They are handled close the same as they are by git. However, unlike git,
git-annex sometimes needs to pass the -n parameter when using these.

So, this has the potential for breaking some setup, and perhaps there ought
to be a ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH=1 needed to use these. But I'd rather avoid that
if possible, so let's see if anyone complains.

Almost all places where "ssh" was run have been changed to support the env
vars. Anything still calling sshOptions does not support them. In
particular, rsync special remotes don't. Seems that annex-rsync-transport
already gives sufficient control there.

(Fixed in passing: Remote.Helper.Ssh.toRepo used to extract
remoteAnnexSshOptions and pass them to sshOptions, which was redundant
since sshOptions also extracts those.)

This commit was sponsored by Jeff Goeke-Smith on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2017-03-17 16:02:47 -04:00
parent 8cd473c716
commit faecd73f32
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: C910D9222512E3C7
11 changed files with 175 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
module Annex.Ssh (
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ import Utility.Env
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Types.CleanupActions
import Git.Env
import Git.Ssh
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import Annex.Perms
import Annex.LockPool
@ -47,8 +50,22 @@ import Annex.LockPool
- not be allowed to consume the process's stdin. -}
data ConsumeStdin = ConsumeStdin | NoConsumeStdin
{- Generates a command to ssh to a given host (or user@host) on a given
- port. This includes connection caching parameters, and any ssh-options.
- If GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND is set, they are used instead. -}
sshCommand :: ConsumeStdin -> (SshHost, Maybe SshPort) -> RemoteGitConfig -> SshCommand -> Annex (FilePath, [CommandParam])
sshCommand cs (host, port) gc remotecmd =
go =<< liftIO (gitSsh host port remotecmd)
go (Just (c, ps)) = return (c, consumeStdinParams cs ++ ps)
go Nothing = do
ps <- sshOptions cs (host, port) gc []
return ("ssh", Param host:ps++[Param remotecmd])
{- Generates parameters to ssh to a given host (or user@host) on a given
- port. This includes connection caching parameters, and any ssh-options. -}
- port. This includes connection caching parameters, and any
- ssh-options. Note that the host to ssh to and the command to run
- are not included in the returned options. -}
sshOptions :: ConsumeStdin -> (String, Maybe Integer) -> RemoteGitConfig -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
sshOptions cs (host, port) gc opts = go =<< sshCachingInfo (host, port)
@ -61,12 +78,14 @@ sshOptions cs (host, port) gc opts = go =<< sshCachingInfo (host, port)
, map Param (remoteAnnexSshOptions gc)
, opts
, portParams port
, case cs of
ConsumeStdin -> []
NoConsumeStdin -> [Param "-n"]
, consumeStdinParams cs
, [Param "-T"]
consumeStdinParams :: ConsumeStdin -> [CommandParam]
consumeStdinParams ConsumeStdin = []
consumeStdinParams NoConsumeStdin = [Param "-n"]
{- Returns a filename to use for a ssh connection caching socket, and
- parameters to enable ssh connection caching. -}
sshCachingInfo :: (String, Maybe Integer) -> Annex (Maybe FilePath, [CommandParam])
@ -285,19 +304,24 @@ inRepoWithSshOptionsTo remote gc a =
{- To make any git commands be run with ssh caching enabled,
- and configured ssh-options alters the local Git.Repo's gitEnv
- to set GIT_SSH=git-annex, and set sshOptionsEnv when running git
- commands. -}
- commands.
- If GIT_SSH or GIT_SSH_COMMAND are set, this has no effect. -}
sshOptionsTo :: Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> Git.Repo -> Annex Git.Repo
sshOptionsTo remote gc localr
| not (Git.repoIsUrl remote) || Git.repoIsHttp remote = unchanged
| otherwise = case Git.Url.hostuser remote of
Nothing -> unchanged
Just host -> do
(msockfile, _) <- sshCachingInfo (host, Git.Url.port remote)
case msockfile of
Nothing -> use []
Just sockfile -> do
prepSocket sockfile
use (sshConnectionCachingParams sockfile)
Just host -> ifM (liftIO gitSshEnvSet)
( unchanged
, do
(msockfile, _) <- sshCachingInfo (host, Git.Url.port remote)
case msockfile of
Nothing -> use []
Just sockfile -> do
prepSocket sockfile
use (sshConnectionCachingParams sockfile)
unchanged = return localr
@ -313,7 +337,7 @@ sshOptionsTo remote gc localr
liftIO $ do
localr' <- addGitEnv localr sshOptionsEnv
(toSshOptionsEnv sshopts)
addGitEnv localr' "GIT_SSH" command
addGitEnv localr' gitSshEnv command
runSshOptions :: [String] -> String -> IO ()
runSshOptions args s = do

View file

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ git-annex (6.20170301.2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
where "merging" messages were included in the output of configlist
(and perhaps other commands) and caused a "Failed to get annex.uuid
configuration" error.
* Support GIT_SSH and GIT_SSH_COMMAND, which are handled close the same
as they are by git. However, unlike git, git-annex sometimes needs to
pass the -n parameter when using these.
-- Joey Hess <> Thu, 02 Mar 2017 12:51:40 -0400

View file

@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ tryScan r
(pipedconfig, return Nothing) "configlist" [] []
manualconfiglist = do
gc <- Annex.getRemoteGitConfig r
sshparams <- Ssh.toRepo NoConsumeStdin r gc [Param sshcmd]
liftIO $ pipedconfig "ssh" sshparams
(sshcmd, sshparams) <- Ssh.toRepo NoConsumeStdin r gc remotecmd
liftIO $ pipedconfig sshcmd sshparams
sshcmd = "sh -c " ++ shellEscape
remotecmd = "sh -c " ++ shellEscape
(cddir ++ " && " ++ "git config --null --list")
dir = Git.repoPath r

Git/Ssh.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
{- GIT_SSH and GIT_SSH_COMMAND support
- Copyright 2017 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Git.Ssh where
import Common
import Utility.Env
import Data.Char
gitSshEnv :: String
gitSshEnv = "GIT_SSH"
gitSshCommandEnv :: String
gitSshCommandEnv = "GIT_SSH_COMMAND"
gitSshEnvSet :: IO Bool
gitSshEnvSet = anyM (isJust <$$> getEnv) [gitSshEnv, gitSshCommandEnv]
-- Either a hostname, or user@host
type SshHost = String
type SshPort = Integer
-- Command to run on the remote host. It is run by the shell
-- there, so any necessary shell escaping of parameters in it should
-- already be done.
type SshCommand = String
-- | Checks for GIT_SSH and GIT_SSH_COMMAND and if set, returns
-- a command and parameters to run to ssh.
gitSsh :: SshHost -> Maybe SshPort -> SshCommand -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, [CommandParam]))
gitSsh host mp cmd = do
gsc <- getEnv gitSshCommandEnv
case gsc of
Just c
-- git only runs the command with the shell
-- when it contains spaces; otherwise it's
-- treated the same as GIT_SSH
| any isSpace c -> ret "sh"
[ [ Param "-c"
, Param (c ++ " \"$@\"")
, Param c
, gitps
-- cmd is already shell escaped
-- for the remote side, but needs to be
-- shell-escaped once more since it's
-- passed through the local shell.
, [ Param $ shellEscape $ cmd ]
| otherwise -> ret c [ gitps, [Param cmd]]
Nothing -> do
gs <- getEnv gitSshEnv
case gs of
Just c -> ret c [ gitps, [Param cmd]]
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- git passes exactly these parameters, followed by another
-- parameter containing the remote command.
gitps = map Param $ case mp of
Nothing -> [host]
Just p -> [host, "-p", show p]
ret c ll = return $ Just (c, concat ll)

View file

@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ storeBupUUID u buprepo = do
v = fromUUID u
onBupRemote :: Git.Repo -> (FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> IO a) -> FilePath -> [CommandParam] -> Annex a
onBupRemote r a command params = do
onBupRemote r runner command params = do
c <- Annex.getRemoteGitConfig r
sshparams <- Ssh.toRepo NoConsumeStdin r c [Param $
"cd " ++ dir ++ " && " ++ unwords (command : toCommand params)]
liftIO $ a "ssh" sshparams
let remotecmd = "cd " ++ dir ++ " && " ++ unwords (command : toCommand params)
(sshcmd, sshparams) <- Ssh.toRepo NoConsumeStdin r c remotecmd
liftIO $ runner sshcmd sshparams
path = Git.repoPath r
base = fromMaybe path (stripPrefix "/~/" path)

View file

@ -121,13 +121,12 @@ splitRemoteDdarRepo ddarrepo =
ddarRemoteCall :: ConsumeStdin -> DdarRepo -> Char -> [CommandParam] -> Annex (String, [CommandParam])
ddarRemoteCall cs ddarrepo cmd params
| ddarLocal ddarrepo = return ("ddar", localParams)
| otherwise = do
os <- sshOptions cs (host, Nothing) (ddarRepoConfig ddarrepo) []
return ("ssh", os ++ remoteParams)
| otherwise = sshCommand cs (host, Nothing) (ddarRepoConfig ddarrepo) remoteCommand
(host, ddarrepo') = splitRemoteDdarRepo ddarrepo
localParams = Param [cmd] : Param (ddarRepoLocation ddarrepo) : params
remoteParams = Param host : Param "ddar" : Param [cmd] : Param ddarrepo' : params
remoteCommand = unwords $ map shellEscape $ toCommand $
[Param "ddar", Param [cmd], Param ddarrepo'] ++ params
{- Specialized ddarRemoteCall that includes extraction command and flags -}
ddarExtractRemoteCall :: ConsumeStdin -> DdarRepo -> Key -> Annex (String, [CommandParam])
@ -159,23 +158,19 @@ ddarDirectoryExists ddarrepo
Left _ -> Right False
Right status -> Right $ isDirectory status
| otherwise = do
ps <- sshOptions NoConsumeStdin (host, Nothing)
(ddarRepoConfig ddarrepo) []
exitCode <- liftIO $ safeSystem "ssh" (ps ++ params)
let remotecmd = unwords $ map shellEscape
[ "test", "-d", ddarrepo' ]
(sshcmd, sshps) <- sshCommand NoConsumeStdin (host, Nothing)
(ddarRepoConfig ddarrepo) remotecmd
exitCode <- liftIO $ safeSystem sshcmd sshps
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return $ Right True
ExitFailure 1 -> return $ Right False
ExitFailure code -> return $ Left $ "ssh call " ++
show (unwords $ toCommand params) ++
ExitFailure code -> return $ Left $ "ssh " ++
show (unwords $ toCommand sshps) ++
" failed with status " ++ show code
(host, ddarrepo') = splitRemoteDdarRepo ddarrepo
params =
[ Param host
, Param "test"
, Param "-d"
, Param ddarrepo'
{- Use "ddar t" to determine if a given key is present in a ddar archive -}
inDdarManifest :: DdarRepo -> Key -> Annex (Either String Bool)

View file

@ -23,15 +23,10 @@ import Types.Remote
import Types.Transfer
import Config
{- Generates parameters to ssh to a repository's host and run a command.
- Caller is responsible for doing any neccessary shellEscaping of the
- passed command. -}
toRepo :: ConsumeStdin -> Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
toRepo cs r gc sshcmd = do
let opts = map Param $ remoteAnnexSshOptions gc
toRepo :: ConsumeStdin -> Git.Repo -> RemoteGitConfig -> SshCommand -> Annex (FilePath, [CommandParam])
toRepo cs r gc remotecmd = do
let host = fromMaybe (giveup "bad ssh url") $ Git.Url.hostuser r
params <- sshOptions cs (host, Git.Url.port r) gc opts
return $ params ++ Param host : sshcmd
sshCommand cs (host, Git.Url.port r) gc remotecmd
{- Generates parameters to run a git-annex-shell command on a remote
- repository. -}
@ -49,8 +44,7 @@ git_annex_shell cs r command params fields
: map shellEscape (toCommand shellopts) ++
uuidcheck u ++
map shellEscape (toCommand fieldopts)
sshparams <- toRepo cs r gc [Param sshcmd]
return $ Just ("ssh", sshparams)
Just <$> toRepo cs r gc sshcmd
| otherwise = return Nothing
dir = Git.repoPath r

View file

@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ rsyncTransport gc url
"ssh":sshopts -> do
let (port, sshopts') = sshReadPort sshopts
userhost = takeWhile (/=':') url
-- Connection caching
(Param "ssh":) <$> sshOptions ConsumeStdin
(userhost, port) gc
(map Param $ loginopt ++ sshopts')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
I've added support for this now.
However, since git's interface to this doesn't let any options other than
-p be passed to the command run by this, git-annex can't either. Which
means it can't pass options for ssh connection caching. So, I'm afraid that
using `GIT_SSH` will slow things down somewhat. Of course, you can always
enable ssh connection caching yourself in either the `GIT_SSH` script or
the ssh configuration.

View file

@ -1404,6 +1404,37 @@ specific failures. git-annex itself should return 0 on success and 1 on
failure, unless the `--time-limit=time` option is hit, in which case it
returns with exit code 101.
These environment variables are used by git-annex when set:
Handled the same as they are by git, see git(1)
Handled similarly to the same as described in git(1).
The one difference is that git-annex will sometimes pass an additional
"-n" parameter to these, as the first parameter, to prevent ssh from
reading from stdin.
Note that setting either of these environment variables prevents
git-annex from automatically enabling ssh connection caching
(see `annex.sshcaching`), so it will slow down some operations with
remotes over ssh. It's up to you to enable ssh connection caching
if you need it; see ssh's documentation.
Also, `annex.ssh-options` and `remote.<name>.annex-ssh-options`
won't have any effect when these envionment variables are set.
Usually it's better to configure any desired options through your
~/.ssh/config file, or by setting `annex.ssh-options`.
Some special remotes use additional environment variables
for authentication etc. For example, `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`
and `GIT_ANNEX_P2P_AUTHTOKEN`. See special remote documentation.
These files are used by git-annex:

View file

@ -833,6 +833,7 @@ Executable git-annex