remember sha256 and size when necessary

Using Logs.RemoteState for this means that if the same key gets uploaded
twice to a git-lfs remote, but somehow has different content the two
times (eg it's an URL key with non-stable content), the sha256/size of
the newer content uploaded will overwrite what was remembered before. That
seems ok; it just means that git-annex will request the newer version of
the content when downloading from git-lfs.

It will remember the sha256 and size if both are not known, or if only
the sha256 is not known but the size is known, it only remembers the
sha256, to avoid wasting space on the size. I did not add special case
for when the sha256 is known and the size is not, because it's been a
long time since git-annex created SHA256 keys without a size.
(See doc/upgrades/SHA_size.mdwn)
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2019-08-05 11:05:59 -04:00
parent 87e9ed38b8
commit ecf7f34c23
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38

View file

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Crypto
import Backend.Hash
import Utility.Hash
import Utility.SshHost
import Logs.RemoteState
import qualified Utility.GitLFS as LFS
import Control.Concurrent.STM
@ -56,10 +57,10 @@ gen r u c gc = do
h <- liftIO $ newTVarIO $ LFSHandle Nothing Nothing r gc
cst <- remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
return $ Just $ specialRemote' specialcfg c
(simplyPrepare $ store h)
(simplyPrepare $ retrieve h)
(simplyPrepare $ store u h)
(simplyPrepare $ retrieve u h)
(simplyPrepare $ remove h)
(simplyPrepare $ checkKey h)
(simplyPrepare $ checkKey u h)
(this cst)
this cst = Remote
@ -251,43 +252,22 @@ extractKeySize k
| isEncKey k = Nothing
| otherwise = keySize k
mkDownloadRequest :: Key -> Annex (Maybe (LFS.TransferRequest, LFS.SHA256, Integer))
mkDownloadRequest k = case (extractKeySha256 k, extractKeySize k) of
(Just sha256, Just sz) -> go sha256 sz
-- TODO get from git-annex branch
_ -> return Nothing
mkUploadRequest :: UUID -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex (LFS.TransferRequest, LFS.SHA256, Integer)
mkUploadRequest u k content = case (extractKeySha256 k, extractKeySize k) of
(Just sha256, Just size) ->
ret sha256 size
(_, Just size) -> do
sha256 <- calcsha256
remembersha256 sha256
ret sha256 size
_ -> do
sha256 <- calcsha256
size <- liftIO $ getFileSize content
rememberboth sha256 size
ret sha256 size
go sha256 sz = do
let obj = LFS.TransferRequestObject
{ LFS.req_oid = sha256
, LFS.req_size = sz
let req = LFS.TransferRequest
{ LFS.req_operation = LFS.RequestDownload
, LFS.req_transfers = [LFS.Basic]
, LFS.req_ref = Nothing
, LFS.req_objects = [obj]
return $ Just (req, sha256, sz)
store :: TVar LFSHandle -> Storer
store h = fileStorer $ \k src p -> getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestUpload h >>= \case
Nothing -> return False
Just endpoint -> flip catchNonAsync failederr $ do
sha256 <- case extractKeySha256 k of
Just sha -> pure sha
Nothing -> do
sha <- liftIO $
show . sha2_256 <$> L.readFile src
-- TODO: rmemeber the sha256 for this key,
-- to use when retrieving it.
return (T.pack sha)
size <- case extractKeySize k of
Just size -> pure size
Nothing -> do
-- TODO: remember the size of this key,
-- to use when retrieving it.
liftIO $ getFileSize src
calcsha256 = liftIO $ T.pack . show . sha2_256 <$> L.readFile content
ret sha256 size = do
let obj = LFS.TransferRequestObject
{ LFS.req_oid = sha256
, LFS.req_size = size
@ -298,6 +278,50 @@ store h = fileStorer $ \k src p -> getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestUpload h >>= \case
, LFS.req_ref = Nothing
, LFS.req_objects = [obj]
return (req, sha256, size)
remembersha256 sha256 = setRemoteState u k (T.unpack sha256)
rememberboth sha256 size = setRemoteState u k $
show size ++ " " ++ T.unpack sha256
mkDownloadRequest :: UUID -> Key -> Annex (Maybe (LFS.TransferRequest, LFS.SHA256, Integer))
mkDownloadRequest u k = case (extractKeySha256 k, extractKeySize k) of
(Just sha256, Just size) -> ret sha256 size
(_, Just size) ->
remembersha256 >>= \case
Just sha256 -> ret sha256 size
Nothing -> return Nothing
_ -> do
rememberboth >>= \case
Just (sha256, size) -> ret sha256 size
Nothing -> return Nothing
ret sha256 size = do
let obj = LFS.TransferRequestObject
{ LFS.req_oid = sha256
, LFS.req_size = size
let req = LFS.TransferRequest
{ LFS.req_operation = LFS.RequestDownload
, LFS.req_transfers = [LFS.Basic]
, LFS.req_ref = Nothing
, LFS.req_objects = [obj]
return $ Just (req, sha256, size)
remembersha256 = fmap T.pack <$> getRemoteState u k
rememberboth = maybe Nothing parse <$> getRemoteState u k
parse s = case words s of
[ssize, ssha256] -> do
size <- readish ssize
return (T.pack ssha256, size)
_ -> Nothing
store :: UUID -> TVar LFSHandle -> Storer
store u h = fileStorer $ \k src p -> getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestUpload h >>= \case
Nothing -> return False
Just endpoint -> flip catchNonAsync failederr $ do
(req, sha256, size) <- mkUploadRequest u k src
sendTransferRequest req endpoint >>= \case
Left err -> do
warning err
@ -325,10 +349,10 @@ store h = fileStorer $ \k src p -> getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestUpload h >>= \case
warning (show e)
return False
retrieve :: TVar LFSHandle -> Retriever
retrieve h = fileRetriever $ \dest k p -> getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestDownload h >>= \case
retrieve :: UUID -> TVar LFSHandle -> Retriever
retrieve u h = fileRetriever $ \dest k p -> getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestDownload h >>= \case
Nothing -> giveup "unable to connect to git-lfs endpoint"
Just endpoint -> mkDownloadRequest k >>= \case
Just endpoint -> mkDownloadRequest u k >>= \case
Nothing -> giveup "unable to download this object from git-lfs"
Just (req, sha256, size) -> sendTransferRequest req endpoint >>= \case
Left err -> giveup (show err)
@ -349,10 +373,10 @@ retrieve h = fileRetriever $ \dest k p -> getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestDownload h >
uo <- getUrlOptions
liftIO $ downloadConduit p req dest uo
checkKey :: TVar LFSHandle -> CheckPresent
checkKey h key = getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestDownload h >>= \case
checkKey :: UUID -> TVar LFSHandle -> CheckPresent
checkKey u h key = getLFSEndpoint LFS.RequestDownload h >>= \case
Nothing -> giveup "unable to connect to git-lfs endpoint"
Just endpoint -> mkDownloadRequest key >>= \case
Just endpoint -> mkDownloadRequest u key >>= \case
-- Unable to find enough information to request the key
-- from git-lfs, so it's not present there.
Nothing -> return False