{- git-annex preferred content matcher configuration - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Logs.PreferredContent ( preferredContentLog, preferredContentSet, isPreferredContent, preferredContentMap, preferredContentMapLoad, preferredContentMapRaw, checkPreferredContentExpression, setStandardGroup, ) where import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Either import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Common.Annex import qualified Annex.Branch import qualified Annex import Logs.UUIDBased import Limit import qualified Utility.Matcher import Annex.UUID import Git.FilePath import Types.Group import Logs.Group import Types.StandardGroups {- Filename of preferred-content.log. -} preferredContentLog :: FilePath preferredContentLog = "preferred-content.log" {- Changes the preferred content configuration of a remote. -} preferredContentSet :: UUID -> String -> Annex () preferredContentSet uuid@(UUID _) val = do ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime Annex.Branch.change preferredContentLog $ showLog id . changeLog ts uuid val . parseLog Just Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.groupmap = Nothing } preferredContentSet NoUUID _ = error "unknown UUID; cannot modify" {- Checks if a file is preferred content for the specified repository - (or the current repository if none is specified). -} isPreferredContent :: Maybe UUID -> AssumeNotPresent -> FilePath -> Annex Bool isPreferredContent mu notpresent file = do matchfile <- getTopFilePath <$> inRepo (toTopFilePath file) let fi = Annex.FileInfo { Annex.matchFile = matchfile , Annex.relFile = file } u <- maybe getUUID return mu m <- preferredContentMap case M.lookup u m of Nothing -> return True Just matcher -> Utility.Matcher.matchMrun matcher $ \a -> a notpresent fi {- The map is cached for speed. -} preferredContentMap :: Annex Annex.PreferredContentMap preferredContentMap = maybe preferredContentMapLoad return =<< Annex.getState Annex.preferredcontentmap {- Loads the map, updating the cache. -} preferredContentMapLoad :: Annex Annex.PreferredContentMap preferredContentMapLoad = do groupmap <- groupMap m <- simpleMap . parseLogWithUUID ((Just .) . makeMatcher groupmap) <$> Annex.Branch.get preferredContentLog Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.preferredcontentmap = Just m } return m preferredContentMapRaw :: Annex (M.Map UUID String) preferredContentMapRaw = simpleMap . parseLog Just <$> Annex.Branch.get preferredContentLog {- This intentionally never fails, even on unparsable expressions, - because the configuration is shared amoung repositories and newer - versions of git-annex may add new features. Instead, parse errors - result in a Matcher that will always succeed. -} makeMatcher :: GroupMap -> UUID -> String -> Utility.Matcher.Matcher MatchFiles makeMatcher groupmap u s | s == "standard" = standardMatcher groupmap u | null (lefts tokens) = Utility.Matcher.generate $ rights tokens | otherwise = matchAll where tokens = map (parseToken (Just u) groupmap) (tokenizeMatcher s) {- Standard matchers are pre-defined for some groups. If none is defined, - or a repository is in multiple groups with standard matchers, match all. -} standardMatcher :: GroupMap -> UUID -> Utility.Matcher.Matcher MatchFiles standardMatcher m u = maybe matchAll (makeMatcher m u . preferredContent) $ getStandardGroup =<< u `M.lookup` groupsByUUID m matchAll :: Utility.Matcher.Matcher MatchFiles matchAll = Utility.Matcher.generate [] {- Checks if an expression can be parsed, if not returns Just error -} checkPreferredContentExpression :: String -> Maybe String checkPreferredContentExpression s | s == "standard" = Nothing | otherwise = case lefts $ map (parseToken Nothing emptyGroupMap) (tokenizeMatcher s) of [] -> Nothing l -> Just $ unwords $ map ("Parse failure: " ++) l parseToken :: (Maybe UUID) -> GroupMap -> String -> Either String (Utility.Matcher.Token MatchFiles) parseToken mu groupmap t | any (== t) Utility.Matcher.tokens = Right $ Utility.Matcher.token t | t == "present" = use $ limitPresent mu | otherwise = maybe (Left $ "near " ++ show t) use $ M.lookup k $ M.fromList [ ("include", limitInclude) , ("exclude", limitExclude) , ("copies", limitCopies) , ("inbackend", limitInBackend) , ("largerthan", limitSize (>)) , ("smallerthan", limitSize (<)) , ("inallgroup", limitInAllGroup groupmap) ] where (k, v) = separate (== '=') t use a = Utility.Matcher.Operation <$> a v {- This is really dumb tokenization; there's no support for quoted values. - Open and close parens are always treated as standalone tokens; - otherwise tokens must be separated by whitespace. -} tokenizeMatcher :: String -> [String] tokenizeMatcher = filter (not . null ) . concatMap splitparens . words where splitparens = segmentDelim (`elem` "()") {- Puts a UUID in a standard group, and sets its preferred content to use - the standard expression for that group, unless something is already set. -} setStandardGroup :: UUID -> StandardGroup -> Annex () setStandardGroup u g = do groupSet u $ S.singleton $ fromStandardGroup g m <- preferredContentMap unless (isJust $ M.lookup u m) $ preferredContentSet u "standard"