blind enabling gcrypt repos on
This pulls off quite a nice trick: When given a path on, it determines if it is an encrypted git repository that the user has the key to decrypt, and merges with it. This is works even when the local repository had no idea that the gcrypt remote exists! (As previously done with local drives.) This commit sponsored by Pedro Côrte-Real
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 111 additions and 58 deletions
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ getConfirmAddDriveR drive = ifM (liftIO $ probeRepoExists dir)
mu <- liftIO $ probeUUID dir
case mu of
Nothing -> maybe askcombine isknownuuid
=<< liftIO (probeGCryptRemoteUUID dir)
=<< liftAnnex (probeGCryptRemoteUUID dir)
Just driveuuid -> isknownuuid driveuuid
, newrepo
@ -295,19 +295,17 @@ getFinishAddDriveR drive = go
makeGCryptRemote remotename dir keyid
return (Types.Remote.uuid r, r)
go NoRepoKey = checkGCryptRepoEncryption dir makeunencrypted $ do
mu <- liftIO $ probeGCryptRemoteUUID dir
mu <- liftAnnex $ probeGCryptRemoteUUID dir
case mu of
Just u -> enablegcryptremote u
Just u -> enableexistinggcryptremote u
Nothing -> error "The drive contains a gcrypt repository that is not a git-annex special remote. This is not supported."
enablegcryptremote u = do
mname <- liftAnnex $ getGCryptRemoteName u dir
case mname of
Nothing -> error $ "Cannot find configuration for the gcrypt remote at " ++ dir
Just name -> makewith $ const $ do
r <- liftAnnex $ addRemote $
enableSpecialRemote name GCrypt.remote $ M.fromList
[("gitrepo", dir)]
return (u, r)
enableexistinggcryptremote u = do
remotename' <- liftAnnex $ getGCryptRemoteName u dir
makewith $ const $ do
r <- liftAnnex $ addRemote $
enableSpecialRemote remotename' GCrypt.remote $ M.fromList
[("gitrepo", dir)]
return (u, r)
{- Making a new unencrypted repo, or combining with an existing one. -}
makeunencrypted = makewith $ \isnew -> (,)
<$> liftIO (initRepo isnew False dir $ Just remotename)
@ -471,9 +469,3 @@ probeUUID :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe UUID)
probeUUID dir = catchDefaultIO Nothing $ inDir dir $ do
u <- getUUID
return $ if u == NoUUID then Nothing else Just u
{- Gets the UUID of the gcrypt repo at a location, which may not exist.
- Only works if the gcrypt repo was created as a git-annex remote. -}
probeGCryptRemoteUUID :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe UUID)
probeGCryptRemoteUUID dir = catchDefaultIO Nothing $ do
GCrypt.getGCryptUUID =<< Git.Construct.fromAbsPath dir
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Utility.Gpg
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfigKey)
import Git.Remote
import Assistant.WebApp.Utility
import qualified Remote.GCrypt as GCrypt
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -344,7 +345,8 @@ postAddRsyncNetR = do
$(widgetFile "configurators/")
case result of
FormSuccess sshinput
| isRsyncNet (inputHostname sshinput) -> prep sshinput
| isRsyncNet (inputHostname sshinput) ->
go sshinput
| otherwise ->
showform $ UnusableServer
"That is not a host name."
@ -360,13 +362,28 @@ postAddRsyncNetR = do
The host name will be something like "", and the #
user name something like "7491"
prep sshinput = do
go sshinput = do
let reponame = genSshRepoName ""
(maybe "" T.unpack $ inputDirectory sshinput)
prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame $ \sshdata -> inpage $ do
secretkeys <- sortBy (comparing snd) . M.toList
<$> liftIO secretKeys
$(widgetFile "configurators/")
prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame $ \sshdata -> inpage $
checkexistinggcrypt sshdata $ do
secretkeys <- sortBy (comparing snd) . M.toList
<$> liftIO secretKeys
$(widgetFile "configurators/")
{- Detect if the user entered an existing gcrypt repository,
- and enable it. -}
checkexistinggcrypt sshdata a = ifM (liftIO isGcryptInstalled)
( checkGCryptRepoEncryption repourl a $ do
mu <- liftAnnex $ probeGCryptRemoteUUID repourl
case mu of
Just u -> do
reponame <- liftAnnex $ getGCryptRemoteName u repourl
void $ liftH $ enableRsyncNetGCrypt' sshdata reponame
Nothing -> error "The location contains a gcrypt repository that is not a git-annex special remote. This is not supported."
, a
repourl = sshUrl True sshdata
getMakeRsyncNetSharedR :: SshData -> Handler Html
getMakeRsyncNetSharedR sshdata = makeSshRepo True sshdata
@ -387,16 +404,18 @@ enableRsyncNet :: SshInput -> String -> Handler Html
enableRsyncNet sshinput reponame =
prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame $ makeSshRepo True
enableRsyncNetGCrypt :: SshInput -> String -> Handler Html
enableRsyncNetGCrypt :: SshInput -> RemoteName -> Handler Html
enableRsyncNetGCrypt sshinput reponame =
prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame $ \sshdata -> do
let repourl = sshUrl True sshdata
checkGCryptRepoEncryption repourl notencrypted $
setupCloudRemote TransferGroup $
enableSpecialRemote reponame GCrypt.remote $ M.fromList
[("gitrepo", repourl)]
prepRsyncNet sshinput reponame $ \sshdata ->
checkGCryptRepoEncryption (sshUrl True sshdata) notencrypted $
enableRsyncNetGCrypt' sshdata reponame
notencrypted = error "Unexpectedly found a non-encrypted git repository, instead of the expected encrypted git repository."
notencrypted = error "Unexpectedly found a non-encrypted git repository, instead of the expected encrypted git repository."
enableRsyncNetGCrypt' :: SshData -> RemoteName -> Handler Html
enableRsyncNetGCrypt' sshdata reponame =
setupCloudRemote TransferGroup $
enableSpecialRemote reponame GCrypt.remote $ M.fromList
[("gitrepo", sshUrl True sshdata)]
{- Prepares ssh key, and if successful, runs an action with
- its SshData. -}
@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ import Assistant.Gpg
import Utility.Gpg
import qualified Git.Command
import qualified Git.Remote
import qualified Git.Construct
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Git.GCrypt
import qualified Remote.GCrypt as GCrypt
import Assistant.MakeRemote
import Logs.Remote
@ -34,8 +36,11 @@ gpgKeyDisplay keyid userid = [whamlet|
genKeyModal :: Widget
genKeyModal = $(widgetFile "configurators/genkeymodal")
isGcryptInstalled :: IO Bool
isGcryptInstalled = inPath "git-remote-gcrypt"
whenGcryptInstalled :: Handler Html -> Handler Html
whenGcryptInstalled a = ifM (liftIO $ inPath "git-remote-gcrypt")
whenGcryptInstalled a = ifM (liftIO isGcryptInstalled)
( a
, page "Need git-remote-gcrypt" (Just Configuration) $
$(widgetFile "configurators/needgcrypt")
@ -58,7 +63,7 @@ withNewSecretKey use = do
- branch from the gcrypt remote and merges it in, and then looks up
- the name.
getGCryptRemoteName :: UUID -> String -> Annex (Maybe Git.Remote.RemoteName)
getGCryptRemoteName :: UUID -> String -> Annex Git.Remote.RemoteName
getGCryptRemoteName u repoloc = do
tmpremote <- uniqueRemoteName "tmpgcryptremote" 0 <$> gitRepo
void $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool
@ -70,9 +75,11 @@ getGCryptRemoteName u repoloc = do
, return Nothing
void $ inRepo $ Git.Remote.remove tmpremote
return mname
maybe missing return mname
missing = error $ "Cannot find configuration for the gcrypt remote at " ++ repoloc
checkGCryptRepoEncryption :: String -> Handler Html -> Handler Html -> Handler Html
checkGCryptRepoEncryption :: (Monad m, LiftAnnex m) => String -> m a -> m a -> m a
checkGCryptRepoEncryption location notencrypted encrypted =
dispatch =<< liftAnnex (inRepo $ Git.GCrypt.probeRepo location)
@ -80,3 +87,10 @@ checkGCryptRepoEncryption location notencrypted encrypted =
dispatch Git.GCrypt.NotEncrypted = notencrypted
dispatch Git.GCrypt.NotDecryptable =
error "This git repository is encrypted with a GnuPG key that you do not have."
{- Gets the UUID of the gcrypt repo at a location, which may not exist.
- Only works if the gcrypt repo was created as a git-annex remote. -}
probeGCryptRemoteUUID :: String -> Annex (Maybe UUID)
probeGCryptRemoteUUID repolocation = do
r <- inRepo $ Git.Construct.fromRemoteLocation repolocation
GCrypt.getGCryptUUID False r
@ -168,3 +168,12 @@ fromPipe r cmd params = try $
p = proc cmd $ toCommand params
{- Reads git config from a specified file and returns the repo populated
- with the configuration. -}
fromFile :: Repo -> FilePath -> IO (Either SomeException (Repo, String))
fromFile r f = fromPipe r "git"
[ Param "config"
, Param "--file"
, File f
, Param "--list"
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ options = Option.common ++
check u | u == toUUID expected = noop
check NoUUID = checkGCryptUUID expected
check u = unexpectedUUID expected u
checkGCryptUUID expected = inRepo getGCryptUUID >>= check
checkGCryptUUID expected = check =<< getGCryptUUID True =<< gitRepo
check (Just u) | u == toUUID expected = noop
check Nothing = unexpected expected "uninitialized repository"
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import Annex.UUID
import Annex.Ssh
import qualified Remote.Rsync
import Utility.Rsync
import Utility.Tmp
import Logs.Remote
import Logs.Transfer
import Utility.Gpg
@ -61,9 +62,9 @@ gen gcryptr u c gc = do
-- get underlying git repo with real path, not gcrypt path
r <- liftIO $ Git.GCrypt.encryptedRemote g gcryptr
let r' = r { Git.remoteName = Git.remoteName gcryptr }
(mgcryptid, r'') <- liftIO $ getGCryptId r'
-- doublecheck that local cache matches underlying repo's gcrypt-id
-- (which might not be set)
-- doublecheck that cache matches underlying repo's gcrypt-id
-- (which might not be set), only for local repos
(mgcryptid, r'') <- getGCryptId True r'
case (mgcryptid, Git.GCrypt.remoteRepoId g (Git.remoteName gcryptr)) of
(Just gcryptid, Just cachedgcryptid)
| gcryptid /= cachedgcryptid -> resetup gcryptid r''
@ -87,24 +88,6 @@ gen gcryptr u c gc = do
warning $ "not using unknown gcrypt repository pointed to by remote " ++ Git.repoDescribe r
return Nothing
getGCryptUUID :: Git.Repo -> IO (Maybe UUID)
getGCryptUUID r = (genUUIDInNameSpace gCryptNameSpace <$>) . fst
<$> getGCryptId r
coreGCryptId :: String
coreGCryptId = "core.gcrypt-id"
{- gcrypt repos set up by git-annex as special remotes have a
- core.gcrypt-id setting in their config, which can be mapped back to
- the remote's UUID. This only works for local repos.
- (Also returns a version of input repo with its config read.) -}
getGCryptId :: Git.Repo -> IO (Maybe Git.GCrypt.GCryptId, Git.Repo)
getGCryptId r
| Git.repoIsLocal r = do
r' <- catchDefaultIO r $ r
return (Git.Config.getMaybe coreGCryptId r', r')
| otherwise = return (Nothing, r)
gen' :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen' r u c gc = do
cst <- remoteCost gc $
@ -374,3 +357,39 @@ toAccessMethod :: String -> AccessMethod
toAccessMethod "shell" = AccessShell
toAccessMethod _ = AccessDirect
getGCryptUUID :: Bool -> Git.Repo -> Annex (Maybe UUID)
getGCryptUUID fast r = (genUUIDInNameSpace gCryptNameSpace <$>) . fst
<$> getGCryptId fast r
coreGCryptId :: String
coreGCryptId = "core.gcrypt-id"
{- gcrypt repos set up by git-annex as special remotes have a
- core.gcrypt-id setting in their config, which can be mapped back to
- the remote's UUID.
- In fast mode, only checks local repos. To check a remote repo,
- tries git-annex-shell and direct rsync of the git config file.
- (Also returns a version of input repo with its config read.) -}
getGCryptId :: Bool -> Git.Repo -> Annex (Maybe Git.GCrypt.GCryptId, Git.Repo)
getGCryptId fast r
| Git.repoIsLocal r = extract
=<< liftIO (catchDefaultIO r $ r)
| not fast = do
fromshell <- Ssh.onRemote r (Git.Config.fromPipe r, Left undefined) "configlist" [] []
case fromshell of
Right (r', _) -> extract r'
Left _ -> do
(rsynctransport, rsyncurl, _) <- rsyncTransport r
fromrsync <- liftIO $ do
withTmpFile "tmpconfig" $ \tmpconfig _ -> do
void $ rsync $ rsynctransport ++
[ Param $ rsyncurl ++ "/config"
, Param tmpconfig
Git.Config.fromFile r tmpconfig
extract $ either (const r) fst fromrsync
| otherwise = return (Nothing, r)
extract r' = return (Git.Config.getMaybe coreGCryptId r', r')
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