{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2017 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Command.Multicast where import Command import Logs.Multicast import Annex.Multicast import Annex.WorkTree import Annex.Content import Annex.UUID import Annex.Perms import Utility.FileMode #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import Creds #endif import qualified Limit import Types.FileMatcher import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles import Utility.Hash import Utility.Tmp import Utility.Tmp.Dir import Utility.Process.Transcript import Config import Data.Char import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as B8 import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Concurrent.Async cmd :: Command cmd = command "multicast" SectionCommon "multicast file distribution" paramNothing (seek <$$> optParser) data MultiCastAction = GenAddress | Send | Receive deriving (Show) data MultiCastOptions = MultiCastOptions MultiCastAction [CommandParam] [FilePath] deriving (Show) optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser MultiCastOptions optParser _ = MultiCastOptions <$> (genaddressp <|> sendp <|> receivep) <*> many uftpopt <*> cmdParams paramPaths where genaddressp = flag' GenAddress ( long "gen-address" <> help "generate multicast encryption key and store address in git-annex branch" ) sendp = flag' Send ( long "send" <> help "multicast files" ) receivep = flag' Receive ( long "receive" <> help "listen for multicast files and store in repository" ) uftpopt = Param <$> strOption ( long "uftp-opt" <> short 'U' <> help "passed on to uftp/uftpd" <> metavar "OPTION" ) seek :: MultiCastOptions -> CommandSeek seek (MultiCastOptions GenAddress _ _) = commandAction genAddress seek (MultiCastOptions Send ups fs) = commandAction $ send ups fs seek (MultiCastOptions Receive ups []) = commandAction $ receive ups seek (MultiCastOptions Receive _ _) = giveup "Cannot specify list of files with --receive; this receives whatever files the sender chooses to send." genAddress :: CommandStart genAddress = do showStart' "gen-address" Nothing k <- uftpKey (s, ok) <- case k of KeyContainer s -> liftIO $ genkey (Param s) KeyFile f -> do createAnnexDirectory (takeDirectory f) liftIO $ nukeFile f liftIO $ protectedOutput $ genkey (File f) case (ok, parseFingerprint s) of (False, _) -> giveup $ "uftp_keymgt failed: " ++ s (_, Nothing) -> giveup $ "Failed to find fingerprint in uftp_keymgt output: " ++ s (True, Just fp) -> next $ next $ do recordFingerprint fp =<< getUUID return True where -- Annoyingly, the fingerprint is output to stderr. genkey p = processTranscript "uftp_keymgt" ps Nothing where ps = toCommand $ [ Param "-g" , keyparam , p ] -- uftp only supports rsa up to 2048 which is on the lower -- limit of secure RSA key sizes. Instead, use an EC curve. -- Except for on Windows XP, secp521r1 is supported on all -- platforms by uftp. DJB thinks it's pretty good compared -- with other NIST curves: "there's one standard NIST curve -- using a nice prime, namely 2521−1 but the sheer size of this -- prime makes it much slower than NIST P-256" -- (http://blog.cr.yp.to/20140323-ecdsa.html) -- Since this key is only used to set up the block encryption, -- its slow speed is ok. keyparam = Param "ec:secp521r1" parseFingerprint :: String -> Maybe Fingerprint parseFingerprint = Fingerprint <$$> lastMaybe . filter isfingerprint . words where isfingerprint s = let os = filter (all isHexDigit) (splitc ':' s) in length os == 20 send :: [CommandParam] -> [FilePath] -> CommandStart send ups fs = withTmpFile "send" $ \t h -> do -- Need to be able to send files with the names of git-annex -- keys, and uftp does not allow renaming the files that are sent. -- In a direct mode repository, the annex objects do not have -- the names of keys, and would have to be copied, which is too -- expensive. whenM isDirect $ giveup "Sorry, multicast send cannot be done from a direct mode repository." showStart' "generating file list" Nothing fs' <- seekHelper LsFiles.inRepo =<< workTreeItems fs matcher <- Limit.getMatcher let addlist f o = whenM (matcher $ MatchingFile $ FileInfo f f) $ liftIO $ hPutStrLn h o forM_ fs' $ \f -> do mk <- lookupFile f case mk of Nothing -> noop Just k -> withObjectLoc k (addlist f) (const noop) liftIO $ hClose h showEndOk showStart' "sending files" Nothing showOutput serverkey <- uftpKey u <- getUUID withAuthList $ \authlist -> do let ps = -- Force client authentication. [ Param "-c" , Param "-Y", Param "aes256-cbc" , Param "-h", Param "sha512" -- Picked ecdh_ecdsa for perfect forward secrecy, -- and because a EC key exchange algorithm is -- needed since all keys are EC. , Param "-e", Param "ecdh_ecdsa" , Param "-k", uftpKeyParam serverkey , Param "-U", Param (uftpUID u) -- only allow clients on the authlist , Param "-H", Param ("@"++authlist) -- pass in list of files to send , Param "-i", File t ] ++ ups liftIO (boolSystem "uftp" ps) >>= showEndResult stop receive :: [CommandParam] -> CommandStart receive ups = do showStart' "receiving multicast files" Nothing showNote "Will continue to run until stopped by ctrl-c" showOutput clientkey <- uftpKey u <- getUUID (callback, environ, statush) <- liftIO multicastCallbackEnv tmpobjdir <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpObjectDir createAnnexDirectory tmpobjdir withTmpDirIn tmpobjdir "multicast" $ \tmpdir -> withAuthList $ \authlist -> do abstmpdir <- liftIO $ absPath tmpdir abscallback <- liftIO $ searchPath callback let ps = -- Avoid it running as a daemon. [ Param "-d" -- Require encryption. , Param "-E" , Param "-k", uftpKeyParam clientkey , Param "-U", Param (uftpUID u) -- Only allow servers on the authlist , Param "-S", Param authlist -- Receive files into tmpdir -- (it needs an absolute path) , Param "-D", File abstmpdir -- Run callback after each file received -- (it needs an absolute path) , Param "-s", Param (fromMaybe callback abscallback) ] ++ ups runner <- liftIO $ async $ hClose statush `after` boolSystemEnv "uftpd" ps (Just environ) mapM_ storeReceived . lines =<< liftIO (hGetContents statush) showEndResult =<< liftIO (wait runner) stop storeReceived :: FilePath -> Annex () storeReceived f = do case deserializeKey (takeFileName f) of Nothing -> do warning $ "Received a file " ++ f ++ " that is not a git-annex key. Deleting this file." liftIO $ nukeFile f Just k -> void $ getViaTmpFromDisk RetrievalVerifiableKeysSecure AlwaysVerify k $ \dest -> unVerified $ liftIO $ catchBoolIO $ do rename f dest return True -- Under Windows, uftp uses key containers, which are not files on the -- filesystem. data UftpKey = KeyFile FilePath | KeyContainer String uftpKeyParam :: UftpKey -> CommandParam uftpKeyParam (KeyFile f) = File f uftpKeyParam (KeyContainer s) = Param s uftpKey :: Annex UftpKey #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS uftpKey = do u <- getUUID return $ KeyContainer $ "annex-" ++ fromUUID u #else uftpKey = KeyFile <$> credsFile "multicast" #endif -- uftp needs a unique UID for each client and server, which -- is a 8 digit hex number in the form "0xnnnnnnnn" -- Derive it from the UUID. uftpUID :: UUID -> String uftpUID u = "0x" ++ (take 8 $ show $ sha2_256 $ B8.fromString (fromUUID u)) withAuthList :: (FilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a withAuthList a = do m <- knownFingerPrints withTmpFile "authlist" $ \t h -> do liftIO $ hPutStr h (genAuthList m) liftIO $ hClose h a t genAuthList :: M.Map UUID Fingerprint -> String genAuthList = unlines . map fmt . M.toList where fmt (u, Fingerprint f) = uftpUID u ++ "|" ++ f