Switched from the old haskell HTTP library to http-conduit.
The hoary old HTTP library was only used when checking if an url exists, when curl was not available. It had many problems, including not supporting https at all. Now, this is done using http-conduit for all urls that it supports. Falls back to curl for any url that http-conduit doesn't like (probably ftp etc, but could also be an url that its parser chokes on for whatever reason). This adds a new dependency on http-conduit, but webdav support already indirectly depended on that, and the s3-aws branch also uses it. This opens up the possibility of using http-conduit for large file downloads, but for now I've left it using wget/curl. This commit was sponsored by Paul Tötterman.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 72 additions and 88 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- Url downloading.
- Copyright 2011,2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Copyright 2011-2014 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- License: BSD-2-clause
@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ module Utility.Url (
import Common
import Network.URI
import qualified Network.Browser as Browser
import Network.HTTP
import Data.Either
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B8
import qualified Build.SysConfig
@ -34,16 +35,43 @@ type Headers = [String]
type UserAgent = String
data UrlOptions = UrlOptions
data BaseUrlOptions = BaseUrlOptions
{ userAgent :: Maybe UserAgent
, reqHeaders :: Headers
, reqParams :: [CommandParam]
instance Default UrlOptions
instance Default BaseUrlOptions
def = UrlOptions Nothing [] []
data UrlOptions = UrlOptions
{ urlOptions :: BaseUrlOptions
, applyRequest :: Request -> Request
mkUrlOptions :: BaseUrlOptions -> UrlOptions
mkUrlOptions uo = UrlOptions uo applyrequest
applyrequest = \r -> r { requestHeaders = requestHeaders r ++ addedheaders }
addedheaders = uaheader ++ otherheaders
uaheader = case userAgent uo of
Nothing -> []
Just ua -> [(hUserAgent, B8.fromString ua)]
otherheaders = map toheader (reqHeaders uo)
toheader s =
let (h, v) = separate (== ':') s
h' = CI.mk (B8.fromString h)
in case v of
(' ':v') -> (h', B8.fromString v')
_ -> (h', B8.fromString v)
addUserAgent :: UrlOptions -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
addUserAgent (UrlOptions uo) ps = case userAgent uo of
Nothing -> ps
-- --user-agent works for both wget and curl commands
Just ua -> ps ++ [Param "--user-agent", Param ua]
{- Checks that an url exists and could be successfully downloaded,
- also checking that its size, if available, matches a specified size. -}
checkBoth :: URLString -> Maybe Integer -> UrlOptions -> IO Bool
@ -60,33 +88,26 @@ check url expected_size = go <$$> exists url
Nothing -> (True, True)
{- Checks that an url exists and could be successfully downloaded,
- also returning its size if available.
- For a file: url, check it directly.
- Uses curl otherwise, when available, since curl handles https better
- than does Haskell's Network.Browser.
- also returning its size if available. -}
exists :: URLString -> UrlOptions -> IO (Bool, Maybe Integer)
exists url uo = case parseURIRelaxed url of
Just u
| uriScheme u == "file:" -> do
s <- catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus (unEscapeString $ uriPath u)
case s of
Just stat -> return (True, Just $ fromIntegral $ fileSize stat)
Nothing -> dne
| otherwise -> if Build.SysConfig.curl
then do
Just u -> case parseUrl (show u) of
Just req -> existsconduit req `catchNonAsync` const dne
-- http-conduit does not support file:, ftp:, etc urls,
-- so fall back to reading files and using curl.
| uriScheme u == "file:" -> do
s <- catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus (unEscapeString $ uriPath u)
case s of
Just stat -> return (True, Just $ fromIntegral $ fileSize stat)
Nothing -> dne
| Build.SysConfig.curl -> do
output <- catchDefaultIO "" $
readProcess "curl" $ toCommand curlparams
case lastMaybe (lines output) of
Just ('2':_:_) -> return (True, extractsize output)
Just ('2':_:_) -> return (True, extractlencurl output)
_ -> dne
else do
r <- request u HEAD uo
case rspCode r of
(2,_,_) -> return (True, size r)
_ -> return (False, Nothing)
| otherwise -> dne
Nothing -> dne
dne = return (False, Nothing)
@ -98,19 +119,28 @@ exists url uo = case parseURIRelaxed url of
, Param "-w", Param "%{http_code}"
] ++ concatMap (\h -> [Param "-H", Param h]) (reqHeaders uo) ++ (reqParams uo)
extractsize s = case lastMaybe $ filter ("Content-Length:" `isPrefixOf`) (lines s) of
extractlencurl s = case lastMaybe $ filter ("Content-Length:" `isPrefixOf`) (lines s) of
Just l -> case lastMaybe $ words l of
Just sz -> readish sz
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
size = liftM Prelude.read . lookupHeader HdrContentLength . rspHeaders
-- works for both wget and curl commands
addUserAgent :: UrlOptions -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
addUserAgent uo ps = case userAgent uo of
Nothing -> ps
Just ua -> ps ++ [Param "--user-agent", Param ua]
extractlen resp = readish . B8.toString =<< headMaybe lenheaders
lenheaders = map snd $
filter (\(h, _) -> h == hContentLength)
(responseHeaders resp)
existsconduit req = withManager $ \mgr -> do
let req' = (applyRequest uo req) { method = methodHead }
resp <- http req' mgr
-- forces processing the response before the
-- manager is closed
ret <- if responseStatus resp == ok200
then return (True, extractlen resp)
else liftIO dne
liftIO $ closeManager mgr
return ret
{- Used to download large files, such as the contents of keys.
@ -161,52 +191,6 @@ download' quiet url file uo =
| quiet = [Param s]
| otherwise = []
{- Uses Network.Browser to make a http request of an url.
- For example, HEAD can be used to check if the url exists,
- or GET used to get the url content (best for small urls).
- This does its own redirect following because Browser's is buggy for HEAD
- requests.
- Unfortunately, does not handle https, so should only be used
- when curl is not available.
request :: URI -> RequestMethod -> UrlOptions -> IO (Response String)
request url requesttype uo = go 5 url
go :: Int -> URI -> IO (Response String)
go 0 _ = error "Too many redirects "
go n u = do
rsp <- Browser.browse $ do
maybe noop Browser.setUserAgent (userAgent uo)
Browser.setErrHandler ignore
Browser.setOutHandler ignore
Browser.setAllowRedirects False
let req = mkRequest requesttype u :: Request_String
snd <$> Browser.request (addheaders req)
case rspCode rsp of
(3,0,x) | x /= 5 -> redir (n - 1) u rsp
_ -> return rsp
addheaders req = setHeaders req (rqHeaders req ++ userheaders)
userheaders = rights $ map parseHeader (reqHeaders uo)
ignore = const noop
redir n u rsp = case retrieveHeaders HdrLocation rsp of
[] -> return rsp
(Header _ newu:_) ->
case parseURIReference newu of
Nothing -> return rsp
Just newURI -> go n $
#if defined VERSION_network
#if ! MIN_VERSION_network(2,4,0)
#define WITH_OLD_URI
fromMaybe newURI (newURI `relativeTo` u)
newURI `relativeTo` u
{- Allows for spaces and other stuff in urls, properly escaping them. -}
parseURIRelaxed :: URLString -> Maybe URI
parseURIRelaxed = parseURI . escapeURIString isAllowedInURI
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ git-annex (5.20140718) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* git-annex-shell sendkey: Don't fail if a remote asks for a key to be sent
that already has a transfer lock file indicating it's being sent to that
remote. The remote may have moved between networks, or reconnected.
* Switched from the old haskell HTTP library to http-conduit.
-- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:41:26 -0400
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Build-Depends:
@ -55,7 +56,6 @@ Build-Depends:
libghc-gnutls-dev (>= 0.1.4),
libghc-feed-dev (>=,
libghc-regex-tdfa-dev [!mipsel !s390],
libghc-regex-compat-dev [mipsel s390],
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ Executable git-annex
Main-Is: git-annex.hs
Build-Depends: MissingH, hslogger, directory, filepath,
containers, utf8-string, network (>= 2.0), mtl (>= 2),
bytestring, old-locale, time, HTTP, dataenc, SHA, process, json,
bytestring, old-locale, time, dataenc, SHA, process, json,
base (>= 4.5 && < 4.9), monad-control, exceptions (>= 0.5), transformers,
IfElse, text, QuickCheck >= 2.1, bloomfilter, edit-distance, process,
SafeSemaphore, uuid, random, dlist, unix-compat, async, stm (>= 2.3),
data-default, case-insensitive
data-default, case-insensitive, http-conduit, http-types
CC-Options: -Wall
GHC-Options: -Wall
Extensions: PackageImports
@ -141,8 +141,7 @@ Executable git-annex
CPP-Options: -DWITH_S3
if flag(WebDAV)
Build-Depends: DAV (>= 1.0),
http-client, http-types
Build-Depends: DAV (>= 1.0), http-client
if flag(Assistant) && ! os(solaris)
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ Executable git-annex
if flag(Webapp)
yesod, yesod-default, yesod-static, yesod-form, yesod-core,
http-types, wai, wai-extra, warp, warp-tls,
wai, wai-extra, warp, warp-tls,
blaze-builder, crypto-api, hamlet, clientsession,
template-haskell, data-default, aeson, path-pieces,
Add table
Reference in a new issue