converted ContentLocation, ExampleKey, LookupKey
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 58 additions and 48 deletions
@ -10,29 +10,42 @@ module CmdLine.Batch where
import Common.Annex
import Command
batchOption :: Option
batchOption = flagOption [] "batch" "enable batch mode"
data BatchMode = Batch | NoBatch
batchOption :: Parser BatchMode
batchOption = flag NoBatch Batch
( long "batch"
<> help "enable batch mode"
type Batchable t = BatchMode -> t -> CommandStart
-- A Batchable command can run in batch mode, or not.
-- In batch mode, one line at a time is read, parsed, and a reply output to
-- stdout. In non batch mode, the command's parameters are parsed and
-- a reply output for each.
batchable :: ((t -> CommandStart) -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek) -> Batchable t -> CmdParams -> CommandSeek
batchable seeker starter params = ifM (getOptionFlag batchOption)
( batchloop
, seeker (starter NoBatch) params
batchable :: (opts -> String -> Annex Bool) -> Parser opts -> CmdParamsDesc -> CommandParser
batchable handler parser paramdesc = batchseeker <$> batchparser
batchloop = do
batchparser = (,,)
<$> parser
<*> batchOption
<*> cmdParams paramdesc
batchseeker (opts, NoBatch, params) = mapM_ (go NoBatch opts) params
batchseeker (opts, Batch, _) = batchloop opts
batchloop opts = do
mp <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO getLine
case mp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just p -> do
seeker (starter Batch) [p]
go Batch opts p
batchloop opts
go batchmode opts p =
unlessM (handler opts p) $
batchBadInput batchmode
-- bad input is indicated by an empty line in batch mode. In non batch
-- mode, exit on bad input.
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ import qualified Command.Move
import qualified Command.Copy
import qualified Command.Get
import qualified Command.Fsck
--import qualified Command.LookupKey
--import qualified Command.ContentLocation
--import qualified Command.ExamineKey
import qualified Command.LookupKey
import qualified Command.ContentLocation
import qualified Command.ExamineKey
import qualified Command.FromKey
import qualified Command.RegisterUrl
import qualified Command.SetKey
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ cmds =
, Command.Schedule.cmd
, Command.Ungroup.cmd
, Command.Vicfg.cmd
-- , Command.LookupKey.cmd
-- , Command.ContentLocation.cmd
-- , Command.ExamineKey.cmd
, Command.LookupKey.cmd
, Command.ContentLocation.cmd
, Command.ExamineKey.cmd
, Command.FromKey.cmd
, Command.RegisterUrl.cmd
, Command.SetKey.cmd
@ -11,21 +11,20 @@ import Common.Annex
import Command
import CmdLine.Batch
import Annex.Content
import Types.Key
cmd :: Command
cmd = withOptions [batchOption] $ noCommit $ noMessages $
cmd = noCommit $ noMessages $
command "contentlocation" SectionPlumbing
"looks up content for a key"
(paramRepeating paramKey) (withParams seek)
(paramRepeating paramKey)
(batchable run (pure ()))
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek = batchable withKeys start
start :: Batchable Key
start batchmode k = do
maybe (batchBadInput batchmode) (liftIO . putStrLn)
run :: () -> String -> Annex Bool
run _ p = do
let k = fromMaybe (error "bad key") $ file2key p
maybe (return False) (\f -> liftIO (putStrLn f) >> return True)
=<< inAnnex' (pure True) Nothing check k
check f = ifM (liftIO (doesFileExist f))
( return (Just f)
@ -11,21 +11,18 @@ import Common.Annex
import Command
import CmdLine.Batch
import qualified Utility.Format
import Command.Find (FindOptions(..), showFormatted, keyVars)
import Command.Find (parseFormatOption, showFormatted, keyVars)
import Types.Key
cmd :: Command
cmd = noCommit $ noMessages $ withOptions [formatOption, jsonOption, batchOption] $
cmd = noCommit $ noMessages $ withGlobalOptions [jsonOption] $
command "examinekey" SectionPlumbing
"prints information from a key"
(paramRepeating paramKey) (withParams seek)
(paramRepeating paramKey)
(batchable run (optional parseFormatOption))
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek ps = do
format <- getFormat
batchable withKeys (start format) ps
start :: Maybe Utility.Format.Format -> Batchable Key
start format _ key = do
showFormatted format (key2file key) (keyVars key)
run :: Maybe Utility.Format.Format -> String -> Annex Bool
run format p = do
let k = fromMaybe (error "bad key") $ file2key p
showFormatted format (key2file k) (keyVars k)
return True
@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ import Annex.CatFile
import Types.Key
cmd :: Command
cmd = withOptions [batchOption] $ notBareRepo $ noCommit $ noMessages $
cmd = notBareRepo $ noCommit $ noMessages $
command "lookupkey" SectionPlumbing
"looks up key used for file"
(paramRepeating paramFile) (withParams seek)
(paramRepeating paramFile)
(batchable run (pure ()))
seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek
seek = batchable withStrings start
start :: Batchable String
start batchmode file = do
maybe (batchBadInput batchmode) (liftIO . putStrLn . key2file)
=<< catKeyFile file
run :: () -> String -> Annex Bool
run _ file = do
mk <- catKeyFile file
case mk of
Just k -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ key2file k
return True
Nothing -> return False
Reference in a new issue