On Windows, isExecutable fails to detect a file that is indeed executable
as such. This prevents git-annex from running the pre-commit-hook
on Windows.

getFileStatus yields a fileMode of 100666, which is 
clearly a dummy mode. Not surprising, since unix-compat is partial stubs
on windows.

Actually, isExecutable is ok (it needs to check unix modes because it is
used on file modes coming out of git). But, getFileStatus is the wrong
thing to be using on Windows to check if a hook exists and is executable.

I don't see anything in Win32 or Win32-extras on hackage that can check 
executablility. Looking at git's source, it uses `access(path, X_OK) < 0`;
haskell equivilant is System.Posix.Files.fileAccess, but the version
in unix-compat has the same problem as checking getFileStatus's fileMode.

I think it's reasonable to assume that if a hook exists on windows, it's
intended to be executable, and try to run it. Actually, testing with
msysgit, it runs hooks whether or not they have the execute bit set!
So, done that now.

However, now git-annex tries to run the hook but fails when it's a shell 
script because #!/bin/sh is useless on windows. It looks to me like msysgit
runs "sh hook" to work around that, and it is in fact parsing the shebang
line and dispatching the interpreter. Ugh. (Also, pre-commit.bat doesn't
get run.) Ok, added this same hack to git-annex. [[done]] --[[Joey]]