add incremental hashing interface to Backend
As yet unused. Backend.External could perhaps implement it too, although that would involve sending chunks of data to it via a pipe or something, so likely to be slow.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 204 additions and 65 deletions
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ makeBackend' ebname@(ExternalBackendName bname) hasext (Right p) = do
-- bump if progress handling is later added.
else Nothing
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Nothing
, fastMigrate = Nothing
, isStableKey = const isstable
@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ unavailBackend (ExternalBackendName bname) hasext =
{ backendVariety = ExternalKey bname hasext
, genKey = Nothing
, verifyKeyContent = Nothing
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Nothing
, fastMigrate = Nothing
, isStableKey = const False
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex hashing backends
- Copyright 2011-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
data Hash
= MD5Hash
@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ genBackend hash = Backend
{ backendVariety = hashKeyVariety hash (HasExt False)
, genKey = Just (keyValue hash)
, verifyKeyContent = Just $ checkKeyChecksum hash
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Just $ checkKeyChecksumIncremental hash
, canUpgradeKey = Just needsUpgrade
, fastMigrate = Just trivialMigrate
, isStableKey = const True
@ -116,8 +118,6 @@ keyValueE hash source meterupdate =
keyValue hash source meterupdate
>>= addE source (const $ hashKeyVariety hash (HasExt True))
{- A key's checksum is checked during fsck when it's content is present
- except for in fast mode. -}
checkKeyChecksum :: Hash -> Key -> RawFilePath -> Annex Bool
checkKeyChecksum hash key file = catchIOErrorType HardwareFault hwfault $ do
fast <- Annex.getState
@ -125,22 +125,29 @@ checkKeyChecksum hash key file = catchIOErrorType HardwareFault hwfault $ do
case (exists, fast) of
(True, False) -> do
showAction "checksum"
check <$> hashFile hash file nullMeterUpdate
sameCheckSum key
<$> hashFile hash file nullMeterUpdate
_ -> return True
expected = decodeBS (keyHash key)
check s
| s == expected = True
{- A bug caused checksums to be prefixed with \ in some
- cases; still accept these as legal now that the bug has been
- fixed. -}
| '\\' : s == expected = True
| otherwise = False
hwfault e = do
warning $ "hardware fault: " ++ show e
return False
sameCheckSum :: Key -> String -> Bool
sameCheckSum key s
| s == expected = True
{- A bug caused checksums to be prefixed with \ in some
- cases; still accept these as legal now that the bug
- has been fixed. -}
| '\\' : s == expected = True
| otherwise = False
expected = decodeBS (keyHash key)
checkKeyChecksumIncremental :: Hash -> Key -> Annex IncrementalVerifier
checkKeyChecksumIncremental hash key = liftIO $
(\h -> snd h key) (hasher hash)
keyHash :: Key -> S.ByteString
keyHash = fst . splitKeyNameExtension
@ -195,79 +202,97 @@ trivialMigrate' oldkey newbackend afile maxextlen
hashFile :: Hash -> RawFilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex String
hashFile hash file meterupdate =
liftIO $ withMeteredFile (fromRawFilePath file) meterupdate $ \b -> do
let h = hasher b
let h = (fst $ hasher hash) b
-- Force full evaluation of hash so whole file is read
-- before returning.
evaluate (rnf h)
return h
hasher = case hash of
MD5Hash -> md5Hasher
SHA1Hash -> sha1Hasher
SHA2Hash hashsize -> sha2Hasher hashsize
SHA3Hash hashsize -> sha3Hasher hashsize
SkeinHash hashsize -> skeinHasher hashsize
Blake2bHash hashsize -> blake2bHasher hashsize
Blake2bpHash hashsize -> blake2bpHasher hashsize
Blake2sHash hashsize -> blake2sHasher hashsize
Blake2spHash hashsize -> blake2spHasher hashsize
sha2Hasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
type Hasher = (L.ByteString -> String, Key -> IO IncrementalVerifier)
hasher :: Hash -> Hasher
hasher MD5Hash = md5Hasher
hasher SHA1Hash = sha1Hasher
hasher (SHA2Hash hashsize) = sha2Hasher hashsize
hasher (SHA3Hash hashsize) = sha3Hasher hashsize
hasher (SkeinHash hashsize) = skeinHasher hashsize
hasher (Blake2bHash hashsize) = blake2bHasher hashsize
hasher (Blake2bpHash hashsize) = blake2bpHasher hashsize
hasher (Blake2sHash hashsize) = blake2sHasher hashsize
hasher (Blake2spHash hashsize) = blake2spHasher hashsize
mkHasher :: HashAlgorithm h => (L.ByteString -> Digest h) -> Context h -> Hasher
mkHasher h c = (show . h, mkIncrementalVerifier c)
sha2Hasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
sha2Hasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = use sha2_256
| hashsize == 224 = use sha2_224
| hashsize == 384 = use sha2_384
| hashsize == 512 = use sha2_512
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SHA size " ++ show hashsize
use hasher = show . hasher
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher sha2_256 sha2_256_context
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher sha2_224 sha2_224_context
| hashsize == 384 = mkHasher sha2_384 sha2_384_context
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher sha2_512 sha2_512_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SHA2 size " ++ show hashsize
sha3Hasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
sha3Hasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
sha3Hasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . sha3_256
| hashsize == 224 = show . sha3_224
| hashsize == 384 = show . sha3_384
| hashsize == 512 = show . sha3_512
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher sha3_256 sha3_256_context
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher sha3_224 sha3_224_context
| hashsize == 384 = mkHasher sha3_384 sha3_384_context
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher sha3_512 sha3_512_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SHA3 size " ++ show hashsize
skeinHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
skeinHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
skeinHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . skein256
| hashsize == 512 = show . skein512
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher skein256 skein256_context
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher skein512 skein512_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported SKEIN size " ++ show hashsize
blake2bHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
blake2bHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
blake2bHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . blake2b_256
| hashsize == 512 = show . blake2b_512
| hashsize == 160 = show . blake2b_160
| hashsize == 224 = show . blake2b_224
| hashsize == 384 = show . blake2b_384
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher blake2b_256 blake2b_256_context
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher blake2b_512 blake2b_512_context
| hashsize == 160 = mkHasher blake2b_160 blake2b_160_context
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher blake2b_224 blake2b_224_context
| hashsize == 384 = mkHasher blake2b_384 blake2b_384_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2B size " ++ show hashsize
blake2bpHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
blake2bpHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
blake2bpHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 512 = show . blake2bp_512
| hashsize == 512 = mkHasher blake2bp_512 blake2bp_512_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2BP size " ++ show hashsize
blake2sHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
blake2sHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
blake2sHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . blake2s_256
| hashsize == 160 = show . blake2s_160
| hashsize == 224 = show . blake2s_224
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher blake2s_256 blake2s_256_context
| hashsize == 160 = mkHasher blake2s_160 blake2s_160_context
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher blake2s_224 blake2s_224_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2S size " ++ show hashsize
blake2spHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
blake2spHasher :: HashSize -> Hasher
blake2spHasher (HashSize hashsize)
| hashsize == 256 = show . blake2sp_256
| hashsize == 224 = show . blake2sp_224
| hashsize == 256 = mkHasher blake2sp_256 blake2sp_256_context
| hashsize == 224 = mkHasher blake2sp_224 blake2sp_224_context
| otherwise = error $ "unsupported BLAKE2SP size " ++ show hashsize
sha1Hasher :: L.ByteString -> String
sha1Hasher = show . sha1
sha1Hasher :: Hasher
sha1Hasher = mkHasher sha1 sha1_context
md5Hasher :: L.ByteString -> String
md5Hasher = show . md5
md5Hasher :: Hasher
md5Hasher = mkHasher md5 md5_context
mkIncrementalVerifier :: HashAlgorithm h => Context h -> Key -> IO IncrementalVerifier
mkIncrementalVerifier ctx key = do
v <- newMVar ctx
return $ IncrementalVerifier
{ updateIncremental = \b -> do
ctx' <- takeMVar v
let ctx'' = hashUpdate ctx' b
evaluate $ rnf ctx''
putMVar v ctx''
, finalizeIncremental = do
ctx' <- takeMVar v
let digest = hashFinalize ctx'
return $ sameCheckSum key (show digest)
{- A varient of the SHA256E backend, for testing that needs special keys
- that cannot collide with legitimate keys in the repository.
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ backend = Backend
{ backendVariety = URLKey
, genKey = Nothing
, verifyKeyContent = Nothing
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Nothing
, fastMigrate = Nothing
-- The content of an url can change at any time, so URL keys are
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ backend = Backend
{ backendVariety = WORMKey
, genKey = Just keyValue
, verifyKeyContent = Nothing
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally = Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Just needsUpgrade
, fastMigrate = Just removeProblemChars
, isStableKey = const True
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- Most things should not need this, using Types instead
- Copyright 2010-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -11,16 +11,21 @@ module Types.Backend where
import Types.Key
import Types.KeySource
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
data BackendA a = Backend
{ backendVariety :: KeyVariety
, genKey :: Maybe (KeySource -> MeterUpdate -> a Key)
-- Verifies the content of a key using a hash. This does not need
-- to be cryptographically secure.
-- Verifies the content of a key, stored in a file, using a hash.
-- This does not need to be cryptographically secure.
, verifyKeyContent :: Maybe (Key -> RawFilePath -> a Bool)
-- Incrementally verifies the content of a key, using the same
-- hash as verifyKeyContent, but with the content provided
-- incrementally a peice at a time, until finalized.
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally :: Maybe (Key -> a IncrementalVerifier)
-- Checks if a key can be upgraded to a better form.
, canUpgradeKey :: Maybe (Key -> Bool)
-- Checks if there is a fast way to migrate a key to a different
@ -38,3 +43,11 @@ instance Show (BackendA a) where
instance Eq (BackendA a) where
a == b = backendVariety a == backendVariety b
data IncrementalVerifier = IncrementalVerifier
{ updateIncremental :: ByteString -> IO ()
-- ^ Called repeatedly on each peice of the content.
, finalizeIncremental :: IO Bool
-- ^ Called once the full content has been sent, returns true
-- if the hash verified.
@ -2,29 +2,57 @@
module Utility.Hash (
@ -35,78 +63,147 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import "cryptonite" Crypto.MAC.HMAC
import "cryptonite" Crypto.MAC.HMAC hiding (Context)
import "cryptonite" Crypto.Hash
sha1 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA1
sha1 = hashlazy
sha1_context :: Context SHA1
sha1_context = hashInit
sha2_224 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA224
sha2_224 = hashlazy
sha2_224_context :: Context SHA224
sha2_224_context = hashInit
sha2_256 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA256
sha2_256 = hashlazy
sha2_256_context :: Context SHA256
sha2_256_context = hashInit
sha2_384 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA384
sha2_384 = hashlazy
sha2_384_context :: Context SHA384
sha2_384_context = hashInit
sha2_512 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA512
sha2_512 = hashlazy
sha2_512_context :: Context SHA512
sha2_512_context = hashInit
sha3_224 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA3_224
sha3_224 = hashlazy
sha3_224_context :: Context SHA3_224
sha3_224_context = hashInit
sha3_256 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA3_256
sha3_256 = hashlazy
sha3_256_context :: Context SHA3_256
sha3_256_context = hashInit
sha3_384 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA3_384
sha3_384 = hashlazy
sha3_384_context :: Context SHA3_384
sha3_384_context = hashInit
sha3_512 :: L.ByteString -> Digest SHA3_512
sha3_512 = hashlazy
sha3_512_context :: Context SHA3_512
sha3_512_context = hashInit
skein256 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Skein256_256
skein256 = hashlazy
skein256_context :: Context Skein256_256
skein256_context = hashInit
skein512 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Skein512_512
skein512 = hashlazy
skein512_context :: Context Skein512_512
skein512_context = hashInit
blake2s_160 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2s_160
blake2s_160 = hashlazy
blake2s_160_context :: Context Blake2s_160
blake2s_160_context = hashInit
blake2s_224 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2s_224
blake2s_224 = hashlazy
blake2s_224_context :: Context Blake2s_224
blake2s_224_context = hashInit
blake2s_256 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2s_256
blake2s_256 = hashlazy
blake2s_256_context :: Context Blake2s_256
blake2s_256_context = hashInit
blake2sp_224 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2sp_224
blake2sp_224 = hashlazy
blake2sp_224_context :: Context Blake2sp_224
blake2sp_224_context = hashInit
blake2sp_256 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2sp_256
blake2sp_256 = hashlazy
blake2sp_256_context :: Context Blake2sp_256
blake2sp_256_context = hashInit
blake2b_160 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2b_160
blake2b_160 = hashlazy
blake2b_160_context :: Context Blake2b_160
blake2b_160_context = hashInit
blake2b_224 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2b_224
blake2b_224 = hashlazy
blake2b_224_context :: Context Blake2b_224
blake2b_224_context = hashInit
blake2b_256 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2b_256
blake2b_256 = hashlazy
blake2b_256_context :: Context Blake2b_256
blake2b_256_context = hashInit
blake2b_384 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2b_384
blake2b_384 = hashlazy
blake2b_384_context :: Context Blake2b_384
blake2b_384_context = hashInit
blake2b_512 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2b_512
blake2b_512 = hashlazy
blake2b_512_context :: Context Blake2b_512
blake2b_512_context = hashInit
blake2bp_512 :: L.ByteString -> Digest Blake2bp_512
blake2bp_512 = hashlazy
blake2bp_512_context :: Context Blake2bp_512
blake2bp_512_context = hashInit
md5 :: L.ByteString -> Digest MD5
md5 = hashlazy
md5_context :: Context MD5
md5_context = hashInit
md5s :: S.ByteString -> Digest MD5
md5s = hash
Add table
Reference in a new issue