improve protocol support
support verification after upload support for errors embedded in json
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 117 additions and 43 deletions
@ -27,18 +27,23 @@ instance FromJSON TransferRequest where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferRequestOptions
transferRequestOptions :: Options
transferRequestOptions = nonNullOptions
-- remove "req_"
{ fieldLabelModifier = drop 4 }
transferRequestOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
data TransferRequestObject = TransferRequestObject
{ oid :: SHA256
, size :: Integer
{ req_oid :: SHA256
, req_size :: Integer
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON TransferRequestObject
instance FromJSON TransferRequestObject
instance ToJSON TransferRequestObject where
toJSON = genericToJSON transferRequestObjectOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding transferRequestObjectOptions
instance FromJSON TransferRequestObject where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferRequestObjectOptions
transferRequestObjectOptions :: Options
transferRequestObjectOptions = stripFieldPrefix defaultOptions
data TransferRequestOperation = RequestDownload | RequestUpload
deriving (Show)
@ -64,18 +69,42 @@ instance IsTransferResponseOperation op => ToJSON (TransferResponse op) where
instance IsTransferResponseOperation op => FromJSON (TransferResponse op)
-- | This is an error with a TransferRequest as a whole. It's also possible
-- for a TransferRequest to overall succeed, but fail for some
-- objects; such failures use TransferResponseObjectError.
data TransferResponseError = TransferResponseError
{ message :: T.Text
, request_id :: Maybe T.Text
, documentation_url :: Maybe Url
{ resperr_message :: T.Text
, resperr_request_id :: Maybe T.Text
, resperr_documentation_url :: Maybe Url
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON TransferResponseError where
toJSON = genericToJSON nonNullOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding nonNullOptions
toJSON = genericToJSON transferResponseErrorOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding transferResponseErrorOptions
instance FromJSON TransferResponseError
instance FromJSON TransferResponseError where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferResponseErrorOptions
transferResponseErrorOptions :: Options
transferResponseErrorOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
-- | An error with a single object within a TransferRequest.
data TransferResponseObjectError = TransferResponseObjectError
{ respobjerr_code :: Int
, respobjerr_message :: T.Text
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON TransferResponseObjectError where
toJSON = genericToJSON transferResponseObjectErrorOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding transferResponseObjectErrorOptions
instance FromJSON TransferResponseObjectError where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferResponseObjectErrorOptions
transferResponseObjectErrorOptions :: Options
transferResponseObjectErrorOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
data TransferAdapter = Basic
deriving (Show)
@ -91,7 +120,8 @@ data TransferResponseOperation op = TransferResponseOperation
{ resp_oid :: SHA256
, resp_size :: Integer
, resp_authenticated :: Maybe Bool
, resp_actions :: op
, resp_actions :: Maybe op
, resp_error :: Maybe TransferResponseObjectError
deriving (Generic, Show)
@ -103,9 +133,7 @@ instance FromJSON op => FromJSON (TransferResponseOperation op) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON transferResponseOperationOptions
transferResponseOperationOptions :: Options
transferResponseOperationOptions = nonNullOptions
-- remove "resp_"
{ fieldLabelModifier = drop 5 }
transferResponseOperationOptions = stripFieldPrefix nonNullOptions
-- | Class of types that can be responses to a transfer request,
-- that contain an operation to use to make the transfer.
@ -120,12 +148,18 @@ instance ToJSON DownloadOperation
instance FromJSON DownloadOperation
data UploadOperation = UploadOperation
{ upload :: OperationParams }
{ upload :: OperationParams
, verify :: Maybe OperationParams
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance IsTransferResponseOperation UploadOperation
instance ToJSON UploadOperation where
toJSON = genericToJSON nonNullOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding nonNullOptions
instance FromJSON UploadOperation
instance ToJSON UploadOperation
data OperationParams = OperationParams
{ href :: Url
@ -156,15 +190,19 @@ type SHA256 = T.Text
-- The input Request's url should be the discovered LFS endpoint.
-- Since this uses the LFS batch API, it adds /objects/batch to the end of
-- that url.
transferRequest :: Request -> TransferRequest -> Request
transferRequest r tr = r
startTransferRequest :: Request -> TransferRequest -> Request
startTransferRequest r tr = addLfsJsonHeaders $ r
{ path = path r <> "/objects/batch"
, requestHeaders =
, method = "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS (encode tr)
addLfsJsonHeaders :: Request -> Request
addLfsJsonHeaders r = r
{ requestHeaders =
[ ("Accept", lfsjson)
, ("Content-Type", lfsjson)
, method = "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS (encode tr)
lfsjson = "application/vnd.git-lfs+json"
@ -186,28 +224,59 @@ parseResponseBody resp = case eitherDecode resp of
Left _ -> Left $ Left err
Right tr -> Right tr
-- | Builds http requests that can be used to download the objects that
-- were requested using a TransferRequest.
downloadRequests :: TransferResponse DownloadOperation -> ([(TransferResponseOperation DownloadOperation, Maybe Request)])
downloadRequests = transferRequests download
-- | Builds a http request to perform a download.
downloadOperationRequest :: DownloadOperation -> Maybe Request
downloadOperationRequest = operationParamsRequest . download
-- | Builds http requests that can be used to upload objects.
-- | Builds http request to perform an upload. The content to upload is
-- provided in the RequestBody, along with its SHA256 and size.
-- When the server already has an object, no request will be generated.
-- The requestBody is not set here. When making a request,
-- the content of the object needs to be provided as the body.
uploadRequests :: TransferResponse UploadOperation -> ([(TransferResponseOperation UploadOperation, Maybe Request)])
uploadRequests = transferRequests upload
transferRequests :: (op -> OperationParams) -> TransferResponse op -> ([(TransferResponseOperation op, Maybe Request)])
transferRequests getps = map mkreq . objects
-- If the LFS server requested verification, there will be a second
-- Request that does that; it should be run only after the upload has
-- succeeded.
uploadOperation :: UploadOperation -> RequestBody -> SHA256 -> Integer -> Maybe [Request]
uploadOperation op content oid size =
case (mkdlreq, mkverifyreq) of
(Nothing, _) -> Nothing
(Just dlreq, Nothing) -> Just [dlreq]
(Just dlreq, Just verifyreq) -> Just [dlreq, verifyreq]
mkreq op = (op, mkreq' (getps (resp_actions op)))
mkreq' ps = do
mkdlreq = mkdlreq'
<$> operationParamsRequest (upload op)
mkdlreq' r = r
{ method = "PUT"
, requestBody = content
mkverifyreq = mkverifyreq'
<$> (operationParamsRequest =<< verify op)
mkverifyreq' r = addLfsJsonHeaders $ r
{ method = "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode $
VerifyBody oid size
data VerifyBody = VerifyBody
{ verifybody_oid :: SHA256
, verifybody_size :: Integer
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON VerifyBody where
toJSON = genericToJSON verifyBodyOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding verifyBodyOptions
instance FromJSON VerifyBody where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON verifyBodyOptions
verifyBodyOptions :: Options
verifyBodyOptions = stripFieldPrefix defaultOptions
operationParamsRequest :: OperationParams -> Maybe Request
operationParamsRequest ps = do
r <- parseRequest (T.unpack (href ps))
let headers = map convheader $ maybe [] M.toList (header ps)
return $ r { requestHeaders = headers }
convheader (k, v) = ( (E.encodeUtf8 k), E.encodeUtf8 v)
type Url = T.Text
@ -221,3 +290,8 @@ type HTTPHeaderValue = T.Text
-- Prevent Nothing from serializing to null.
nonNullOptions :: Options
nonNullOptions = defaultOptions { omitNothingFields = True }
-- Remove prefix from field names.
stripFieldPrefix :: Options -> Options
stripFieldPrefix o =
o { fieldLabelModifier = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '_') }
Add table
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