This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 39 additions and 40 deletions
@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ module Utility.Format (
) where
) where
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isOctDigit, chr, ord)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isOctDigit, isSpace, chr, ord)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.String.Utils (replace)
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -30,13 +29,13 @@ type FormatString = String
{- A format consists of a list of fragments. -}
{- A format consists of a list of fragments. -}
type Format = [Frag]
type Format = [Frag]
{- A fragment is either a constant string, or a variable, with a padding. -}
{- A fragment is either a constant string,
data Frag = Const String | Var String Padding
- or a variable, with a justification. -}
data Frag = Const String | Var String Justify
deriving (Show)
deriving (Show)
{- Positive padding is right justification; negative padding is left
data Justify = LeftJustified Int | RightJustified Int | UnJustified
- justification. -}
deriving (Show)
type Padding = Int
{- Expands a Format using some variables, generating a formatted string.
{- Expands a Format using some variables, generating a formatted string.
- This can be repeatedly called, efficiently. -}
- This can be repeatedly called, efficiently. -}
@ -44,20 +43,16 @@ format :: Format -> M.Map String String -> String
format f vars = concatMap expand f
format f vars = concatMap expand f
expand (Const s) = s
expand (Const s) = s
expand (Var name padding) = justify padding $ getvar name
expand (Var name j)
getvar name
| "escaped_" `isPrefixOf` name =
| "escaped_" `isPrefixOf` name =
-- escape whitespace too
justify j $ encode_c_strict $
replace " " (e_asc ' ') $
getvar $ drop (length "escaped_") name
replace "\t" (e_asc '\t') $
| otherwise = justify j $ getvar name
encode_c $
getvar name = fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup name vars
getvar' $ drop (length "escaped_") name
justify UnJustified s = s
| otherwise = getvar' name
justify (LeftJustified i) s = s ++ pad i s
getvar' name = fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup name vars
justify (RightJustified i) s = pad i s ++ s
justify p s
pad i s = take (i - length s) spaces
| p > 0 = take (p - length s) spaces ++ s
| p < 0 = s ++ take (-1 * (length s + p)) spaces
| otherwise = s
spaces = repeat ' '
spaces = repeat ' '
{- Generates a Format that can be used to expand variables in a
{- Generates a Format that can be used to expand variables in a
@ -82,17 +77,20 @@ gen = filter (not . empty) . fuse [] . scan [] . decode_c
invar f var [] = Const (novar var) : f
invar f var [] = Const (novar var) : f
invar f var (c:cs)
invar f var (c:cs)
| c == '}' = foundvar f var 0 cs
| c == '}' = foundvar f var UnJustified cs
| isAlphaNum c || c == '_' = invar f (c:var) cs
| isAlphaNum c || c == '_' = invar f (c:var) cs
| c == ';' = inpad "" f var cs
| c == ';' = inpad "" f var cs
| otherwise = scan ((Const $ novar $ c:var):f) cs
| otherwise = scan ((Const $ novar $ c:var):f) cs
inpad p f var (c:cs)
inpad p f var (c:cs)
| c == '}' = foundvar f var (readpad $ reverse p) cs
| c == '}' = foundvar f var (readjustify $ reverse p) cs
| otherwise = inpad (c:p) f var cs
| otherwise = inpad (c:p) f var cs
inpad p f var [] = Const (novar $ p++";"++var) : f
inpad p f var [] = Const (novar $ p++";"++var) : f
readpad = fromMaybe 0 . readMaybe
readjustify = getjustify . fromMaybe 0 . readMaybe
getjustify i
| i == 0 = UnJustified
| i < 0 = LeftJustified (-1 * i)
| otherwise = RightJustified i
novar v = "${" ++ reverse v
novar v = "${" ++ reverse v
foundvar f v p cs = scan (Var (reverse v) p : f) cs
foundvar f v p cs = scan (Var (reverse v) p : f) cs
@ -139,7 +137,14 @@ decode_c s = unescape ("", s)
{- Inverse of decode_c. -}
{- Inverse of decode_c. -}
encode_c :: FormatString -> FormatString
encode_c :: FormatString -> FormatString
encode_c s = concatMap echar s
encode_c = encode_c' (const False)
{- Encodes more strictly, including whitespace. -}
encode_c_strict :: FormatString -> FormatString
encode_c_strict = encode_c' isSpace
encode_c' :: (Char -> Bool) -> FormatString -> FormatString
encode_c' p = concatMap echar
e c = '\\' : [c]
e c = '\\' : [c]
echar '\a' = e 'a'
echar '\a' = e 'a'
@ -153,21 +158,15 @@ encode_c s = concatMap echar s
echar '"' = e '"'
echar '"' = e '"'
echar c
echar c
| ord c < 0x20 = e_asc c -- low ascii
| ord c < 0x20 = e_asc c -- low ascii
| ord c >= 256 = e_utf c
| ord c >= 256 = e_utf c -- unicode
| ord c > 0x7E = e_asc c -- high ascii
| ord c > 0x7E = e_asc c -- high ascii
| otherwise = [c] -- printable ascii
| p c = e_asc c -- unprintable ascii
| otherwise = [c] -- printable ascii
-- unicode character is decomposed to individual Word8s,
-- unicode character is decomposed to individual Word8s,
-- and each is shown in octal
-- and each is shown in octal
e_utf :: Char -> String
e_utf c = showoctal =<< (Codec.Binary.UTF8.String.encode [c] :: [Word8])
e_utf c = showoctal . toInteger =<<
e_asc c = showoctal $ ord c
(Codec.Binary.UTF8.String.encode [c] :: [Word8])
showoctal i = '\\' : printf "%03o" i
e_asc :: Char -> String
e_asc c = showoctal $ toInteger $ ord c
showoctal :: Integer -> String
showoctal i = '\\' : printf "%03o" i
{- for quickcheck -}
{- for quickcheck -}
prop_idempotent_deencode :: String -> Bool
prop_idempotent_deencode :: String -> Bool
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