[[!comment format=mdwn
 subject="comment 1"
To give a specific example of what I want to do:

I have a bunch of repos

* A, Machine1 -- anchor repository and sometimes used to add new content
* B, Machine2 -- anchor repository, offsite
* C, External1 -- anchor repository, stored off-site
* D, Laptop -- transient repo to carry data around and to add new content
* E, USB1 -- transient, travel backups
* F, USB2 -- transient, travel backups

A-C should get _all_ data. A-F trust A-C to always retain all data, online checks for availability are not needed because A-C run frequent fsck. Ideally, `git annex drop` should be no-op in A-C.

D-F should retain data as long as it's not been saved in _all_ of A-C. As soon as A-C have copies, `git annex drop` in D-F should drop that content; before that, they _must not_ drop said content.
