diff --git a/Annex/LockPool/PosixOrPid.hs b/Annex/LockPool/PosixOrPid.hs
index 151a5b3193..91e34c25ec 100644
--- a/Annex/LockPool/PosixOrPid.hs
+++ b/Annex/LockPool/PosixOrPid.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 {- Wraps Utility.LockPool, making pid locks be used when git-annex is so
  - configured.
- - Copyright 2015-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
+ - Copyright 2015-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
  - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import qualified Utility.LockPool.PidLock as Pid
 import qualified Utility.LockPool.LockHandle as H
 import Utility.LockPool.LockHandle (LockHandle, dropLock)
 import Utility.LockFile.Posix (openLockFile)
-import Utility.LockPool.STM (LockFile)
+import Utility.LockPool.STM (LockFile, LockMode(..))
 import Utility.LockFile.LockStatus
 import Config (pidLockFile)
 import Messages (warning)
@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ import Messages (warning)
 import System.Posix
 lockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex LockHandle
-lockShared m f = pidLock m f $ Posix.lockShared m f
+lockShared m f = pidLock m f LockShared $ Posix.lockShared m f
 lockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex LockHandle
-lockExclusive m f = pidLock m f $ Posix.lockExclusive m f
+lockExclusive m f = pidLock m f LockExclusive $ Posix.lockExclusive m f
 tryLockShared :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
-tryLockShared m f = tryPidLock m f $ Posix.tryLockShared m f
+tryLockShared m f = tryPidLock m f LockShared $ Posix.tryLockShared m f
 tryLockExclusive :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
-tryLockExclusive m f = tryPidLock m f $ Posix.tryLockExclusive m f
+tryLockExclusive m f = tryPidLock m f LockExclusive $ Posix.tryLockExclusive m f
 checkLocked :: LockFile -> Annex (Maybe Bool)
 checkLocked f = Posix.checkLocked f `pidLockCheck` checkpid
@@ -67,22 +67,22 @@ pidLockCheck :: IO a -> (LockFile -> IO a) -> Annex a
 pidLockCheck posixcheck pidcheck = debugLocks $
 	liftIO . maybe posixcheck pidcheck =<< pidLockFile
-pidLock :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO LockHandle -> Annex LockHandle
-pidLock m f posixlock = debugLocks $ go =<< pidLockFile
+pidLock :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> LockMode -> IO LockHandle -> Annex LockHandle
+pidLock m f lockmode posixlock = debugLocks $ go =<< pidLockFile
 	go Nothing = liftIO posixlock
 	go (Just pidlock) = do
 		timeout <- annexPidLockTimeout <$> Annex.getGitConfig
 		liftIO $ dummyPosixLock m f
-		Pid.waitLock timeout pidlock warning
+		Pid.waitLock f lockmode timeout pidlock warning
-tryPidLock :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle) -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
-tryPidLock m f posixlock = debugLocks $ liftIO . go =<< pidLockFile
+tryPidLock :: Maybe FileMode -> LockFile -> LockMode -> IO (Maybe LockHandle) -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle)
+tryPidLock m f lockmode posixlock = debugLocks $ liftIO . go =<< pidLockFile
 	go Nothing = posixlock
 	go (Just pidlock) = do
 		dummyPosixLock m f
-		Pid.tryLock pidlock
+		Pid.tryLock f lockmode pidlock
 -- The posix lock file is created even when using pid locks, in order to
 -- avoid complicating any code that might expect to be able to see that
diff --git a/Annex/PidLock.hs b/Annex/PidLock.hs
index c1bb91c9eb..74755a0e0b 100644
--- a/Annex/PidLock.hs
+++ b/Annex/PidLock.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {- Pid locking support.
- - Copyright 2014-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
+ - Copyright 2014-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
  - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pidLockChildProcess cmd ps f a = do
 			(go gonopidlock p pidlock)
-  	setup pidlock = PidP.tryLock pidlock
+  	setup pidlock = PidP.tryLock' pidlock
 	cleanup (Just h) = dropLock h
 	cleanup Nothing = return ()
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ runsGitAnnexChildProcessViaGit a = pidLockFile >>= \case
 	Nothing -> a
 	Just pidlock -> bracket (setup pidlock) cleanup (go pidlock)
-	setup pidlock = liftIO $ PidP.tryLock pidlock
+	setup pidlock = liftIO $ PidP.tryLock' pidlock
 	cleanup (Just h) = liftIO $ dropLock h
 	cleanup Nothing = return ()
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ runsGitAnnexChildProcessViaGit' r a = pidLockFile >>= \case
 	Nothing -> liftIO $ a r
 	Just pidlock -> liftIO $ bracket (setup pidlock) cleanup (go pidlock)
-	setup pidlock = PidP.tryLock pidlock
+	setup pidlock = PidP.tryLock' pidlock
 	cleanup (Just h) = dropLock h
 	cleanup Nothing = return ()
diff --git a/Utility/LockFile/PidLock.hs b/Utility/LockFile/PidLock.hs
index 786b961572..83541b7b94 100644
--- a/Utility/LockFile/PidLock.hs
+++ b/Utility/LockFile/PidLock.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 module Utility.LockFile.PidLock (
+	PidLockFile,
@@ -53,13 +54,13 @@ import System.FilePath
 import Control.Applicative
 import Prelude
-type LockFile = RawFilePath
+type PidLockFile = RawFilePath
 data LockHandle
-	= LockHandle LockFile FileStatus SideLockHandle
+	= LockHandle PidLockFile FileStatus SideLockHandle
 	| ParentLocked
-type SideLockHandle = Maybe (LockFile, Posix.LockHandle)
+type SideLockHandle = Maybe (RawFilePath, Posix.LockHandle)
 data PidLock = PidLock
 	{ lockingPid :: ProcessID
@@ -72,13 +73,13 @@ mkPidLock = PidLock
 	<$> getProcessID
 	<*> getHostName
-readPidLock :: LockFile -> IO (Maybe PidLock)
+readPidLock :: PidLockFile -> IO (Maybe PidLock)
 readPidLock lockfile = (readish =<<)
 	<$> catchMaybeIO (readFile (fromRawFilePath lockfile))
 -- To avoid races when taking over a stale pid lock, a side lock is used.
 -- This is a regular posix exclusive lock.
-trySideLock :: LockFile -> (SideLockHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
+trySideLock :: PidLockFile -> (SideLockHandle -> IO a) -> IO a
 trySideLock lockfile a = do
 	sidelock <- sideLockFile lockfile
 	mlck <- catchDefaultIO Nothing $ 
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ dropSideLock (Just (f, h)) = do
 -- The side lock is put in /dev/shm. This will work on most any
 -- Linux system, even if its whole root filesystem doesn't support posix
 -- locks. /tmp is used as a fallback.
-sideLockFile :: LockFile -> IO LockFile
+sideLockFile :: PidLockFile -> IO RawFilePath
 sideLockFile lockfile = do
 	f <- fromRawFilePath <$> absPath lockfile
 	let base = intercalate "_" (splitDirectories (makeRelative "/" f))
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ sideLockFile lockfile = do
 -- If a parent process is holding the lock, determined by a
 -- "PIDLOCK_lockfile" environment variable, does not block either.
-tryLock :: LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
+tryLock :: PidLockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
 tryLock lockfile = do
 	abslockfile <- absPath lockfile
 	lockenv <- pidLockEnv abslockfile
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ checkInsaneLustre dest = do
 -- After the first second waiting, runs the callback to display a message,
 -- so the user knows why it's stalled.
-waitLock :: MonadIO m => Seconds -> LockFile -> (String -> m ()) -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> m LockHandle
+waitLock :: MonadIO m => Seconds -> PidLockFile -> (String -> m ()) -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> m LockHandle
 waitLock (Seconds timeout) lockfile displaymessage sem = go timeout
 	go n
@@ -273,14 +274,14 @@ waitLock (Seconds timeout) lockfile displaymessage sem = go timeout
 			liftIO $ sem False
 			waitedLock (Seconds timeout) lockfile displaymessage
-waitedLock :: MonadIO m => Seconds -> LockFile -> (String -> m ()) -> m LockHandle
+waitedLock :: MonadIO m => Seconds -> PidLockFile -> (String -> m ()) -> m LockHandle
 waitedLock (Seconds timeout) lockfile displaymessage = do
 	displaymessage $ show timeout ++ " second timeout exceeded while waiting for pid lock file " ++ fromRawFilePath lockfile
 	giveup $ "Gave up waiting for pid lock file " ++ fromRawFilePath lockfile
 -- | Use when the pid lock has already been taken by another thread of the
 -- same process, or perhaps is in the process of being taken.
-alreadyLocked :: MonadIO m => LockFile -> m LockHandle
+alreadyLocked :: MonadIO m => PidLockFile -> m LockHandle
 alreadyLocked lockfile = liftIO $ do
 	abslockfile <- absPath lockfile
 	st <- getFileStatus abslockfile
@@ -294,10 +295,10 @@ dropLock (LockHandle lockfile _ sidelock) = do
 	removeWhenExistsWith removeLink lockfile
 dropLock ParentLocked = return ()
-getLockStatus :: LockFile -> IO LockStatus
+getLockStatus :: PidLockFile -> IO LockStatus
 getLockStatus = maybe StatusUnLocked (StatusLockedBy . lockingPid) <$$> readPidLock
-checkLocked :: LockFile -> IO (Maybe Bool)
+checkLocked :: PidLockFile -> IO (Maybe Bool)
 checkLocked lockfile = conv <$> getLockStatus lockfile
 	conv (StatusLockedBy _) = Just True
@@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ checkLocked lockfile = conv <$> getLockStatus lockfile
 -- Checks that the lock file still exists, and is the same file that was
 -- locked to get the LockHandle.
-checkSaneLock :: LockFile -> LockHandle -> IO Bool
+checkSaneLock :: PidLockFile -> LockHandle -> IO Bool
 checkSaneLock lockfile (LockHandle _ st _) = 
 	go =<< catchMaybeIO (getFileStatus lockfile)
diff --git a/Utility/LockPool/LockHandle.hs b/Utility/LockPool/LockHandle.hs
index cbc649c803..e60dffb60e 100644
--- a/Utility/LockPool/LockHandle.hs
+++ b/Utility/LockPool/LockHandle.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module Utility.LockPool.LockHandle (
-	LockHandle,
+	LockHandle(..),
 #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
@@ -86,4 +86,3 @@ mkLockHandle :: P.LockHandle -> FileLockOps -> IO LockHandle
 mkLockHandle ph fo = do
 	atomically $ P.registerCloseLockFile ph (fDropLock fo)
 	return $ LockHandle ph fo
diff --git a/Utility/LockPool/PidLock.hs b/Utility/LockPool/PidLock.hs
index d16509074e..97f94dd25a 100644
--- a/Utility/LockPool/PidLock.hs
+++ b/Utility/LockPool/PidLock.hs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Utility.LockPool.PidLock (
+	tryLock',
@@ -34,34 +35,72 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
 import Control.Applicative
 import Prelude
--- Takes a pid lock, blocking until the lock is available or the timeout.
+-- Does locking using a pid lock, blocking until the lock is available
+-- or the timeout.
+-- There are two levels of locks. A STM lock is used to handle
+-- fine-grained locking amoung threads, locking a specific lockfile,
+-- but only in memory. The pid lock handles locking between processes.
+-- The Seconds is how long to delay if the pid lock is held by another
+-- process.
 	:: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
-	=> Seconds
-	-> LockFile
+	=> LockFile
+	-> LockMode
+	-> Seconds
+	-> F.PidLockFile
 	-> (String -> m ())
 	-> m LockHandle
-waitLock timeout file displaymessage = makeLockHandle P.lockPool file
-	-- LockShared for STM lock, because a pid lock can be the top-level
-	-- lock with various other STM level locks gated behind it.
-	(\p f -> P.waitTakeLock p f LockShared)
-	(\f (P.FirstLock firstlock firstlocksem) -> mk 
-		<$> if firstlock
-			then F.waitLock timeout f displaymessage $
-				void . atomically . tryPutTMVar firstlocksem . P.FirstLockSemWaited
-			else liftIO (atomically $ readTMVar firstlocksem) >>= \case
-				P.FirstLockSemWaited True -> F.alreadyLocked f
-				P.FirstLockSemTried True -> F.alreadyLocked f
-				P.FirstLockSemWaited False -> F.waitedLock timeout f displaymessage
-				P.FirstLockSemTried False -> F.waitLock timeout f displaymessage $
+waitLock stmlockfile lockmode timeout pidlockfile displaymessage = do
+	sl@(LockHandle ph _) <- takestmlock
+	pl <- takepidlock
+	-- When the STM lock gets dropped, also drop the pid lock.
+	liftIO $ atomically $
+		P.registerPostReleaseLock ph (dropLock pl)
+	return sl
+  where
+	takestmlock = makeLockHandle P.lockPool stmlockfile
+		(\p f -> P.waitTakeLock p f lockmode)
+		(\_ _ -> pure stmonlyflo)
+	takepidlock = makeLockHandle P.lockPool pidlockfile
+		-- LockShared because multiple threads can share the pid lock;
+		-- it remains locked until all threads using it drop
+		-- their locks.
+		(\p f -> P.waitTakeLock p f LockShared)
+		(\f (P.FirstLock firstlock firstlocksem) -> mkflo
+			<$> if firstlock
+				then F.waitLock timeout f displaymessage $
 					void . atomically . tryPutTMVar firstlocksem . P.FirstLockSemWaited
-	)
+				else liftIO (atomically $ readTMVar firstlocksem) >>= \case
+					P.FirstLockSemWaited True -> F.alreadyLocked f
+					P.FirstLockSemTried True -> F.alreadyLocked f
+					P.FirstLockSemWaited False -> F.waitedLock timeout f displaymessage
+					P.FirstLockSemTried False -> F.waitLock timeout f displaymessage $
+						void . atomically . tryPutTMVar firstlocksem . P.FirstLockSemWaited
+		)
 -- Tries to take a pid lock, but does not block.
-tryLock :: LockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
-tryLock file = tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
+tryLock :: LockFile -> LockMode -> F.PidLockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
+tryLock stmlockfile lockmode pidlockfile = takestmlock >>= \case
+	Just (sl@(LockHandle ph _)) -> tryLock' pidlockfile >>= \case
+		Just pl -> do
+			liftIO $ atomically $
+				P.registerPostReleaseLock ph (dropLock pl)
+			return (Just sl)
+		Nothing -> do
+			dropLock sl
+			return Nothing
+	Nothing -> return Nothing
+  where
+	takestmlock = tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool stmlockfile
+		(\p f -> P.tryTakeLock p f lockmode)
+		(\_ _ -> pure (Just stmonlyflo))
+tryLock' :: F.PidLockFile -> IO (Maybe LockHandle)
+tryLock' pidlockfile = tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool pidlockfile
 	(\p f -> P.tryTakeLock p f LockShared)
-	(\f (P.FirstLock firstlock firstlocksem) -> fmap mk
+	(\f (P.FirstLock firstlock firstlocksem) -> fmap mkflo
 		<$> if firstlock
 			then do
 				lh <- F.tryLock f
@@ -85,8 +124,14 @@ getLockStatus file = P.getLockStatus P.lockPool file
 	(StatusLockedBy <$> getProcessID)
 	(F.getLockStatus file)
-mk :: F.LockHandle -> FileLockOps
-mk h = FileLockOps
+mkflo :: F.LockHandle -> FileLockOps
+mkflo h = FileLockOps
 	{ fDropLock = F.dropLock h
 	, fCheckSaneLock = \f -> F.checkSaneLock f h
+stmonlyflo :: FileLockOps
+stmonlyflo = FileLockOps
+	{ fDropLock = return ()
+	, fCheckSaneLock = const (return True)
+	}
diff --git a/Utility/LockPool/STM.hs b/Utility/LockPool/STM.hs
index d5ab6b4e41..84c68faf3e 100644
--- a/Utility/LockPool/STM.hs
+++ b/Utility/LockPool/STM.hs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Utility.LockPool.STM (
+	registerPostReleaseLock,
 ) where
 import Utility.Monad
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ data LockMode = LockExclusive | LockShared
 -- This TMVar is full when the handle is open, and is emptied when it's
 -- closed.
-type LockHandle = TMVar (LockPool, LockFile, CloseLockFile)
+type LockHandle = TMVar (LockPool, LockFile, CloseLockFile, PostReleaseLock)
 -- When a shared lock is taken, this will only be true for the first
 -- process, not subsequent processes. The first process should
@@ -54,8 +55,12 @@ type LockCount = Integer
 data LockStatus = LockStatus LockMode LockCount FirstLockSem
+-- Action that closes the underlying lock file.
 type CloseLockFile = IO ()
+-- Action that is run after the LockHandle is released.
+type PostReleaseLock = IO ()
 -- This TMVar is normally kept full.
 type LockPool = TMVar (M.Map LockFile LockStatus)
@@ -82,7 +87,7 @@ tryTakeLock pool file mode = do
 	m <- takeTMVar pool
 	let success firstlock v = do
 		putTMVar pool (M.insert file v m)
-		tmv <- newTMVar (pool, file, noop)
+		tmv <- newTMVar (pool, file, noop, noop)
 		return (Just (tmv, firstlock))
 	case M.lookup file m of
 		Just (LockStatus mode' n firstlocksem)
@@ -96,14 +101,22 @@ tryTakeLock pool file mode = do
 				return Nothing
 		_ -> do
 			firstlocksem <- newEmptyTMVar
-			success (FirstLock True firstlocksem) $ LockStatus mode 1 firstlocksem
+			success (FirstLock True firstlocksem) $
+				LockStatus mode 1 firstlocksem
 -- Call after waitTakeLock or tryTakeLock, to register a CloseLockFile
 -- action to run when releasing the lock.
 registerCloseLockFile :: LockHandle -> CloseLockFile -> STM ()
 registerCloseLockFile h closelockfile = do
-	(p, f, c) <- takeTMVar h
-	putTMVar h (p, f, c >> closelockfile)
+	(p, f, c, r) <- takeTMVar h
+	putTMVar h (p, f, c >> closelockfile, r)
+-- Call after waitTakeLock or tryTakeLock, to register a PostReleaseLock
+-- action to run after releasing the lock.
+registerPostReleaseLock :: LockHandle -> PostReleaseLock -> STM ()
+registerPostReleaseLock h postreleaselock = do
+	(p, f, c, r) <- takeTMVar h
+	putTMVar h (p, f, c, r >> postreleaselock)
 -- Checks if a lock is being held. If it's held by the current process,
 -- runs the getdefault action; otherwise runs the checker action.
@@ -134,11 +147,12 @@ getLockStatus pool file getdefault checker = do
 -- Note that the lock pool is left empty while the CloseLockFile action
 -- is run, to avoid race with another thread trying to open the same lock
--- file.
+-- file. However, the pool is full again when the PostReleaseLock action
+-- runs.
 releaseLock :: LockHandle -> IO ()
 releaseLock h = go =<< atomically (tryTakeTMVar h)
-	go (Just (pool, file, closelockfile)) = do
+	go (Just (pool, file, closelockfile, postreleaselock)) = do
 		(m, lastuser) <- atomically $ do
 			m <- takeTMVar pool
 			return $ case M.lookup file m of
@@ -147,7 +161,8 @@ releaseLock h = go =<< atomically (tryTakeTMVar h)
 					| otherwise ->
 						(M.insert file (LockStatus mode (pred n) firstlocksem) m, False)
 				Nothing -> (m, True)
-		() <- when lastuser closelockfile
+		when lastuser closelockfile
 		atomically $ putTMVar pool m
+		when lastuser postreleaselock
 	-- The LockHandle was already closed.
 	go Nothing = return ()