This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 27 additions and 18 deletions
@ -42,25 +42,27 @@ merge_index :: CatFileHandle -> Repo -> [String] -> IO ()
merge_index h repo bs =
update_index_via repo $ map (\b -> merge_tree_index b h repo) bs
update_index :: Repo -> [String] -> IO ()
update_index repo ls = update_index_via repo [\h -> mapM_ (sendContent h) ls]
{- Feeds content into update-index. Later items in the list can override
- earlier ones, so the list can be generated from any combination of
- ls_tree, merge_trees, and merge_tree_index. -}
update_index_via :: Repo -> [Handle -> IO ()] -> IO ()
update_index_via repo ls = do
update_index :: Repo -> [String] -> IO ()
update_index repo ls = update_index_via repo [\s -> mapM_ s ls]
type Streamer = (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
{- Streams content into update-index. -}
update_index_via :: Repo -> [Streamer] -> IO ()
update_index_via repo as = do
(p, h) <- hPipeTo "git" (toCommand $ Git.gitCommandLine params repo)
forM_ ls $ \l -> l h
forM_ as (stream h)
hClose h
forceSuccess p
params = map Param ["update-index", "-z", "--index-info"]
sendContent :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
sendContent h s = do
hPutStr h s
hPutStr h "\0"
stream h a = a (streamer h)
streamer h s = do
hPutStr h s
hPutStr h "\0"
{- Generates a line suitable to be fed into update-index, to add
- a given file with a given sha. -}
@ -68,17 +70,17 @@ update_index_line :: String -> FilePath -> String
update_index_line sha file = "100644 blob " ++ sha ++ "\t" ++ file
{- Gets the contents of a tree. -}
ls_tree :: String -> Repo -> Handle -> IO ()
ls_tree x repo h = mapM_ (sendContent h) =<< pipeNullSplit params repo
ls_tree :: String -> Repo -> Streamer
ls_tree x repo streamer = mapM_ streamer =<< pipeNullSplit params repo
params = map Param ["ls-tree", "-z", "-r", "--full-tree", x]
{- For merging two trees. -}
merge_trees :: String -> String -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> Handle -> IO ()
merge_trees :: String -> String -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> Streamer
merge_trees x y h = calc_merge h $ "diff-tree":diff_opts ++ [x, y]
{- For merging a single tree into the index. -}
merge_tree_index :: String -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> Handle -> IO ()
merge_tree_index :: String -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> Streamer
merge_tree_index x h = calc_merge h $ "diff-index":diff_opts ++ ["--cached", x]
diff_opts :: [String]
@ -86,12 +88,13 @@ diff_opts = ["--raw", "-z", "-r", "--no-renames", "-l0"]
{- Calculates how to perform a merge, using git to get a raw diff,
- and returning a list suitable for update_index. -}
calc_merge :: CatFileHandle -> [String] -> Repo -> Handle -> IO ()
calc_merge ch differ repo ih = pipeNullSplit (map Param differ) repo >>= go
calc_merge :: CatFileHandle -> [String] -> Repo -> Streamer
calc_merge ch differ repo streamer = gendiff >>= go
gendiff = pipeNullSplit (map Param differ) repo
go [] = return ()
go (info:file:rest) = mergeFile info file ch repo >>=
maybe (go rest) (\l -> sendContent ih l >> go rest)
maybe (go rest) (\l -> streamer l >> go rest)
go (_:[]) = error "calc_merge parse error"
{- Given an info line from a git raw diff, and the filename, generates
@ -15,3 +15,9 @@ merged. This could be reduced to a single call to `git-cat-file --batch`,
There is already a Git.CatFile library that can do this easily. --[[Joey]]
> This is now done, part above remains todo. --[[Joey]]
Merging used to use memory proportional to the size of the diff. It now
streams data, running in constant space. This probably sped it up a lot,
as there's much less allocation and GC action. --[[Joey]]
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