vicfg: New file format, avoids ambiguity with repos that have the same description, or no description.
This is also nice in that uuids are all the same length, so the values of each line, line up. Also a great deal of boilerplate elimination.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 39 additions and 45 deletions
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ start = do
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpCfgFile
createAnnexDirectory $ parentDir f
cfg <- getCfg
liftIO $ writeFile f $ genCfg cfg
descs <- uuidDescriptions
liftIO $ writeFile f $ genCfg cfg descs
vicfg cfg f
@ -57,7 +58,6 @@ data Cfg = Cfg
{ cfgTrustMap :: TrustMap
, cfgGroupMap :: M.Map UUID (S.Set Group)
, cfgPreferredContentMap :: M.Map UUID String
, cfgDescriptions :: M.Map UUID String
getCfg :: Annex Cfg
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ getCfg = Cfg
<$> trustMapRaw -- without local trust overrides
<*> (groupsByUUID <$> groupMap)
<*> preferredContentMapRaw
<*> uuidDescriptions
setCfg :: Cfg -> Cfg -> Annex ()
setCfg curcfg newcfg = do
@ -80,13 +79,8 @@ diffCfg curcfg newcfg = (diff cfgTrustMap, diff cfgGroupMap, diff cfgPreferredCo
diff f = M.differenceWith (\x y -> if x == y then Nothing else Just x)
(f newcfg) (f curcfg)
genCfg :: Cfg -> String
genCfg cfg = unlines $ concat
[ intro
, trustintro, trust, defaulttrust
, groupsintro, groups, defaultgroups
, preferredcontentintro, preferredcontent, defaultpreferredcontent
genCfg :: Cfg -> M.Map UUID String -> String
genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ concat [intro, trust, groups, preferredcontent]
intro =
[ com "git-annex configuration"
@ -94,50 +88,48 @@ genCfg cfg = unlines $ concat
, com "Changes saved to this file will be recorded in the git-annex branch."
, com ""
, com "Lines in this file have the format:"
, com " setting repo = value"
, com " setting uuid = value"
trustintro =
trust = settings cfgTrustMap
[ ""
, com "Repository trust configuration"
, com "(Valid trust levels: " ++
unwords (map showTrustLevel [Trusted .. DeadTrusted]) ++
trust = map (\(t, u) -> line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel t) $
sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ cfgTrustMap cfg
(\(t, u) -> line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel t)
(\u -> lcom $ line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel SemiTrusted)
defaulttrust = map (\u -> pcom $ line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel SemiTrusted) $
missing cfgTrustMap
groupsintro =
groups = settings cfgGroupMap
[ ""
, com "Repository groups"
, com "(Separate group names with spaces)"
groups = sort $ map (\(s, u) -> line "group" u $ unwords $ S.toList s) $
map swap $ M.toList $ cfgGroupMap cfg
defaultgroups = map (\u -> pcom $ line "group" u "") $
missing cfgGroupMap
(\(s, u) -> line "group" u $ unwords $ S.toList s)
(\u -> lcom $ line "group" u "")
preferredcontentintro =
preferredcontent = settings cfgPreferredContentMap
[ ""
, com "Repository preferred contents"
preferredcontent = sort $ map (\(s, u) -> line "preferred-content" u s) $
map swap $ M.toList $ cfgPreferredContentMap cfg
defaultpreferredcontent = map (\u -> pcom $ line "preferred-content" u "") $
missing cfgPreferredContentMap
(\(s, u) -> line "preferred-content" u s)
(\u -> line "preferred-content" u "")
line setting u value = unwords
[ setting
, showu u
, "="
, value
settings field desc showvals showdefaults = concat
[ desc
, concatMap showvals $
sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ field cfg
, concatMap (\u -> lcom $ showdefaults u) $
missing field
pcom s = "#" ++ s
showu u = fromMaybe (fromUUID u) $
M.lookup u (cfgDescriptions cfg)
missing field = S.toList $ M.keysSet (cfgDescriptions cfg) `S.difference` M.keysSet (field cfg)
line setting u value =
[ com $ "(" ++ (fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup u descs) ++ ")"
, unwords [setting, fromUUID u, "=", value]
lcom = map (\l -> if "#" `isPrefixOf` l then l else "#" ++ l)
missing field = S.toList $ M.keysSet descs `S.difference` M.keysSet (field cfg)
{- If there's a parse error, returns a new version of the file,
- with the problem lines noted. -}
@ -155,16 +147,14 @@ parseCfg curcfg = go [] curcfg . lines
parse l cfg
| null l = Right cfg
| "#" `isPrefixOf` l = Right cfg
| null setting || null repo' = Left "missing repository name"
| otherwise = case M.lookup repo' name2uuid of
Nothing -> badval "repository" repo'
Just u -> handle cfg u setting value'
| null setting || null u = Left "missing repository uuid"
| otherwise = handle cfg (toUUID u) setting value'
(setting, rest) = separate isSpace l
(repo, value) = separate (== '=') rest
(r, value) = separate (== '=') rest
value' = trimspace value
repo' = reverse $ trimspace $
reverse $ trimspace repo
u = reverse $ trimspace $
reverse $ trimspace r
trimspace = dropWhile isSpace
handle cfg u setting value
@ -184,9 +174,6 @@ parseCfg curcfg = go [] curcfg . lines
in Right $ cfg { cfgPreferredContentMap = m }
| otherwise = badval "setting" setting
name2uuid = M.fromList $ map swap $
M.toList $ cfgDescriptions curcfg
showerr (Just msg, l) = [parseerr ++ msg, l]
showerr (Nothing, l)
-- filter out the header and parse error lines
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
git-annex (3.20121011) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* vicfg: New file format, avoids ambiguity with repos that have the same
description, or no description.
-- Joey Hess <> Fri, 12 Oct 2012 22:46:08 -0400
git-annex (3.20121010) unstable; urgency=low
* Renamed --ingroup to --inallgroup.
Add table
Reference in a new issue