untested transition detection on merging, and transition running code
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 142 additions and 23 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- management of the git-annex branch
- Copyright 2011-2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Copyright 2011-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
@ -22,9 +22,12 @@ module Annex.Branch (
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Common.Annex
import Annex.BranchState
@ -32,6 +35,7 @@ import Annex.Journal
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Git.Sha
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Git.UnionMerge
import qualified Git.UpdateIndex
@ -42,6 +46,8 @@ import Annex.CatFile
import Annex.Perms
import qualified Annex
import Utility.Env
import Logs.Transitions
import Annex.ReplaceFile
{- Name of the branch that is used to store git-annex's information. -}
name :: Git.Ref
@ -110,6 +116,9 @@ forceUpdate = updateTo =<< siblingBranches
- later get staged, and might overwrite changes made during the merge.
- This is only done if some of the Refs do need to be merged.
- Also handles performing any Transitions that have not yet been
- performed, in either the local branch, or the Refs.
- Returns True if any refs were merged in, False otherwise.
updateTo :: [(Git.Ref, Git.Branch)] -> Annex Bool
@ -117,7 +126,8 @@ updateTo pairs = do
-- ensure branch exists, and get its current ref
branchref <- getBranch
dirty <- journalDirty
(refs, branches) <- unzip <$> filterM isnewer pairs
ignoredrefs <- getIgnoredRefs
(refs, branches) <- unzip <$> filterM (isnewer ignoredrefs) pairs
if null refs
{- Even when no refs need to be merged, the index
- may still be updated if the branch has gotten ahead
@ -132,7 +142,9 @@ updateTo pairs = do
else lockJournal $ go branchref dirty refs branches
return $ not $ null refs
isnewer (r, _) = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed fullname r
isnewer ignoredrefs (r, _)
| S.member r ignoredrefs = return False
| otherwise = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed fullname r
go branchref dirty refs branches = withIndex $ do
cleanjournal <- if dirty then stageJournal else return noop
let merge_desc = if null branches
@ -140,16 +152,23 @@ updateTo pairs = do
else "merging " ++
unwords (map Git.Ref.describe branches) ++
" into " ++ show name
localtransitions <- parseTransitionsStrictly "local"
<$> getStale transitionsLog
unless (null branches) $ do
showSideAction merge_desc
mergeIndex refs
ff <- if dirty
then return False
else inRepo $ Git.Branch.fastForward fullname refs
if ff
then updateIndex branchref
else commitBranch branchref merge_desc
(nub $ fullname:refs)
let commitrefs = nub $ fullname:refs
transitioned <- handleTransitions localtransitions commitrefs
case transitioned of
Nothing -> do
ff <- if dirty
then return False
else inRepo $ Git.Branch.fastForward fullname refs
if ff
then updateIndex branchref
else commitBranch branchref merge_desc commitrefs
Just (branchref', commitrefs') ->
commitBranch branchref' merge_desc commitrefs'
liftIO cleanjournal
{- Gets the content of a file, which may be in the journal, or in the index
@ -361,3 +380,76 @@ stageJournal = withIndex $ do
sha <- hashFile h path
streamer $ Git.UpdateIndex.updateIndexLine
sha FileBlob (asTopFilePath $ fileJournal file)
{- This is run after the refs have been merged into the index,
- but before the result is committed to the branch.
- Which is why it's passed the contents of the local branches's
- transition log before that merge took place.
- When the refs contain transitions that have not yet been done locally,
- the transitions are performed on the index, and a new branch
- is created from the result, and returned.
- When there are transitions recorded locally that have not been done
- to the remote refs, the transitions are performed in the index,
- and the existing branch is returned. In this case, the untransitioned
- remote refs cannot be merged into the branch (since transitions
- throw away history), so none of them are included in the returned
- list of refs, and they are added to the list of refs to ignore,
- to avoid re-merging content from them again.
handleTransitions :: Transitions -> [Git.Ref] -> Annex (Maybe (Git.Branch, [Git.Ref]))
handleTransitions localts refs = do
m <- M.fromList <$> mapM getreftransition refs
let remotets = M.elems m
if all (localts ==) remotets
then return Nothing
else do
let allts = combineTransitions (localts:remotets)
let (transitionedrefs, untransitionedrefs) =
partition (\r -> M.lookup r m == Just allts) refs
transitionedbranch <- performTransitions allts (localts /= allts)
ignoreRefs untransitionedrefs
return $ Just (transitionedbranch, transitionedrefs)
getreftransition ref = do
ts <- parseTransitionsStrictly "remote" . L.unpack
<$> catFile ref transitionsLog
return (ref, ts)
ignoreRefs :: [Git.Ref] -> Annex ()
ignoreRefs rs = do
old <- getIgnoredRefs
let s = S.unions [old, S.fromList rs]
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexIgnoredRefs
replaceFile f $ \tmp -> liftIO $ writeFile tmp $
unlines $ map show $ S.elems s
getIgnoredRefs :: Annex (S.Set Git.Ref)
getIgnoredRefs = S.fromList . mapMaybe Git.Sha.extractSha . lines <$> content
content = do
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexIgnoredRefs
liftIO $ catchDefaultIO "" $ readFile f
{- Performs the specified transitions on the contents of the index file,
- commits it to the branch, or creates a new branch, and returns
- the branch's ref. -}
performTransitions :: Transitions -> Bool -> Annex Git.Ref
performTransitions ts neednewbranch = withIndex $ do
when (inTransitions ForgetDeadRemotes ts) $
error "TODO ForgetDeadRemotes transition"
if neednewbranch
then do
committedref <- inRepo $ Git.Branch.commit message fullname []
setIndexSha committedref
return committedref
else do
ref <- getBranch
commitBranch ref message [fullname]
| neednewbranch = "new branch for transition " ++ tdesc
| otherwise = "continuing transition " ++ tdesc
tdesc = show $ map describeTransition $ transitionList ts
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module Locations (
@ -225,6 +226,10 @@ gitAnnexIndex r = gitAnnexDir r </> "index"
gitAnnexIndexLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexIndexLock r = gitAnnexDir r </> "index.lck"
{- List of refs that should not be merged into the git-annex branch. -}
gitAnnexIgnoredRefs :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexIgnoredRefs r = gitAnnexDir r </> "ignoredrefs"
{- Pid file for daemon mode. -}
gitAnnexPidFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexPidFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "daemon.pid"
@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ data TransitionLine = TransitionLine
type Transitions = S.Set TransitionLine
describeTransition :: Transition -> String
describeTransition ForgetGitHistory = "forget git history"
describeTransition ForgetDeadRemotes = "forget dead remotes"
addTransition :: POSIXTime -> Transition -> Transitions -> Transitions
addTransition ts t = S.insert $ TransitionLine ts t
@ -60,6 +64,11 @@ parseTransitions = check . map parseTransitionLine . lines
| all isJust l = Just $ S.fromList $ catMaybes l
| otherwise = Nothing
parseTransitionsStrictly :: String -> String -> Transitions
parseTransitionsStrictly source = fromMaybe badsource . parseTransitions
badsource = error $ "unknown transitions listed in " ++ source ++ "; upgrade git-annex!"
showTransitionLine :: TransitionLine -> String
showTransitionLine (TransitionLine ts t) = unwords [show t, show ts]
@ -71,17 +80,14 @@ parseTransitionLine s = TransitionLine <$> pdate ds <*> readish ts
ds = unwords $ Prelude.tail ws
pdate = parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" >=*> utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
{- Compares two sets of transitions, and returns a list of any transitions
- from the second set that have not yet been perfomed in the first,
- and a list of any transitions from the first set that have not yet been
- performed in the second. -}
diffTransitions :: Transitions -> Transitions -> ([Transition], [Transition])
diffTransitions a b = (b `diff` a, a `diff` b)
diff x y = map transition $ S.elems $ S.difference x y
combineTransitions :: [Transitions] -> Transitions
combineTransitions = S.unions
sameTransitions :: Transitions -> Transitions -> Bool
sameTransitions a b = let (x, y) = diffTransitions a b in null x && null y
inTransitions :: Transition -> Transitions -> Bool
inTransitions t = not . S.null . S.filter (\l -> transition l == t)
transitionList :: Transitions -> [Transition]
transitionList = map transition . S.elems
{- Typically ran with Annex.Branch.change, but we can't import Annex.Branch
- here since it depends on this module. -}
@ -89,6 +95,4 @@ recordTransition :: (FilePath -> (String -> String) -> Annex ()) -> Transition -
recordTransition changer o = do
t <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
changer transitionsLog $
showTransitions . addTransition t o . fromMaybe badlog . parseTransitions
badlog = error $ "unknown transitions exist in " ++ transitionsLog
showTransitions . addTransition t o . parseTransitionsStrictly "local"
@ -479,6 +479,24 @@ subdirectories).
Upgrades the repository to current layout.
* forget
Causes the git-annex branch to be rewritten, throwing away historical
data about past locations of files, files that are no longer present on
any remote, etc. The resulting branch will use less space, but for
example `git annex log` will not be able to show where files used to
be located.
To also prune references to remotes that have been marked as dead,
specify --forget-dead.
When this rewritten branch is merged into other clones of
the repository, git-annex will automatically perform the same rewriting
to their local git-annex branch. So the forgetfulness will automatically
propigate out from its starting point until all repositories running
git-annex have forgotten their old history. (You may need to force
git to push the branch to any git repositories not running git-annex.
* version
Add table
Reference in a new issue