move standalone building code out of Makefile and into Build.Standalone
This includes making Build.Standalone run LinuxMkLibs or OSXMkLibs rather than doing that separately. Which is groundwork for a later optimisation. Also it simplified the code some.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 144 additions and 109 deletions
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ Build/SysConfig
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Main where
module Build.LinuxMkLibs (mklibs) where
import System.Environment
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
@ -25,14 +24,8 @@ import Utility.Path
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.CopyFile
import Utility.CopyFile
main :: IO ()
mklibs :: FilePath -> a -> IO ()
main = getArgs >>= go
mklibs top _installedbins = do
go [] = error "specify LINUXSTANDALONE_DIST"
go (top:_) = mklibs top
mklibs :: FilePath -> IO ()
mklibs top = do
fs <- dirContentsRecursive top
fs <- dirContentsRecursive top
exes <- filterM checkExe fs
exes <- filterM checkExe fs
libs <- parseLdd <$> readProcess "ldd" exes
libs <- parseLdd <$> readProcess "ldd" exes
@ -71,8 +64,7 @@ consolidateUsrLib top libdirs = map reverse <$> go [] (map reverse libdirs)
let x' = reverse x
let x' = reverse x
let y' = reverse y
let y' = reverse y
fs <- getDirectoryContents (inTop top x')
fs <- getDirectoryContents (inTop top x')
forM_ fs $ \f -> do
forM_ fs $ \f ->
print f
unless (dirCruft f) $
unless (dirCruft f) $
(inTop top (x' </> f))
(inTop top (x' </> f))
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
module Main where
module Build.OSXMkLibs (mkLibs) where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
@ -31,17 +31,20 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
type LibMap = M.Map FilePath String
type LibMap = M.Map FilePath String
mklibs :: FilePath -> M.Map FilePath FilePath -> IO ()
mklibs appbase installedbins = mklibs' appbase installedbins [] [] M.empty
{- Recursively find and install libs, until nothing new to install is found. -}
{- Recursively find and install libs, until nothing new to install is found. -}
mklibs :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> LibMap -> IO ()
mklibs' :: FilePath -> M.Map FilePath FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> LibMap -> IO ()
mklibs appbase libdirs replacement_libs libmap = do
mklibs' appbase installedbins libdirs replacement_libs libmap = do
(new, replacement_libs', libmap') <- installLibs appbase replacement_libs libmap
(new, replacement_libs', libmap') <- installLibs appbase installedbins replacement_libs libmap
unless (null new) $
unless (null new) $
mklibs appbase (libdirs++new) replacement_libs' libmap'
mklibs' appbase installedbins (libdirs++new) replacement_libs' libmap'
{- Returns directories into which new libs were installed. -}
{- Returns directories into which new libs were installed. -}
installLibs :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> LibMap -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, FilePath)], LibMap)
installLibs :: FilePath -> M.Map FilePath FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> LibMap -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, FilePath)], LibMap)
installLibs appbase replacement_libs libmap = do
installLibs appbase replacement_libs libmap = do
(needlibs, replacement_libs', libmap') <- otool appbase replacement_libs libmap
(needlibs, replacement_libs', libmap') <- otool appbase installedbins replacement_libs libmap
libs <- forM needlibs $ \lib -> do
libs <- forM needlibs $ \lib -> do
pathlib <- findLibPath lib
pathlib <- findLibPath lib
let shortlib = fromMaybe (error "internal") (M.lookup lib libmap')
let shortlib = fromMaybe (error "internal") (M.lookup lib libmap')
@ -78,8 +81,8 @@ installLibs appbase replacement_libs libmap = do
- library files returned may need to be run through findLibPath
- library files returned may need to be run through findLibPath
- to find the actual libraries to install.
- to find the actual libraries to install.
otool :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> LibMap -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, FilePath)], LibMap)
otool :: FilePath -> M.Map FilePath FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> LibMap -> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, FilePath)], LibMap)
otool appbase replacement_libs libmap = do
otool appbase installedbins replacement_libs libmap = do
files <- filterM doesFileExist =<< dirContentsRecursive appbase
files <- filterM doesFileExist =<< dirContentsRecursive appbase
process [] files replacement_libs libmap
process [] files replacement_libs libmap
@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ otool appbase replacement_libs libmap = do
_ <- boolSystem "chmod" [Param "755", File file]
_ <- boolSystem "chmod" [Param "755", File file]
libs <- filter want . parseOtool
libs <- filter want . parseOtool
<$> readProcess "otool" ["-L", file]
<$> readProcess "otool" ["-L", file]
expanded_libs <- expand_rpath libs replacement_libs file
expanded_libs <- expand_rpath installedbins libs replacement_libs file
let rls' = nub $ rls ++ (zip libs expanded_libs)
let rls' = nub $ rls ++ (zip libs expanded_libs)
m' <- install_name_tool file libs expanded_libs m
m' <- install_name_tool file libs expanded_libs m
process (expanded_libs:c) rest rls' m'
process (expanded_libs:c) rest rls' m'
@ -118,12 +121,10 @@ findLibPath l = go =<< getEnv "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
- option (so it doesn't do anything.. hopefully!) and asking the dynamic
- option (so it doesn't do anything.. hopefully!) and asking the dynamic
- linker to print expanded rpaths.
- linker to print expanded rpaths.
expand_rpath :: [String] -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> FilePath -> IO [String]
expand_rpath :: M.Map FilePath FilePath -> [String] -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> FilePath -> IO [String]
expand_rpath libs replacement_libs cmd
expand_rpath installedbins libs replacement_libs cmd
| any ("@rpath" `isInfixOf`) libs = do
| any ("@rpath" `isInfixOf`) libs = do
installed <- M.fromList .
let origcmd = case M.lookup cmd installedbins of
<$> readFile "tmp/standalone-installed"
let origcmd = case M.lookup cmd installed of
Nothing -> cmd
Nothing -> cmd
Just cmd' -> cmd'
Just cmd' -> cmd'
s <- catchDefaultIO "" $ readProcess "sh" ["-c", probe origcmd]
s <- catchDefaultIO "" $ readProcess "sh" ["-c", probe origcmd]
@ -185,9 +186,3 @@ getLibName lib libmap = case M.lookup lib libmap of
used = S.fromList $ M.elems libmap
used = S.fromList $ M.elems libmap
nextfreename = fromMaybe (error "ran out of short library names!") $
nextfreename = fromMaybe (error "ran out of short library names!") $
headMaybe $ dropWhile (`S.member` used) names
headMaybe $ dropWhile (`S.member` used) names
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= go
go [] = error "specify OSXAPP_BASE"
go (appbase:_) = mklibs appbase [] [] M.empty
@ -1,26 +1,37 @@
{- Makes standalone bundle.
{- Makes standalone bundle.
- Copyright 2012-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2012-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
module Main where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad.IfElse
import Control.Monad.IfElse
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.Files
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
import Build.BundledPrograms
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Process
import Utility.Process
import Utility.Path
import Utility.Path
import Utility.Directory
import Utility.Directory
import Utility.Env
import Build.BundledPrograms
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
import Build.OSXMkLibs (mklibs)
import Build.Version
import Utility.Split
import Build.LinuxMkLibs (mklibs)
import Utility.FileMode
progDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
progDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
@ -42,6 +53,16 @@ installProg dir prog = searchPath prog >>= go
error $ "install failed for " ++ prog
error $ "install failed for " ++ prog
return (dest, f)
return (dest, f)
installBundledPrograms :: FilePath -> IO (M.Map FilePath FilePath)
installBundledPrograms topdir = M.fromList . concat <$> mapM go
[ (progDir topdir, preferredBundledPrograms)
, (extraProgDir topdir, extraBundledPrograms)
go (dir, progs) = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
forM progs $ installProg dir
installGitLibs :: FilePath -> IO ()
installGitLibs :: FilePath -> IO ()
installGitLibs topdir = do
installGitLibs topdir = do
-- install git-core programs; these are run by the git command
-- install git-core programs; these are run by the git command
@ -100,21 +121,93 @@ installGitLibs topdir = do
case ls of
case ls of
[] -> error $ "git " ++ opt ++ "did not output a location"
[] -> error $ "git " ++ opt ++ "did not output a location"
(p:_) -> return p
(p:_) -> return p
cp src dest = do
cp :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
nukeFile dest
cp src dest = do
unlessM (boolSystem "cp" [Param "-a", File src, File dest]) $
nukeFile dest
unlessM (boolSystem "cp" [Param "-a", File src, File dest]) $
error "cp failed"
installMagic :: FilePath -> IO ()
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
installMagic topdir = getEnv "OSX_MAGIC_FILE" >>= \case
Nothing -> hputStrLn stderr "OSX_MAGIC_FILE not set; not including it"
Just f -> do
let mdir = topdir </> "magic"
createDirectoryIfMissing True mdir
unlessM (boolSystem "cp" [File f, File mdir </> "magic.mgc") $
error "cp failed"
error "cp failed"
installMagic topdir = do
let mdir = topdir </> "magic"
createDirectoryIfMissing True mdir
unlessM (boolSystem "cp" [File "/usr/share/file/magic.mgc", File (mdir </> "magic.mgc")]) $
error "cp failed"
installLocales :: FilePath -> IO ()
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
installLocales _ = return ()
installLocales topdir = cp "/usr/share/i18n" (topdir </> "i18n")
installWrapper :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
installWrapper topdir basedir = do
removeDirectoryRecursive basedir
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory basedir)
unlessM (boolSystem "cp" [Param "-R", File "standalone/osx/", File basedir]) $
error "cp failed"
plist <- lines <$> readFile "standalone/osx/Info.plist.template"
version <- getVersion
writeFile (basedir </> "Contents" </> "Info.plist")
(unlines (map (expandversion version) plist))
expandversion v l = replace "GIT_ANNEX_VERSION" v l
installWrapper topdir _basedir = do
removeDirectoryRecursive topdir
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory topdir)
unlessM (boolSystem "cp" [Param "-R", File "standalone/linux/skel", File topdir]) $
error "cp failed"
runshell <- lines <$> readFile "standalone/linux/skel/runshell"
-- GIT_ANNEX_PACKAGE_INSTALL can be set by a distributor and
-- runshell will be modified
writeFile (topdir </> "runshell")
(unlines (map (expandrunshell gapi) runshell))
modifyFileMode (topdir </> "runshell") (addModes executeModes)
expandrunshell (Just gapi) l@"GIT_ANNEX_PACKAGE_INSTALL=" = l ++ gapi
expandrunshell _ l = l
installGitAnnex :: FilePath -> IO ()
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
installGitAnnex topdir = go topdir
installGitAnnex topdir = go (topdir </> "bin")
go bindir = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True bindir
unlessM (boolSystem "cp" [File "git-annex", File bindir]) $
error "cp failed"
unlessM (boolSystem "strip" [File (bindir </> "git-annex")]) $
error "strip failed"
createLink "git-annex" (bindir </> "git-annex-shell")
createLink "git-annex" (bindir </> "git-remote-tor-annex")
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= go
main = getArgs >>= go
go [] = error "specify topdir"
go (topdir:basedir:[]) = do
go (topdir:_) = do
installWrapper topdir basedir
installed <- forM
installGitAnnex topdir
[ (progDir topdir, preferredBundledPrograms)
installedbins <- installBundledPrograms topdir
, (extraProgDir topdir, extraBundledPrograms) ] $ \(dir, progs) -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
forM progs $ installProg dir
writeFile "tmp/standalone-installed" (show (concat installed))
installGitLibs topdir
installGitLibs topdir
installMagic topdir
installLocales topdir
mklibs topdir installedbins
go _ = error "specify topdir and basedir"
@ -151,8 +151,7 @@ clean:
if [ "$(BUILDER)" != ./Setup ] && [ "$(BUILDER)" != cabal ]; then $(BUILDER) clean; fi
if [ "$(BUILDER)" != ./Setup ] && [ "$(BUILDER)" != cabal ]; then $(BUILDER) clean; fi
rm -rf tmp dist dist-newstyle git-annex $(mans) configure *.tix .hpc \
rm -rf tmp dist dist-newstyle git-annex $(mans) configure *.tix .hpc \
doc/.ikiwiki html dist tags TAGS Build/SysConfig Build/Version \
doc/.ikiwiki html dist tags TAGS Build/SysConfig Build/Version \
Setup Build/InstallDesktopFile \
Setup Build/InstallDesktopFile Build/Standalone \
Build/Standalone Build/OSXMkLibs Build/LinuxMkLibs \
Build/DistributionUpdate Build/BuildVersion Build/MakeMans \
Build/DistributionUpdate Build/BuildVersion Build/MakeMans \
git-annex-shell git-union-merge .tasty-rerun-log
git-annex-shell git-union-merge .tasty-rerun-log
find . -name \*.o -exec rm {} \;
find . -name \*.o -exec rm {} \;
@ -164,40 +163,19 @@ Build/Standalone: Build/Standalone.hs tmp/configure-stamp
$(GHC) --make $@ -Wall -fno-warn-tabs
$(GHC) --make $@ -Wall -fno-warn-tabs
Build/BuildVersion: Build/BuildVersion.hs
Build/BuildVersion: Build/BuildVersion.hs
$(GHC) --make $@ -Wall -fno-warn-tabs
$(GHC) --make $@ -Wall -fno-warn-tabs
Build/OSXMkLibs: Build/OSXMkLibs.hs
$(GHC) --make $@ -Wall -fno-warn-tabs
Build/LinuxMkLibs: Build/LinuxMkLibs.hs
$(GHC) --make $@ -Wall -fno-warn-tabs
Build/MakeMans: Build/MakeMans.hs
Build/MakeMans: Build/MakeMans.hs
$(GHC) --make $@ -Wall -fno-warn-tabs
$(GHC) --make $@ -Wall -fno-warn-tabs
$(MAKE) git-annex Build/Standalone Build/LinuxMkLibs
$(MAKE) git-annex Build/Standalone
mkdir -p tmp
cp -R standalone/linux/skel "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)"
install -d "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin"
cp git-annex "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin/"
strip "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin/git-annex"
ln -sf git-annex "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin/git-annex-shell"
ln -sf git-annex "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/bin/git-remote-tor-annex"
zcat standalone/licences.gz > $(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/LICENSE
zcat standalone/licences.gz > $(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/LICENSE
cp doc/logo_16x16.png doc/logo.svg $(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)
cp doc/logo_16x16.png doc/logo.svg $(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)
cp standalone/trustedkeys.gpg $(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)
cp standalone/trustedkeys.gpg $(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)
./Build/Standalone "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)"
install -d "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/magic"
cp /usr/share/file/magic.mgc "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/magic"
cp /usr/share/i18n -a "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)"
sha1sum git-annex > "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/buildid"
sha1sum git-annex > "$(LINUXSTANDALONE_DEST)/buildid"
cd tmp/git-annex.linux && find . -type f > git-annex.MANIFEST
cd tmp/git-annex.linux && find . -type f > git-annex.MANIFEST
cd tmp/git-annex.linux && find . -type l >> git-annex.MANIFEST
cd tmp/git-annex.linux && find . -type l >> git-annex.MANIFEST
@ -226,10 +204,8 @@ dpkg-buildpackage%: prep-standalone
$(MAKE) undo-standalone
$(MAKE) undo-standalone
$(MAKE) git-annex Build/Standalone Build/OSXMkLibs Build/BuildVersion
# Remove all RPATHs, both because this overloads the linker on
# Remove all RPATHs, both because this overloads the linker on
# OSX Sierra, and to avoid the binary looking in someone's home
# OSX Sierra, and to avoid the binary looking in someone's home
# directory.
# directory.
@ -237,35 +213,16 @@ osxapp:
eval install_name_tool $$(otool -l git-annex | grep "path " | sed 's/.*path /-delete_rpath /' | sed 's/ (.*//') git-annex; \
eval install_name_tool $$(otool -l git-annex | grep "path " | sed 's/.*path /-delete_rpath /' | sed 's/ (.*//') git-annex; \
rm -rf "$(OSXAPP_DEST)" "$(OSXAPP_BASE)"
$(MAKE) git-annex Build/Standalone
install -d tmp/build-dmg
./Build/Standalone $(OSXAPP_TOP) $(OSXAPP_DEST)
cp -R standalone/osx/ "$(OSXAPP_DEST)"
sed -e 's/GIT_ANNEX_VERSION/$(shell Build/BuildVersion)/' \
< standalone/osx/Info.plist.template \
> "$(OSXAPP_DEST)"/Contents/Info.plist
install -d "$(OSXAPP_BASE)"
gzcat standalone/licences.gz > $(OSXAPP_TOP)/LICENSE
cp git-annex "$(OSXAPP_BASE)"
cp $(OSXAPP_TOP)/LICENSE tmp/build-dmg/LICENSE.txt
strip "$(OSXAPP_BASE)/git-annex"
ln -sf git-annex "$(OSXAPP_BASE)/git-annex-shell"
ln -sf git-annex "$(OSXAPP_BASE)/git-remote-tor-annex"
gzcat standalone/licences.gz > $(OSXAPP_BASE)/LICENSE
cp $(OSXAPP_BASE)/LICENSE tmp/build-dmg/LICENSE.txt
cp standalone/trustedkeys.gpg $(OSXAPP_DEST)/Contents/MacOS
cp standalone/trustedkeys.gpg $(OSXAPP_DEST)/Contents/MacOS
./Build/Standalone $(OSXAPP_BASE)
install -d "$(OSXAPP_BASE)/magic"
if [ -e "$(OSX_MAGIC_FILE)" ]; then \
cp "$(OSX_MAGIC_FILE)" "$(OSXAPP_BASE)/magic/magic.mgc"; \
else \
echo "** OSX_MAGIC_FILE not set; not including it" >&2; \
# OSX looks in man dir nearby the bin
# OSX looks in man dir nearby the bin
$(MAKE) install-mans DESTDIR="$(OSXAPP_BASE)/.." SHAREDIR="" PREFIX=""
$(MAKE) install-mans DESTDIR="$(OSXAPP_TOP)/.." SHAREDIR="" PREFIX=""
./Build/OSXMkLibs $(OSXAPP_BASE)
cd $(OSXAPP_DEST) && find . -type f > Contents/MacOS/git-annex.MANIFEST
cd $(OSXAPP_DEST) && find . -type f > Contents/MacOS/git-annex.MANIFEST
cd $(OSXAPP_DEST) && find . -type l >> Contents/MacOS/git-annex.MANIFEST
cd $(OSXAPP_DEST) && find . -type l >> Contents/MacOS/git-annex.MANIFEST
rm -f tmp/git-annex.dmg
rm -f tmp/git-annex.dmg
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
# Runs a shell command (or interactive shell) using the binaries and
# Runs a shell command (or interactive shell) using the binaries and
# libraries bundled with this app.
# libraries bundled with this app.
# Set this variable when using this script inside a package of git-annex,
# which arranges for git-annex, git-annex-shell, and git to all be in the
# standard PATH. This also makes the system locales be used.
set -e
set -e
@ -44,10 +49,6 @@ else
# Set this variable when using this script inside a package of git-annex,
# which arranges for git-annex, git-annex-shell, and git to all be in the
# standard PATH.
if [ -z "$GIT_ANNEX_PACKAGE_INSTALL" ]; then
if [ -z "$GIT_ANNEX_PACKAGE_INSTALL" ]; then
# Install shim that's used to run git-annex-shell from ssh authorized
# Install shim that's used to run git-annex-shell from ssh authorized
# keys. The assistant also does this when run, but the user may not
# keys. The assistant also does this when run, but the user may not
@ -126,8 +127,7 @@ export MANPATH
# Avoid using system locales, which may interact badly with bundled libc.
# Avoid using system locales, which may interact badly with bundled libc.
# (But if LOCPATH is set, don't override it, and if GIT_ANNEX_PACKAGE_INSTALL
# (But if LOCPATH is set, don't override it.
# is set, use the system locales.)
if [ -z "${LOCPATH+set}" ] && [ -z "$GIT_ANNEX_PACKAGE_INSTALL" ]; then
if [ -z "${LOCPATH+set}" ] && [ -z "$GIT_ANNEX_PACKAGE_INSTALL" ]; then
Add table
Reference in a new issue