[[!comment format=mdwn username="anarcat" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/4ad594c1e13211c1ad9edb81ce5110b7" subject="headless configs" date="2018-05-17T21:02:32Z" content=""" is there some combination of this and the gcrypt special remote that would give me the following properties: 1. password-less operation (ie. allow uploading content without the private key) 2. easy revocation and key rotation (ie. not encrypt directly with GnuPG but instead encrypt a keyfile with the public keys) It seems to me this would be technically possible, no? A mix of \"hybrid\" and \"sharedpubkey\", basically...? Hybrid works great, except I can't use it in my scenario because I am trying to automate backups and it will prompt me for the private key password. I guess the solution here is to have a special unencrypted private key for the batch job? Thanks! -- [[anarcat] """]]