cleanup daemonStatus accessors
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 29 additions and 29 deletions
@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import qualified Data.Map as M
daemonStatus :: Assistant DaemonStatus
daemonStatus = getDaemonStatus <<~ daemonStatusHandle
-- TODO remove this
getDaemonStatusOld :: DaemonStatusHandle -> IO DaemonStatus
getDaemonStatusOld = atomically . readTMVar
getDaemonStatus :: DaemonStatusHandle -> IO DaemonStatus
getDaemonStatus = atomically . readTMVar
getDaemonStatus :: Assistant DaemonStatus
getDaemonStatus = (atomically . readTMVar) <<~ daemonStatusHandle
modifyDaemonStatus_ :: DaemonStatusHandle -> (DaemonStatus -> DaemonStatus) -> IO ()
modifyDaemonStatus_ dstatus a = modifyDaemonStatus dstatus $ \s -> (a s, ())
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Config
handleDrops :: DaemonStatusHandle -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Annex ()
handleDrops _ _ _ Nothing = noop
handleDrops dstatus fromhere key f = do
syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatusOld dstatus
locs <- loggedLocations key
handleDrops' locs syncrs fromhere key f
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
daemonStatusThread :: NamedThread
daemonStatusThread = NamedThread "DaemonStatus" $ do
notifier <- liftIO . newNotificationHandle
=<< changeNotifier <$> daemonStatus
=<< changeNotifier <$> getDaemonStatus
runEvery (Seconds tenMinutes) <~> do
liftIO $ waitNotification notifier
@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ daemonStatusThread = NamedThread "DaemonStatus" $ do
checkpoint = do
file <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo gitAnnexDaemonStatusFile
liftIO . writeDaemonStatusFile file =<< daemonStatus
liftIO . writeDaemonStatusFile file =<< getDaemonStatus
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ pairListenerThread urlrenderer = NamedThread "PairListener" $ do
Just m -> do
sane <- checkSane msg
(pip, verified) <- verificationCheck m
=<< (pairingInProgress <$> daemonStatus)
=<< (pairingInProgress <$> getDaemonStatus)
let wrongstage = maybe False (\p -> pairMsgStage m <= inProgressPairStage p) pip
case (wrongstage, sane, pairMsgStage m) of
-- ignore our own messages, and
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ xmppClient iowaitpush iodebug iopull = do
pull :: [UUID] -> Assistant ()
pull [] = noop
pull us = do
rs <- filter matching . syncRemotes <$> daemonStatus
rs <- filter matching . syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
debug $ "push notification for" : map (fromUUID . Remote.uuid ) rs
pullone rs =<< liftAnnex (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ pushThread = NamedThread "Pusher" $ runEvery (Seconds 2) <~> do
-- Now see if now's a good time to push.
if shouldPush commits
then do
remotes <- filter pushable . syncRemotes <$> daemonStatus
remotes <- filter pushable . syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
unless (null remotes) $
void $ alertWhile (pushAlert remotes) $ do
now <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ sanityCheckerThread = NamedThread "SanityChecker" $ forever $ do
{- Only run one check per day, from the time of the last check. -}
waitForNextCheck :: Assistant ()
waitForNextCheck = do
v <- lastSanityCheck <$> daemonStatus
v <- lastSanityCheck <$> getDaemonStatus
now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds $ Seconds $ calcdelay now v
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ transferPollerThread :: NamedThread
transferPollerThread = NamedThread "TransferPoller" $ do
g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
tn <- liftIO . newNotificationHandle =<<
transferNotifier <$> daemonStatus
transferNotifier <$> getDaemonStatus
forever $ do
liftIO $ threadDelay 500000 -- 0.5 seconds
ts <- currentTransfers <$> daemonStatus
ts <- currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus
if M.null ts
-- block until transfers running
then liftIO $ waitNotification tn
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ transferScannerThread = NamedThread "TransferScanner" $ do
- and then the system (or us) crashed, and that info was
- lost.
startupScan = addScanRemotes True =<< syncRemotes <$> daemonStatus
startupScan = addScanRemotes True =<< syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
{- This is a cheap scan for failed transfers involving a remote. -}
failedTransferScan :: Remote -> Assistant ()
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ expensiveScan rs = unless onlyweb $ do
locs <- loggedLocations key
{- The syncable remotes may have changed since this
- scan began. -}
syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatusOld dstatus
present <- inAnnex key
handleDrops' locs syncrs present key (Just f)
@ -133,18 +133,18 @@ onAddSymlink file filestatus = go =<< liftAnnex (Backend.lookupFile file)
link <- liftAnnex $ calcGitLink file key
ifM ((==) link <$> liftIO (readSymbolicLink file))
( do
s <- daemonStatus
s <- getDaemonStatus
checkcontent key s
ensurestaged link s
, do
liftIO $ removeFile file
liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
checkcontent key =<< daemonStatus
checkcontent key =<< getDaemonStatus
addlink link
go Nothing = do -- other symlink
link <- liftIO (readSymbolicLink file)
ensurestaged link =<< daemonStatus
ensurestaged link =<< getDaemonStatus
{- This is often called on symlinks that are already
- staged correctly. A symlink may have been deleted
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ queueTransfersMatching matching schedule q dstatus k f direction
go = do
rs <- sufficientremotes
=<< syncRemotes <$> liftIO (getDaemonStatus dstatus)
=<< syncRemotes <$> liftIO (getDaemonStatusOld dstatus)
let matchingrs = filter (matching . Remote.uuid) rs
if null matchingrs
then defer
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ queueTransfersMatching matching schedule q dstatus k f direction
queueDeferredDownloads :: Schedule -> TransferQueue -> DaemonStatusHandle -> Annex ()
queueDeferredDownloads schedule q dstatus = do
l <- liftIO $ atomically $ swapTVar (deferreddownloads q) []
rs <- syncRemotes <$> liftIO (getDaemonStatus dstatus)
rs <- syncRemotes <$> liftIO (getDaemonStatusOld dstatus)
left <- filterM (queue rs) l
unless (null left) $
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' (deferreddownloads q) $
@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ newWebAppState = do
getAssistantY :: forall sub a. (AssistantData -> a) -> GHandler sub WebApp a
getAssistantY f = f <$> (assistantData <$> getYesod)
getDaemonStatusY :: forall sub. GHandler sub WebApp DaemonStatus
getDaemonStatusY = liftIO . getDaemonStatus =<< getAssistantY daemonStatusHandle
runAssistantY :: forall sub a. (Assistant a) -> GHandler sub WebApp a
runAssistantY a = liftIO . runAssistant a =<< assistantData <$> getYesod
@ -112,7 +109,7 @@ newNotifier selector = do
liftIO $ notificationHandleToId <$> newNotificationHandle notifier
getNotifier :: forall sub. (DaemonStatus -> NotificationBroadcaster) -> GHandler sub WebApp NotificationBroadcaster
getNotifier selector = selector <$> getDaemonStatusY
getNotifier selector = selector <$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
{- Adds the auth parameter as a hidden field on a form. Must be put into
- every form. -}
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ repoList onlyconfigured includehere
configured = do
rs <- filter (not . Remote.readonly) . syncRemotes
<$> getDaemonStatusY
<$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
runAnnex [] $ do
u <- getUUID
let l = map Remote.uuid rs
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ sideBarDisplay :: Widget
sideBarDisplay = do
let content = do
{- Add newest alerts to the sidebar. -}
alertpairs <- lift $ M.toList . alertMap <$> getDaemonStatusY
alertpairs <- lift $ M.toList . alertMap
<$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
mapM_ renderalert $
take displayAlerts $ reverse $ sortAlertPairs alertpairs
let ident = "sidebar"
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ getCloseAlert i = do
{- When an alert with a button is clicked on, the button takes us here. -}
getClickAlert :: AlertId -> Handler ()
getClickAlert i = do
m <- alertMap <$> getDaemonStatusY
m <- alertMap <$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
case M.lookup i m of
Just (Alert { alertButton = Just b }) -> do
{- Spawn a thread to run the action while redirecting. -}
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ changeSyncable (Just r) False = do
void $ liftIO $ dequeueTransfers (transferQueue d) dstatus tofrom
mapM_ (cancelTransfer False) =<<
filter tofrom . M.keys <$>
liftIO (currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus)
runAssistantY (currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus)
tofrom t = transferUUID t == Remote.uuid r
@ -128,4 +128,4 @@ startTransfer t = do
Transferrer.startTransfer program t info
getCurrentTransfers :: Handler TransferMap
getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatusY
getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers <$> runAssistantY getDaemonStatus
Add table
Reference in a new issue