VURL is now fully working, though needs more testing.
Still need to implement verifyKeyContentIncrementally but it works
without it.
Sponsored-by: Luke T. Shumaker on Patreon
Considerable difficulty to work around an import cycle. Had to move the
list of backends (except for VURL) to Backend.Variety to VURL could use
Sponsored-by: Kevin Mueller on Patreon
When downloading a VURL from the web, make sure that the equivilant key
log is populated.
Unfortunately, this does not hash the content while it's being
downloaded from the web. There is not an interface in Backend currently
for incrementally hash generation, only for incremental verification of an
existing hash. So this might add a noticiable delay, and it has to show
a "(checksum...") message. This could stand to be improved.
But, that separate hashing step only has to happen on the first download
of new content from the web. Once the hash is known, the VURL key can have
its hash verified incrementally while downloading except when the
content in the web has changed. (Doesn't happen yet because
verifyKeyContentIncrementally is not implemented yet for VURL keys.)
Note that the equivilant key log file is formatted as a presence log.
This adds a tiny bit of overhead (eg "1 ") per line over just listing the
urls. The reason I chose to use that format is it seems possible that
there will need to be a way to remove an equivilant key at some point in
the future. I don't know why that would be necessary, but it seemed wise
to allow for the possibility.
Downloads of VURL keys from other special remotes that claim urls,
like bittorrent for example, does not popilate the equivilant key log.
So for now, no checksum verification will be done for those.
Sponsored-by: Nicholas Golder-Manning on Patreon
Not yet implemented is recording hashes on download from web and
verifying hashes.
addurl --verifiable option added with -V short option because I
expect a lot of people will want to use this.
It seems likely that --verifiable will become the default eventually,
and possibly rather soon. While old git-annex versions don't support
VURL, that doesn't prevent using them with keys that use VURL. Of
course, they won't verify the content on transfer, and fsck will warn
that it doesn't know about VURL. So there's not much problem with
starting to use VURL even when interoperating with old versions.
Sponsored-by: Joshua Antonishen on Patreon
Except when a commit is made in a view, which changes metadata.
Make the assistant commit the git-annex branch after git commit of working
tree changes.
This allows using the annex.commitmessage-command in the assistant to
generate a commit message for the git-annex branch that relies on state
gathered during the commit of the working tree. Eg, it might reuse the
commit message.
Note that, when not using the assistant, a git-annex add still commits
the git-annex branch, so such a annex.commitmessage-command set up would
not work then. But if someone is using the assistant and wants
programmatic control over commit messages, this is useful. Someone not
using the assistant can get the same result by using annex.alwayscommit=false
during the git-annex add, and git-annex merge after they git commit.
pre-commit was never really intended to commit the git-annex branch
(except after recording changed metadata), but the assistant did sort of
rely on it. It does later commit the git-annex branch before pushing to
remotes, but I didn't want to risk building up lots of uncommitted changes
to it if that didn't happen frequently.
Sponsored-by: the NIH-funded NICEMAN (ReproNim TR&D3) project