use git-annex-shell configlist
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 66 additions and 48 deletions
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ new gitrepo allbackends = do
prep = do
-- read git config and update state
gitrepo' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead gitrepo Nothing
gitrepo' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead gitrepo
Annex.gitRepoChange gitrepo'
{- performs an action in the Annex monad -}
@ -136,5 +136,5 @@ setConfig key value = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ g ["config", key, value]
-- re-read git config and update the repo's state
g' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead g Nothing
g' <- liftIO $ Git.configRead g
Annex.gitRepoChange g'
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
module Command.Move where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import Command
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ import qualified GitRepo as Git
import qualified Remotes
import UUID
import Messages
import Utility
command :: [Command]
command = [Command "move" paramPath seek
@ -134,10 +136,11 @@ fromPerform move key = do
else return Nothing -- fail
fromCleanup :: Bool -> Git.Repo -> Key -> CommandCleanup
fromCleanup True remote key = do
ok <- Remotes.onRemote remote "dropkey"
ok <- Remotes.onRemote remote boolSystem False "dropkey"
["--quiet", "--force",
"--backend=" ++ backendName key,
keyName key]
remoteHasKey remote key False
when ok $
remoteHasKey remote key False
return ok
fromCleanup False _ _ = return True
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ module GitRepo (
@ -141,11 +143,7 @@ assertUrl repo action =
then action
else error $ "acting on local git repo " ++ repoDescribe repo ++
" not supported"
assertSsh :: Repo -> a -> a
assertSsh repo action =
if repoIsSsh repo
then action
else error $ "unsupported url in repo " ++ repoDescribe repo
bare :: Repo -> Bool
bare repo = case Map.lookup "core.bare" $ config repo of
Just v -> configTrue v
@ -276,11 +274,9 @@ pipeNullSplit repo params = do
split0 s = filter (not . null) $ split "\0" s
{- Runs git config and populates a repo with its config.
- For a ssh repository, a list of ssh options may optionally be specified. -}
configRead :: Repo -> Maybe [String] -> IO Repo
configRead repo@(Repo { location = Dir d }) _ = do
{- Runs git config and populates a repo with its config. -}
configRead :: Repo -> IO Repo
configRead repo@(Repo { location = Dir d }) = do
{- Cannot use pipeRead because it relies on the config having
been already read. Instead, chdir to the repo. -}
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
@ -288,19 +284,18 @@ configRead repo@(Repo { location = Dir d }) _ = do
(\_ -> changeWorkingDirectory cwd) $
pOpen ReadFromPipe "git" ["config", "--list"] $
hConfigRead repo
configRead repo sshopts = assertSsh repo $ do
pOpen ReadFromPipe "ssh" params $ hConfigRead repo
params = case sshopts of
Nothing -> [urlHost repo, command]
Just l -> l ++ [urlHost repo, command]
command = "cd " ++ shellEscape (urlPath repo) ++
" && git config --list"
configRead r = assertLocal r $ error "internal"
{- Reads git config from a handle and populates a repo with it. -}
hConfigRead :: Repo -> Handle -> IO Repo
hConfigRead repo h = do
val <- hGetContentsStrict h
let r = repo { config = configParse val }
return r { remotes = configRemotes r }
return $ configStore repo val
{- Parses a git config and returns a version of the repo using it. -}
configStore :: Repo -> String -> Repo
configStore repo s = r { remotes = configRemotes r }
where r = repo { config = configParse s }
{- Checks if a string fron git config is a true value. -}
configTrue :: String -> Bool
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.String.Utils
import System.Directory hiding (copyFile)
import System.Posix.Directory
import System.Cmd.Utils
import Data.List (intersect, sortBy)
import Control.Monad (when, unless, filterM)
@ -112,16 +113,14 @@ inAnnex r key = if Git.repoIsUrl r
else liftIO (try checklocal ::IO (Either IOException Bool))
checklocal = do
-- run a local check by making an Annex monad
-- using the remote
-- run a local check inexpensively,
-- by making an Annex monad using the remote
a <- r []
Annex.eval a (Core.inAnnex key)
checkremote = do
showNote ("checking " ++ Git.repoDescribe r ++ "...")
inannex <- onRemote r "inannex"
inannex <- onRemote r boolSystem False "inannex"
["--backend=" ++ backendName key, keyName key]
-- XXX Note that ssh failing and the file not existing
-- are not currently differentiated.
return $ Right inannex
{- Cost Ordered list of remotes. -}
@ -199,24 +198,29 @@ byName name = do
- config for a specified remote, and updates state. If successful, it
- returns the updated git repo. -}
tryGitConfigRead :: Git.Repo -> Annex (Either Git.Repo Git.Repo)
tryGitConfigRead r = do
sshoptions <- repoConfig r "ssh-options" ""
if Map.null $ Git.configMap r
then do
-- configRead can fail due to IO error or
-- for other reasons; catch all possible exceptions
result <- liftIO (try (Git.configRead r $ Just $ words sshoptions)::IO (Either SomeException Git.Repo))
tryGitConfigRead r
| not $ Map.null $ Git.configMap r = return $ Right r -- already read
| Git.repoIsSsh r = store $ onRemote r pipedconfig r "configlist" []
| Git.repoIsUrl r = return $ Left r
| otherwise = store $ safely $ Git.configRead r
-- Reading config can fail due to IO error or
-- for other reasons; catch all possible exceptions.
safely a = do
result <- liftIO (try (a)::IO (Either SomeException Git.Repo))
case result of
Left _ -> return $ Left r
Right r' -> do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let l = Git.remotes g
let g' = Git.remotesAdd g $
exchange l r'
Annex.gitRepoChange g'
return $ Right r'
else return $ Right r -- config already read
Left _ -> return r
Right r' -> return r'
pipedconfig cmd params = safely $
pOpen ReadFromPipe cmd params $
Git.hConfigRead r
store a = do
r' <- a
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let l = Git.remotes g
let g' = Git.remotesAdd g $ exchange l r'
Annex.gitRepoChange g'
return $ Right r'
exchange [] _ = []
exchange (old:ls) new =
if Git.repoRemoteName old == Git.repoRemoteName new
@ -268,10 +272,26 @@ remoteCopyFile recv r src dest = do
-- inplace makes rsync resume partial files
options = ["-p", "--progress", "--inplace"]
onRemote :: Git.Repo -> String -> [String] -> Annex Bool
onRemote r command params = runCmd r "git-annex-shell" (command:dir:params)
{- Uses a supplied function to run a git-annex-shell command on a remote. -}
:: Git.Repo
-> (String -> [String] -> IO a)
-> a
-> String
-> [String]
-> Annex a
onRemote r with errorval command params
| not $ Git.repoIsUrl r = liftIO $ with shellcmd shellopts
| Git.repoIsSsh r = do
sshoptions <- repoConfig r "ssh-options" ""
liftIO $ with "ssh" $
words sshoptions ++ [Git.urlHost r, sshcmd]
| otherwise = return errorval
dir = Git.workTree r
shellcmd = "git-annex-shell"
shellopts = command:dir:params
sshcmd = shellcmd ++ " " ++ unwords (map shellEscape shellopts)
{- Runs a command in a remote, using ssh if necessary.
- (Honors annex-ssh-options.) -}
Add table
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