> And so we waited. Tick-tock, blink-blink, thirty seconds stretched > themselves out one by one, a hole in human experience. -- The Bug I *think* I've managed to fully track down the [[webapp_hang]]. It is, apparently, a bug in the Warp web server's code intended to protect against the [Slowloris](http://ha.ckers.org/slowloris/) attack. It assumes, incorrectly, that a web browser won't reuse a connection it's left idle for 30 seconds. Some bad error handling keeps a connection open with no thread to service it, leading to the hang. <https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/issues/146> Have put a 30 minute timeout into place as a workaround, and, unless a web browser sits on an idle connection for a full 30 minutes and then tries to reuse it, this should be sufficient. I was chasing that bug, quietly, for 6 months. Would see it now and then, but not be able to reproduce it or get anywhere with analysis. I had nearly given up. If you enjoy stories like that, read Ellen Ullman's excellent book The Bug. > To discover that between the blinks of the machine’s shuttered eye—going > on without pause or cease; simulated, imagined, but still not caught—was > life.