{- git-annex assistant webapp repository list - - Copyright 2012,2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, CPP #-} module Assistant.WebApp.RepoList where import Assistant.WebApp.Common import Assistant.DaemonStatus import Assistant.WebApp.Notifications import qualified Annex import qualified Remote import qualified Types.Remote as Remote import Remote.List (remoteListRefresh) import Annex.UUID (getUUID) import Logs.Remote import Logs.Trust import Logs.Group import Config import Git.Remote import Assistant.Sync import Config.Cost import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster import qualified Git import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Function import Control.Concurrent type RepoList = [(RepoDesc, RepoId, CurrentlyConnected, Actions)] type RepoDesc = String type CurrentlyConnected = Bool {- Actions that can be performed on a repo in the list. -} data Actions = DisabledRepoActions { setupRepoLink :: Route WebApp } | SyncingRepoActions { setupRepoLink :: Route WebApp , syncToggleLink :: Route WebApp } | NotSyncingRepoActions { setupRepoLink :: Route WebApp , syncToggleLink :: Route WebApp } | UnwantedRepoActions { setupRepoLink :: Route WebApp } mkSyncingRepoActions :: RepoId -> Actions mkSyncingRepoActions repoid = SyncingRepoActions { setupRepoLink = EditRepositoryR repoid , syncToggleLink = DisableSyncR repoid } mkNotSyncingRepoActions :: RepoId -> Actions mkNotSyncingRepoActions repoid = NotSyncingRepoActions { setupRepoLink = EditRepositoryR repoid , syncToggleLink = EnableSyncR repoid } mkUnwantedRepoActions :: RepoId -> Actions mkUnwantedRepoActions repoid = UnwantedRepoActions { setupRepoLink = EditRepositoryR repoid } needsEnabled :: Actions -> Bool needsEnabled (DisabledRepoActions _) = True needsEnabled _ = False notSyncing :: Actions -> Bool notSyncing (SyncingRepoActions _ _) = False notSyncing _ = True notWanted :: Actions -> Bool notWanted (UnwantedRepoActions _) = True notWanted _ = False {- Called by client to get a list of repos, that refreshes - when new repos are added. - - Returns a div, which will be inserted into the calling page. -} getRepoListR :: NotificationId -> RepoSelector -> Handler Html getRepoListR nid reposelector = do waitNotifier getRepoListBroadcaster nid p <- widgetToPageContent $ repoListDisplay reposelector withUrlRenderer $ [hamlet|^{pageBody p}|] mainRepoSelector :: RepoSelector mainRepoSelector = RepoSelector { onlyCloud = False , onlyConfigured = False , includeHere = True , nudgeAddMore = False } {- List of cloud repositories, configured and not. -} cloudRepoList :: Widget cloudRepoList = repoListDisplay RepoSelector { onlyCloud = True , onlyConfigured = False , includeHere = False , nudgeAddMore = False } repoListDisplay :: RepoSelector -> Widget repoListDisplay reposelector = do autoUpdate ident (NotifierRepoListR reposelector) (10 :: Int) (10 :: Int) addScript $ StaticR js_jquery_ui_core_js addScript $ StaticR js_jquery_ui_widget_js addScript $ StaticR js_jquery_ui_mouse_js addScript $ StaticR js_jquery_ui_sortable_js repolist <- liftH $ repoList reposelector let addmore = nudgeAddMore reposelector let nootherrepos = length repolist < 2 $(widgetFile "repolist") where ident = "repolist" {- A list of known repositories, with actions that can be taken on them. -} repoList :: RepoSelector -> Handler RepoList repoList reposelector | onlyConfigured reposelector = list =<< configured | otherwise = list =<< (++) <$> configured <*> unconfigured where configured = do syncremotes <- syncRemotes <$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus let syncing = S.fromList $ map mkRepoId syncremotes liftAnnex $ do unwanted <- S.fromList <$> filterM inUnwantedGroup (map Remote.uuid syncremotes) trustmap <- trustMap rs <- filter (\r -> M.lookup (Remote.uuid r) trustmap /= Just DeadTrusted) . filter selectedrepo . concat . Remote.byCost <$> Remote.remoteList let l = flip map (map mkRepoId rs) $ \r -> case r of (RepoUUID u) | u `S.member` unwanted -> (r, mkUnwantedRepoActions r) _ | r `S.member` syncing -> (r, mkSyncingRepoActions r) | otherwise -> (r, mkNotSyncingRepoActions r) if includeHere reposelector then do r <- RepoUUID <$> getUUID autocommit <- annexAutoCommit <$> Annex.getGitConfig let hereactions = if autocommit then mkSyncingRepoActions r else mkNotSyncingRepoActions r let here = (r, hereactions) return $ here : l else return l unconfigured = liftAnnex $ do m <- readRemoteLog g <- gitRepo map snd . catMaybes . filter selectedremote . map (findinfo m g) <$> trustExclude DeadTrusted (M.keys m) selectedrepo r | Remote.readonly r = False | onlyCloud reposelector = Git.repoIsUrl (Remote.repo r) && Remote.uuid r /= NoUUID && not (Remote.isXMPPRemote r) | otherwise = True selectedremote Nothing = False selectedremote (Just (iscloud, _)) | onlyCloud reposelector = iscloud | otherwise = True findinfo m g u = case getconfig "type" of Just "rsync" -> val True EnableRsyncR Just "directory" -> val False EnableDirectoryR #ifdef WITH_S3 Just "S3" -> val True EnableS3R #endif Just "glacier" -> val True EnableGlacierR #ifdef WITH_WEBDAV Just "webdav" -> val True EnableWebDAVR #endif Just "gcrypt" -> -- Skip gcrypt repos on removable drives; -- handled separately. case getconfig "gitrepo" of Just rr | remoteLocationIsUrl (parseRemoteLocation rr g) -> val True EnableSshGCryptR _ -> Nothing Just "git" -> case getconfig "location" of Just loc | remoteLocationIsSshUrl (parseRemoteLocation loc g) -> val True EnableSshGitRemoteR _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing where getconfig k = M.lookup k =<< M.lookup u m val iscloud r = Just (iscloud, (RepoUUID u, DisabledRepoActions $ r u)) list l = do cc <- currentlyConnectedRemotes <$> liftAssistant getDaemonStatus forM (nubBy ((==) `on` fst) l) $ \(repoid, actions) -> (,,,) <$> liftAnnex (describeRepoId repoid) <*> pure repoid <*> pure (getCurrentlyConnected repoid cc) <*> pure actions getCurrentlyConnected :: RepoId -> S.Set UUID -> CurrentlyConnected getCurrentlyConnected (RepoUUID u) cc = S.member u cc getCurrentlyConnected _ _ = False getEnableSyncR :: RepoId -> Handler () getEnableSyncR = flipSync True getDisableSyncR :: RepoId -> Handler () getDisableSyncR = flipSync False flipSync :: Bool -> RepoId -> Handler () flipSync enable repoid = do mremote <- liftAnnex $ repoIdRemote repoid liftAssistant $ changeSyncable mremote enable redirectBack getRepositoriesReorderR :: Handler () getRepositoriesReorderR = do {- Get uuid of the moved item, and the list it was moved within. -} moved <- fromjs <$> runInputGet (ireq textField "moved") list <- map fromjs <$> lookupGetParams "list[]" liftAnnex $ go list =<< repoIdRemote moved liftAssistant updateSyncRemotes where go _ Nothing = noop go list (Just remote) = do rs <- catMaybes <$> mapM repoIdRemote list forM_ (reorderCosts remote rs) $ \(r, newcost) -> when (Remote.cost r /= newcost) $ setRemoteCost (Remote.repo r) newcost void remoteListRefresh fromjs = fromMaybe (RepoUUID NoUUID) . readish . T.unpack reorderCosts :: Remote -> [Remote] -> [(Remote, Cost)] reorderCosts remote rs = zip rs'' (insertCostAfter costs i) where {- Find the index of the remote in the list that the remote - was moved to be after. - If it was moved to the start of the list, -1 -} i = fromMaybe 0 (elemIndex remote rs) - 1 rs' = filter (\r -> Remote.uuid r /= Remote.uuid remote) rs costs = map Remote.cost rs' rs'' = (\(x, y) -> x ++ [remote] ++ y) $ splitAt (i + 1) rs' getSyncNowRepositoryR :: UUID -> Handler () getSyncNowRepositoryR uuid = do u <- liftAnnex getUUID if u == uuid then do thread <- liftAssistant $ asIO $ reconnectRemotes True =<< (syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus) void $ liftIO $ forkIO thread else maybe noop (liftAssistant . syncRemote) =<< liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid) redirectBack