{- filenames (not paths) used in views - - Copyright 2014 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Annex.View.ViewedFile ( ViewedFile, MkViewedFile, viewedFileFromReference, viewedFileReuse, dirFromViewedFile, prop_viewedFile_roundtrips, ) where import Annex.Common import Utility.QuickCheck import qualified Data.ByteString as S type FileName = String type ViewedFile = FileName type MkViewedFile = FilePath -> ViewedFile {- Converts a filepath used in a reference branch to the - filename that will be used in the view. - - No two filepaths from the same branch should yield the same result, - so all directory structure needs to be included in the output filename - in some way. - - So, from dir/subdir/file.foo, generate file_%dir%subdir%.foo -} viewedFileFromReference :: MkViewedFile viewedFileFromReference f = concat $ [ escape (fromRawFilePath base) , if null dirs then "" else "_%" ++ intercalate "%" (map escape dirs) ++ "%" , escape $ fromRawFilePath $ S.concat extensions ] where (path, basefile) = splitFileName f dirs = filter (/= ".") $ map dropTrailingPathSeparator (splitPath path) (base, extensions) = splitShortExtensions (toRawFilePath basefile') {- On Windows, if the filename looked like "dir/c:foo" then - basefile would look like it contains a drive letter, which will - not work. There cannot really be a filename like that, probably, - but it prevents the test suite failing. -} (_basedrive, basefile') = splitDrive basefile {- To avoid collisions with filenames or directories that contain - '%', and to allow the original directories to be extracted - from the ViewedFile, '%' is escaped. ) -} escape :: String -> String escape = replace "%" (escchar:'%':[]) . replace [escchar] [escchar, escchar] escchar :: Char #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS escchar = '\\' #else -- \ is path separator on Windows, so instead use ! escchar = '!' #endif {- For use when operating already within a view, so whatever filepath - is present in the work tree is already a ViewedFile. -} viewedFileReuse :: MkViewedFile viewedFileReuse = takeFileName {- Extracts from a ViewedFile the directory where the file is located on - in the reference branch. -} dirFromViewedFile :: ViewedFile -> FilePath dirFromViewedFile = joinPath . drop 1 . sep [] "" where sep l _ [] = reverse l sep l curr (c:cs) | c == '%' = sep (reverse curr:l) "" cs | c == escchar = case cs of (c':cs') -> sep l (c':curr) cs' [] -> sep l curr cs | otherwise = sep l (c:curr) cs prop_viewedFile_roundtrips :: TestableFilePath -> Bool prop_viewedFile_roundtrips tf -- Relative filenames wanted, not directories. | any (isPathSeparator) (end f ++ beginning f) = True | isAbsolute f || isDrive f = True | otherwise = dir == dirFromViewedFile (viewedFileFromReference f) where f = fromTestableFilePath tf dir = joinPath $ beginning $ splitDirectories f