assistant: Fix bug in direct mode that could occur when a symlink is moved
out of an archive directory, and resulted in the file not being set to
direct mode when it was transferred.
The bug was that the direct mode mapping was not up-to-date when the
transferrer finished. So, finding no direct mode place to store the object,
it was put into .git/annex in indirect mode.
To fix this, just make the watcher update the direct mode mapping to
include the new file before it starts the transfer. (Seems we don't need to
update it to remove the old file if the link was moved, because the direct
mode code will notice it's not present and the mapping gets updated for its
removal later.)
The reason this was a race, and was probably not seen often is because
the committer came along and updated the direct mode mapping as part of
adding the moved symlink. But when the file was sufficiently small or
the remote sufficiently fast, this could happen after the transfer
Looking through the git sources (documentation is unclear),
it seems commit doesn't ever trigger git-gc, mostly fetching and merging
seems to. I cannot easily override the setting in all those places, so
instead set in git config when initializing a repository with
the assistant.
This does mean that the user cannot set and completely avoid
repacks, as the assistant does it daily. But, it only does it after there
are 100x the default number of loose objects, so this is probably not going
to be too annoying.
Pass subcommand as a regular param, which allows passing git parameters
like -c before it. This was already done in the pipeing set of functions,
but not the command running set.
A transfer is queued, but if the file has already been transferred to the
remote before, the transfer is skipped. In this case, it needs to perform
any actions it would normally take after finishing the transfer, like
dropping the local object.
This cannot completely guard against a runaway log event, and only runs
every hour anyway, but it should avoid most problems with very
long-running, active assistants using up too much space.
The transfer queue can grow larger than 10 when queueing transfers for
files that were just received, as well as requeueing failed transfers.
I probably need to do some work to prevent that, as it could use a lot of
RAM. But for now, cap the number of displayed transfers in the webapp, to
avoid flooding the browser.
The only thing lost is ./ghci
Speed: make fast used to take 20 seconds here, when rebuilding from
touching Command/Unused.hs. With cabal, it's 29 seconds.
Refactored annex link code into nice clean new library.
Audited and dealt with calls to createSymbolicLink.
Remaining calls are all safe, because:
Annex/Link.hs: ( liftIO $ createSymbolicLink linktarget file
only when core.symlinks=true
Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs: createSymbolicLink link link
test if symlinks can be made
Command/Fix.hs: liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
command only works in indirect mode
Command/FromKey.hs: liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
command only works in indirect mode
Command/Indirect.hs: liftIO $ createSymbolicLink l f
refuses to run if core.symlinks=false
Init.hs: createSymbolicLink f f2
test if symlinks can be made
Remote/Directory.hs: go [file] = catchBoolIO $ createSymbolicLink file f >> return True
fast key linking; catches failure to make symlink and falls back to copy
Remote/Git.hs: liftIO $ catchBoolIO $ createSymbolicLink loc file >> return True
Upgrade/V1.hs: liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link f
v1 repos could not be on a filesystem w/o symlinks
Audited and dealt with calls to readSymbolicLink.
Remaining calls are all safe, because:
Annex/Link.hs: ( liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ readSymbolicLink file
only when core.symlinks=true
Assistant/Threads/Watcher.hs: ifM ((==) (Just link) <$> liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ readSymbolicLink file))
code that fixes real symlinks when inotify sees them
It's ok to not fix psdueo-symlinks.
Assistant/Threads/Watcher.hs: mlink <- liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ readSymbolicLink file)
Command/Fix.hs: stopUnless ((/=) (Just link) <$> liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ readSymbolicLink file)) $ do
command only works in indirect mode
Upgrade/V1.hs: getsymlink = takeFileName <$> readSymbolicLink file
v1 repos could not be on a filesystem w/o symlinks
Audited and dealt with calls to isSymbolicLink.
(Typically used with getSymbolicLinkStatus, but that is just used because
getFileStatus is not as robust; it also works on pseudolinks.)
Remaining calls are all safe, because:
Assistant/Threads/SanityChecker.hs: | isSymbolicLink s -> addsymlink file ms
only handles staging of symlinks that were somehow not staged
(might need to be updated to support pseudolinks, but this is
only a belt-and-suspenders check anyway, and I've never seen the code run)
Command/Add.hs: if isSymbolicLink s || not (isRegularFile s)
avoids adding symlinks to the annex, so not relevant
Command/Indirect.hs: | isSymbolicLink s -> void $ flip whenAnnexed f $
only allowed on systems that support symlinks
Command/Indirect.hs: whenM (liftIO $ not . isSymbolicLink <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus f) $ do
Seek.hs:notSymlink f = liftIO $ not . isSymbolicLink <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus f
used to find unlocked files, only relevant in indirect mode
Utility/FSEvents.hs: | Files.isSymbolicLink s = runhook addSymlinkHook $ Just s
Utility/FSEvents.hs: | Files.isSymbolicLink s ->
Utility/INotify.hs: | Files.isSymbolicLink s ->
Utility/INotify.hs: checkfiletype Files.isSymbolicLink addSymlinkHook f
Utility/Kqueue.hs: | Files.isSymbolicLink s = callhook addSymlinkHook (Just s) change
all above are lower-level, not relevant
Audited and dealt with calls to isSymLink.
Remaining calls are all safe, because:
Annex/Direct.hs: | isSymLink (getmode item) =
This is looking at git diff-tree objects, not files on disk
Command/Unused.hs: | isSymLink (LsTree.mode l) = do
This is looking at git ls-tree, not file on disk
Utility/FileMode.hs:isSymLink :: FileMode -> Bool
Utility/FileMode.hs:isSymLink = checkMode symbolicLinkMode
git annex init probes for crippled filesystems, and sets direct mode, as
well as `annex.crippledfilesystem`.
Avoid manipulating permissions of files on crippled filesystems.
That would likely cause an exception to be thrown.
Very basic support in Command.Add for cripped filesystems; avoids the lock
down entirely since doing it needs both permissions and hard links.
Will make this better soon.
This is so gratutious and pointless. It's a shame that everything we
learned about Unix portability and the importance of standards has been
thrown out the window by these guys.
Various things that don't work on Android are just ifdefed out.
* the webapp (needs template haskell for arm)
* --include and --exclude globbing (needs libpcre, which is not ported;
probably I'll make it use the pure haskell glob library instead)
* annex.diskreserve checking (missing sys/statvfs.h)
* timestamp preservation support (yawn)
* S3
* WebDAV
The resulting 17mb binary has been tested on Android, and it is able to,
at least, print its usage message.
Making the pre-commit hook look at git diff-index to find changed direct
mode files and update the mappings works pretty well.
One case where it does not work is when a file is git annex added, and then
git rmed, and then this is committed. That's a no-op commit, so the hook
probably doesn't even run, and it certianly never notices that the file
was deleted, so the mapping will still have the original filename in it.
For this and other reasons, it's important that the mappings still be
treated as possibly inconsistent.
Also, the assistant now allows the pre-commit hook to run when in direct
mode, so the mappings also get updated there.
New setting, can be used to disable autocommit of changed files by the
assistant, while it still does data syncing and other tasks.
Also wired into webapp UI
It used to not log to daemon.log when a repository was first created, and
when starting the webapp. Now both do. Redirecting stdout and stderr to the
log is tricky when starting the webapp, because the web browser may want to
communicate with the user. (Either a console web browser, or web.browser = echo)
This is handled by restoring the original fds when running the browser.