Hello, I would like to know if there is any way to specifically list the locked or unlocked annexed files in a git annex. I looked at the [[git-annex-lock]], [[git-annex-find]], and [[git-annex-matching-options]] pages and even the discussion about the [[tips/unlocked_files]] but I didn't find anything. I know it wouldn't make any sens for the older versions, but in the v6 mode, I think it might be useful to add such a shortcut search. I mean, we can already look for local content with: ```git annex find --in=here``` so why not create something like ```git annex find --locked/unlocked=yes/no``` ? Sure it is already more or less doable by looking at symlinks: [[!format sh """ #list all broken symlinks (locked absent files ?) find . -xtype l #list all symlinks (locked present files ?) find -L . -xtype l #list all files that aren't symlinks (unlocked files ?) find . -type -f """]] But it is also possible for any symlink or file not to be part of the annex. So, in order to find the locked/unlocked files, it would require to intersect the previous sets of files with the set of annexed ones. Am I missing any easy tip or command argument to do this ?