive item. Any other files # in your repository will remain private. <p> <form method="post" .form-horizontal enctype=#{enctype}> <fieldset> ^{form} ^{webAppFormAuthToken} <div .form-actions> <button .btn .btn-primary type=submit onclick="$('#workingmodal').modal('show');"> Add Internet Archive item <div .modal .fade #workingmodal> <div .modal-header> <h3> Making item ... <div .modal-body> <p> Setting up your Internet Archive item. This could take a minute.