# This CI setup provides a largely homogeneous configuration across all # major platforms (Windows, MacOS, and Linux). The aim of this test setup is # to create a "native" platform experience, using as few cross-platform # helper tools as possible. # # All workers support remote login. Login details are shown at the top of each # CI run log. # # - Linux/Mac workers (via SSH): # # - A permitted SSH key must be defined in an APPVEYOR_SSH_KEY environment # variable (via the appveyor project settings) # # - SSH login info is given in the form of: 'appveyor@67.225.164.xx -p 22xxx' # # - Login with: # # ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <LOGIN> # # - to prevent the CI run from exiting, `touch` a file named `BLOCK` in the # user HOME directory (current directory directly after login). The session # will run until the file is removed (or 60 min have passed) # # - Windows workers (via RDP): # # - An RDP password should be defined in an APPVEYOR_RDP_PASSWORD environment # variable (via the appveyor project settings), or a random password is used # every time # # - RDP login info is given in the form of IP:PORT # # - Login with: # # xfreerdp /cert:ignore /dynamic-resolution /u:appveyor /p:<PASSWORD> /v:<LOGIN> # # - to prevent the CI run from exiting, create a textfile named # `BLOCK.txt` in the currently directory after login. The session # will run until the file is removed (or 60 min have passed) # Do a shallow clone with enough commits that queued builds will still # find the commit they want to build. clone_depth: 100 environment: # Do not use `image` as a matrix dimension, to have fine-grained control over # what tests run on which platform # The ID variable had no impact, but sorts first in the CI run overview # an intelligible name can help to locate a specific test run matrix: # List a CI run for each platform first, to have immediate access when there # is a need for debugging # Windows core tests - ID: WinP39core APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 STACK_ROOT: "c:\\sr" # MacOS core tests - ID: MacP38core APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: macos-monterey # Ubuntu core tests # (disabled because it's not needed) #- ID: Ubu20 # APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Ubuntu2004 # do not run the CI if only documentation changes were made # documentation builds are tested elsewhere and cheaper skip_commits: files: - doc/ - CHANGELOG # it is OK to specify paths that may not exist for a particular test run cache: - C:\sr -> stack.yaml - C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Programs\stack -> stack.yaml - /Users/appveyor/.stack -> stack.yaml # turn of support for MS project build support (not needed) build: off # init cannot use any components from the repo, because it runs prior to # cloning it init: # remove windows 260-char limit on path names - cmd: powershell Set-Itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name LongPathsEnabled -value 1 # enable developer mode on windows # this should enable mklink without admin privileges, but it doesn't seem to work #- cmd: powershell tools\ci\appveyor_enable_windevmode.ps1 # enable RDP access on windows (RDP password is in appveyor project config) # this is relatively expensive (1-2min), but very convenient to jump into any build at any time - cmd: powershell.exe iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1')) install: # enable external SSH access to CI worker on all other systems # needs APPVEYOR_SSH_KEY defined in project settings (or environment) - sh: curl -sflL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-ssh.sh' | bash -e - # install stack (works on linux, OSX, and windows) - curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh # Building dependencies takes almost too long on windows, so build without # optimisation (including when building the dependencies) before_build: - sh: cp stack.yaml stack.yaml.build - ps: cp stack.yaml stack.yaml.build - sh: 'echo "apply-ghc-options: everything" >> stack.yaml.build' - ps: '"apply-ghc-options: everything" |Add-Content -Path .\stack.yaml.build' - stack --stack-yaml stack.yaml.build build --only-dependencies --ghc-options=-O0 build_script: - stack --stack-yaml stack.yaml.build build --copy-bins --ghc-options=-O0 #after_build: # #before_test: # # Cannot use stack run git-annex because it does not support --ghc-options # and would rebuild all deps. Instead, use the binary --copy-bins installed. test_script: - cmd: C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Roaming\local\bin\git-annex.exe test - sh: ln -s $(stack path --local-bin)/git-annex git-annex - sh: ln -s $(stack path --local-bin)/git-annex git-annex-shell - sh: PATH=`pwd`:$PATH; export PATH; git-annex test #after_test: # #on_success: # #on_failure: # on_finish: # conditionally block the exit of a CI run for direct debugging - sh: while [ -f ~/BLOCK ]; do sleep 5; done - cmd: powershell.exe while ((Test-Path "C:\Users\\appveyor\\BLOCK.txt")) { Start-Sleep 5 } # block exit until 60 minute timeout, for direct debugging #- sh: while true; do sleep 5; done #- cmd: powershell.exe while ($true) { Start-Sleep 5 }