webapp: Support using git-annex on a remote server, which was installed from the standalone tarball or OSX app, and so does not have git-annex in PATH (and may also not have git or rsync in PATH).
* webapp: Support using git-annex on a remote server, which was installed from the standalone tarball or OSX app, and so does not have git-annex in PATH (and may also not have git or rsync in PATH). * standalone tarball, OSX app: Install a ~/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper, which can be used to run git-annex, git, rsync, etc.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 92 additions and 28 deletions
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ standaloneAppBase = getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_APP_BASE"
{- The standalone app does not have an installation process.
- So when it's run, it needs to set up autostarting of the assistant
- daemon, as well as writing the programFile, and putting a
- git-annex-shell wrapper into ~/.ssh
- daemon, as well as writing the programFile, and putting the
- git-annex-shell and git-annex-wrapper wrapper scripts into ~/.ssh
- Note that this is done every time it's started, so if the user moves
- it around, the paths this sets up won't break.
@ -59,30 +59,35 @@ ensureInstalled = go =<< standaloneAppBase
installAutoStart program autostartfile
{- This shim is only updated if it doesn't
- already exist with the right content. -}
sshdir <- sshDir
let shim = sshdir </> "git-annex-shell"
let runshell var = "exec " ++ base </> "runshell" ++
" git-annex-shell -c \"" ++ var ++ "\""
let content = unlines
let runshell var = "exec " ++ base </> "runshell " ++ var
let rungitannexshell var = runshell $ "git-annex-shell -c \"" ++ var ++ "\""
installWrapper (sshdir </> "git-annex-shell") $ unlines
[ shebang_local
, "set -e"
, "if [ \"x$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" != \"x\" ]; then"
, rungitannexshell "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"
, "else"
, runshell "$@"
, rungitannexshell "$@"
, "fi"
curr <- catchDefaultIO "" $ readFileStrict shim
when (curr /= content) $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir shim)
viaTmp writeFile shim content
modifyFileMode shim $ addModes [ownerExecuteMode]
installWrapper (sshdir </> "git-annex-wrapper") $ unlines
[ shebang_local
, "set -e"
, runshell "\"$@\""
installNautilus program
installWrapper :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
installWrapper file content = do
curr <- catchDefaultIO "" $ readFileStrict file
when (curr /= content) $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
viaTmp writeFile file content
modifyFileMode file $ addModes [ownerExecuteMode]
installNautilus :: FilePath -> IO ()
#ifdef linux_HOST_OS
installNautilus program = do
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ postEnableSshGCryptR :: UUID -> Handler Html
postEnableSshGCryptR u = whenGcryptInstalled $
enableSpecialSshRemote getsshinput enableRsyncNetGCrypt enablegcrypt u
enablegcrypt sshdata _ = prepSsh True sshdata $ \sshdata' ->
enablegcrypt sshdata _ = prepSsh False sshdata $ \sshdata' ->
sshConfigurator $
checkExistingGCrypt sshdata' $
error "Expected to find an encrypted git repository, but did not."
@ -195,6 +195,16 @@ enableSpecialSshRemote getsshinput rsyncnetsetup genericsetup u = do
description <- liftAnnex $ T.pack <$> prettyUUID u
$(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/enable")
{- To deal with git-annex and possibly even git and rsync not being
- available in the remote server's PATH, when git-annex was installed
- from the standalone tarball etc, look for a ~/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper
- and if it's there, use it to run a command. -}
wrapCommand :: String -> String
wrapCommand cmd = "if [ -x " ++ commandWrapper ++ " ]; then " ++ commandWrapper ++ " " ++ cmd ++ "; else " ++ cmd ++ "; fi"
commandWrapper :: String
commandWrapper = "~/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper"
{- Test if we can ssh into the server.
- Two probe attempts are made. First, try sshing in using the existing
@ -204,8 +214,11 @@ enableSpecialSshRemote getsshinput rsyncnetsetup genericsetup u = do
- Once logged into the server, probe to see if git-annex-shell,
- git, and rsync are available.
- Note that, ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell may be
- present, while git-annex-shell is not in PATH.
- Also, git and rsync may not be in PATH; as long as the commandWrapper
- is present, assume it is able to be used to run them.
- Also probe to see if there is already a git repository at the location
- with either an annex-uuid or a gcrypt-id set. (If not, returns NoUUID.)
@ -236,6 +249,7 @@ testServer sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
, checkcommand "git"
, checkcommand "rsync"
, checkcommand shim
, checkcommand commandWrapper
, getgitconfig (T.unpack <$> inputDirectory sshinput)
knownhost <- knownHost hn
@ -258,6 +272,8 @@ testServer sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
, (shim, GitAnnexShellCapable)
, ("git", GitCapable)
, ("rsync", RsyncCapable)
, (commandWrapper, GitCapable)
, (commandWrapper, RsyncCapable)
u = fromMaybe NoUUID $ headMaybe $ mapMaybe finduuid $
map (separate (== '=')) $ lines s
@ -276,7 +292,7 @@ testServer sshinput@(SshInput { inputHostname = Just hn }) = do
checkcommand c = "if which " ++ c ++ "; then " ++ report c ++ "; fi"
token r = "git-annex-probe " ++ r
report r = "echo " ++ token r
report r = "echo " ++ shellEscape (token r)
shim = "~/.ssh/git-annex-shell"
getgitconfig (Just d)
| not (null d) = "cd " ++ shellEscape d ++ " && git config --list"
@ -295,7 +311,8 @@ showSshErr :: String -> Handler Html
showSshErr msg = sshConfigurator $
$(widgetFile "configurators/ssh/error")
{- The UUID will be NoUUID when the repository does not already exist. -}
{- The UUID will be NoUUID when the repository does not already exist,
- or was not a git-annex repository before. -}
getConfirmSshR :: SshData -> UUID -> Handler Html
getConfirmSshR sshdata u
| u == NoUUID = handlenew
@ -329,8 +346,9 @@ getRetrySshR sshdata = do
s <- liftIO $ testServer $ mkSshInput sshdata
redirect $ either (const $ ConfirmSshR sshdata NoUUID) (uncurry ConfirmSshR) s
{- Making a new git repository. -}
getMakeSshGitR :: SshData -> Handler Html
getMakeSshGitR sshdata = prepSsh False sshdata makeSshRepo
getMakeSshGitR sshdata = prepSsh True sshdata makeSshRepo
getMakeSshRsyncR :: SshData -> Handler Html
getMakeSshRsyncR sshdata = prepSsh False (rsyncOnly sshdata) makeSshRepo
@ -342,7 +360,7 @@ getMakeSshGCryptR :: SshData -> RepoKey -> Handler Html
getMakeSshGCryptR sshdata NoRepoKey = whenGcryptInstalled $
withNewSecretKey $ getMakeSshGCryptR sshdata . RepoKey
getMakeSshGCryptR sshdata (RepoKey keyid) = whenGcryptInstalled $
prepSsh True sshdata $ makeGCryptRepo keyid
prepSsh False sshdata $ makeGCryptRepo keyid
{- Detect if the user entered a location with an existing, known
- gcrypt repository, and enable it. Otherwise, runs the action. -}
@ -374,18 +392,18 @@ combineExistingGCrypt sshdata u = do
{- Sets up remote repository for ssh, or directory for rsync. -}
prepSsh :: Bool -> SshData -> (SshData -> Handler Html) -> Handler Html
prepSsh newgcrypt sshdata a
prepSsh needsinit sshdata a
| needsPubKey sshdata = do
keypair <- liftIO genSshKeyPair
sshdata' <- liftIO $ setupSshKeyPair keypair sshdata
prepSsh' newgcrypt sshdata sshdata' (Just keypair) a
prepSsh' needsinit sshdata sshdata' (Just keypair) a
| sshPort sshdata /= 22 = do
sshdata' <- liftIO $ setSshConfig sshdata []
prepSsh' newgcrypt sshdata sshdata' Nothing a
| otherwise = prepSsh' newgcrypt sshdata sshdata Nothing a
prepSsh' needsinit sshdata sshdata' Nothing a
| otherwise = prepSsh' needsinit sshdata sshdata Nothing a
prepSsh' :: Bool -> SshData -> SshData -> Maybe SshKeyPair -> (SshData -> Handler Html) -> Handler Html
prepSsh' newgcrypt origsshdata sshdata keypair a = sshSetup
prepSsh' needsinit origsshdata sshdata keypair a = sshSetup
[ "-p", show (sshPort origsshdata)
, genSshHost (sshHostName origsshdata) (sshUserName origsshdata)
, remoteCommand
@ -395,8 +413,14 @@ prepSsh' newgcrypt origsshdata sshdata keypair a = sshSetup
remoteCommand = shellWrap $ intercalate "&&" $ catMaybes
[ Just $ "mkdir -p " ++ shellEscape remotedir
, Just $ "cd " ++ shellEscape remotedir
, if rsynconly then Nothing else Just "if [ ! -d .git ]; then git init --bare --shared && git config receive.denyNonFastforwards false; fi"
, if rsynconly || newgcrypt then Nothing else Just "git annex init"
, if rsynconly then Nothing else Just $ unwords
[ "if [ ! -d .git ]; then"
, wrapCommand "git init --bare --shared"
, "&&"
, wrapCommand "git config receive.denyNonFastforwards"
, ";fi"
, if needsinit then Just (wrapCommand "git annex init") else Nothing
, if needsPubKey origsshdata
then addAuthorizedKeysCommand (hasCapability origsshdata GitAnnexShellCapable) remotedir . sshPubKey <$> keypair
else Nothing
@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ git-annex (5.20140413) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* webapp: Fix UI for removing XMPP connection.
* When init detects that git is not configured to commit, and sets
user.email to work around the problem, also make it set user.name.
* webapp: Support using git-annex on a remote server, which was installed
from the standalone tarball or OSX app, and so does not have
git-annex in PATH (and may also not have git or rsync in PATH).
* standalone tarball, OSX app: Install a ~/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper, which
can be used to run git-annex, git, rsync, etc.
-- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Fri, 11 Apr 2014 21:33:35 -0400
@ -34,11 +34,26 @@ if [ ! -e "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-shell" ]; then
echo "#!/bin/sh"
echo "set -e"
echo "if [ \"x\$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" != \"x\" ]; then"
echo "exec $base/runshell git-annex-shell -c \"\$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\""
echo "else"
echo "exec $base/runshell git-annex-shell -c \"\$@\""
echo "fi"
) > "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-shell"
chmod +x "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-shell"
# And this shim is used by the webapp when adding a remote ssh server.
if [ ! -e "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper" ]; then
mkdir "$HOME/.ssh" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
echo "#!/bin/sh"
echo "set -e"
echo "exec $base/runshell \"\$@\""
) > "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper"
chmod +x "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper"
# Put our binaries first, to avoid issues with out of date or incompatable
# system binaries.
@ -36,11 +36,26 @@ if [ ! -e "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-shell" ]; then
echo "#!/bin/sh"
echo "set -e"
echo "if [ \"x\$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" != \"x\" ]; then"
echo "exec $base/runshell git-annex-shell -c \"\$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\""
echo "else"
echo "exec $base/runshell git-annex-shell -c \"\$@\""
echo "fi"
) > "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-shell"
chmod +x "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-shell"
# And this shim is used by the webapp when adding a remote ssh server.
if [ ! -e "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper" ]; then
mkdir "$HOME/.ssh" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
echo "#!/bin/sh"
echo "set -e"
echo "exec $base/runshell \"\$@\""
) > "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper"
chmod +x "$HOME/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper"
# Put our binaries first, to avoid issues with out of date or incompatable
# system binaries.
Add table
Reference in a new issue