metadata: Added -r to remove all current values of a field.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 39 additions and 17 deletions
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ dateMetaData mtime old = MetaData $ M.fromList $ filter isnew
parseModMeta :: String -> Either String ModMeta
parseModMeta p = case lastMaybe f of
Just '+' -> AddMeta <$> mkMetaField f' <*> v
Just '-' -> DelMeta <$> mkMetaField f' <*> v
Just '-' -> DelMeta <$> mkMetaField f' <*> (Just <$> v)
Just '?' -> MaybeSetMeta <$> mkMetaField f' <*> v
_ -> SetMeta <$> mkMetaField f <*> v
@ -46,10 +46,14 @@ optParser desc = MetaDataOptions
( long "tag" <> short 't' <> metavar "TAG"
<> help "set a tag"
<|> (DelMeta tagMetaField . toMetaValue <$> strOption
<|> (DelMeta tagMetaField . Just . toMetaValue <$> strOption
( long "untag" <> short 'u' <> metavar "TAG"
<> help "remove a tag"
<|> option (eitherReader (\f -> DelMeta <$> mkMetaField f <*> pure Nothing))
( long "remove" <> short 'r' <> metavar "FIELD"
<> help "remove all values of a field"
seek :: MetaDataOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = do
@ -219,9 +219,13 @@ metaDataValues f (MetaData m) = fromMaybe S.empty (M.lookup f m)
{- Ways that existing metadata can be modified -}
data ModMeta
= AddMeta MetaField MetaValue
| DelMeta MetaField MetaValue
| SetMeta MetaField MetaValue -- removes any existing values
| MaybeSetMeta MetaField MetaValue -- when field has no existing value
| DelMeta MetaField (Maybe MetaValue)
-- ^ delete value of a field. With Just, only that specific value
-- is deleted; with Nothing, all current values are deleted.
| SetMeta MetaField MetaValue
-- ^ removes any existing values
| MaybeSetMeta MetaField MetaValue
-- ^ set when field has no existing value
deriving (Show)
{- Applies a ModMeta, generating the new MetaData.
@ -229,7 +233,10 @@ data ModMeta
- values set in the input metadata. It only contains changed values. -}
modMeta :: MetaData -> ModMeta -> MetaData
modMeta _ (AddMeta f v) = updateMetaData f v emptyMetaData
modMeta _ (DelMeta f oldv) = updateMetaData f (unsetMetaValue oldv) emptyMetaData
modMeta _ (DelMeta f (Just oldv)) =
updateMetaData f (unsetMetaValue oldv) emptyMetaData
modMeta m (DelMeta f Nothing) = MetaData $ M.singleton f $
S.fromList $ map unsetMetaValue $ S.toList $ currentMetaDataValues f m
modMeta m (SetMeta f v) = updateMetaData f v $
foldr (updateMetaData f) emptyMetaData $
map unsetMetaValue $ S.toList $ currentMetaDataValues f m
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
git-annex (6.20160230) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* metadata: Added -r to remove all current values of a field.
-- Joey Hess <> Mon, 29 Feb 2016 13:00:30 -0400
git-annex (6.20160229) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update perlmagick build dependency. Closes: #789225
@ -19,34 +19,39 @@ When run without any -s or -t parameters, displays the current metadata.
* `-g field`
* `-g field` / `--get field`
Get the value(s) of a single field.
The values will be output one per line, with no other output, so
this is suitable for use in a script.
* `-s field=value`
* `-s field=value` / `--set field=value`
Set a field's value, removing any old values.
* `-s field+=value`
* `-s field+=value` / `--set field+=value`
Add an additional value, preserving any old values.
* `-s field-=value`
Remove a value.
* `-s field?=value`
* `-s field?=value` / `--set field?=value`
Set a value, but only if the field does not already have a value set.
* `-t tag`
* `-s field-=value` / `--set field-=value`
Remove a value from a field, leaving any other values that the field has
* `-r field` / `--remove field`
Remove all current values of the field.
* `-t tag` / `--tag tag`
Set a tag. Note that a tag is just a value of the "tag" field.
* `-u tag`
* `-u tag` / `--unset tag`
Unset a tag.
Add table
Reference in a new issue