suggest when user may want annex.stalldetection
When annex.stalldetection is not enabled, and a likely stall is detected, display a suggestion to enable it. Note that the progress meter display is not taken down when displaying the message, so it will display like this: 0% 8 B 0 B/s Transfer seems to have stalled. To handle stalling transfers, configure annex.stalldetection 0% 10 B 0 B/s Although of course if it's really stalled, it will never update again after the message. Taking down the progress meter and starting a new one doesn't seem too necessary given how unusual this is, also this does help show the state it was at when it stalled. Use of uninterruptibleCancel here is ok, the thread it's canceling only does STM transactions and sleeps. The annex thread that gets forked off is separate to avoid it being canceled, so that it can be joined back at the end. A module cycle required moving from dupState the precaching of the remote list. Doing it at startConcurrency should cover all the cases where the remote list is used in concurrent actions. This commit was sponsored by Kevin Mueller on Patreon.
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 160 additions and 101 deletions
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import Types.Concurrency
import Types.CatFileHandles
import Annex.CheckAttr
import Annex.CheckIgnore
import Remote.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -72,11 +71,6 @@ forkState a = do
dupState :: Annex AnnexState
dupState = do
-- Make sure that some expensive actions have been done before
-- starting threads. This way the state has them already run,
-- and each thread won't try to do them.
_ <- remoteList
st <- Annex.getState id
-- Make sure that concurrency is enabled, if it was not already,
-- so the concurrency-safe resource pools are set up.
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ importKeys remote importtreeconfig importcontent thirdpartypopulated importablec
return (Just (k', ok))
checkDiskSpaceToGet k Nothing $
notifyTransfer Download af $
download' (Remote.uuid remote) k af stdRetry $ \p' ->
download' (Remote.uuid remote) k af Nothing stdRetry $ \p' ->
withTmp k $ downloader p'
-- The file is small, so is added to git, so while importing
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ importKeys remote importtreeconfig importcontent thirdpartypopulated importablec
return Nothing
checkDiskSpaceToGet tmpkey Nothing $
notifyTransfer Download af $
download' (Remote.uuid remote) tmpkey af stdRetry $ \p ->
download' (Remote.uuid remote) tmpkey af Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
withTmp tmpkey $ \tmpfile ->
metered (Just p) tmpkey $
const (rundownload tmpfile)
@ -15,9 +15,13 @@ import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
detectStalls :: Maybe StallDetection -> TVar (Maybe BytesProcessed) -> IO () -> IO ()
{- This may be safely canceled (with eg uninterruptibleCancel),
- as long as the passed action can be safely canceled. -}
detectStalls :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Maybe StallDetection -> TVar (Maybe BytesProcessed) -> m () -> m ()
detectStalls Nothing _ _ = noop
detectStalls (Just StallDetectionDisabled) _ _ = noop
detectStalls (Just (StallDetection minsz duration)) metervar onstall =
detectStalls' minsz duration metervar onstall Nothing
detectStalls (Just ProbeStallDetection) metervar onstall = do
@ -30,7 +34,7 @@ detectStalls (Just ProbeStallDetection) metervar onstall = do
ontimelyadvance v $ \v' -> ontimelyadvance v' $
detectStalls' 1 duration metervar onstall
getval = atomically $ fmap fromBytesProcessed
getval = liftIO $ atomically $ fmap fromBytesProcessed
<$> readTVar metervar
duration = Duration 60
@ -38,29 +42,30 @@ detectStalls (Just ProbeStallDetection) metervar onstall = do
delay = Seconds (fromIntegral (durationSeconds duration) `div` 2)
waitforfirstupdate startval = do
threadDelaySeconds delay
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds delay
v <- getval
if v > startval
then return v
else waitforfirstupdate startval
ontimelyadvance v cont = do
threadDelaySeconds delay
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds delay
v' <- getval
when (v' > v) $
cont v'
:: ByteSize
:: (Monad m, MonadIO m)
=> ByteSize
-> Duration
-> TVar (Maybe BytesProcessed)
-> IO ()
-> m ()
-> Maybe ByteSize
-> IO ()
-> m ()
detectStalls' minsz duration metervar onstall st = do
threadDelaySeconds delay
liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds delay
-- Get whatever progress value was reported most recently, if any.
v <- atomically $ fmap fromBytesProcessed
v <- liftIO $ atomically $ fmap fromBytesProcessed
<$> readTVar metervar
let cont = detectStalls' minsz duration metervar onstall v
case (st, v) of
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex transfers
- Copyright 2012-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2012-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -37,50 +37,56 @@ import Annex.LockPool
import Types.Key
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Types.Concurrency
import Annex.Concurrent.Utility
import Annex.Concurrent
import Types.WorkerPool
import Annex.WorkerPool
import Annex.TransferrerPool
import Annex.StallDetection
import Backend (isCryptographicallySecure)
import Types.StallDetection
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (retry)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import Data.Ord
-- Upload, supporting stall detection.
-- Upload, supporting canceling detected stalls.
upload :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> NotifyWitness -> Annex Bool
upload r key f d witness = stallDetection r >>= \case
Nothing -> upload' (Remote.uuid r) key f d go witness
Nothing -> go (Just ProbeStallDetection)
Just StallDetectionDisabled -> go Nothing
Just sd -> runTransferrer sd r key f d Upload witness
go = action . Remote.storeKey r key f
go sd = upload' (Remote.uuid r) key f sd d (action . Remote.storeKey r key f) witness
-- Upload, not supporting stall detection.
upload' :: Observable v => UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> NotifyWitness -> Annex v
upload' u key f d a _witness = guardHaveUUID u $
runTransfer (Transfer Upload u (fromKey id key)) f d a
-- Upload, not supporting canceling detected stalls
upload' :: Observable v => UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe StallDetection -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> NotifyWitness -> Annex v
upload' u key f sd d a _witness = guardHaveUUID u $
runTransfer (Transfer Upload u (fromKey id key)) f sd d a
alwaysUpload :: Observable v => UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> NotifyWitness -> Annex v
alwaysUpload u key f d a _witness = guardHaveUUID u $
alwaysRunTransfer (Transfer Upload u (fromKey id key)) f d a
alwaysUpload :: Observable v => UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe StallDetection -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> NotifyWitness -> Annex v
alwaysUpload u key f sd d a _witness = guardHaveUUID u $
alwaysRunTransfer (Transfer Upload u (fromKey id key)) f sd d a
-- Download, supporting stall detection.
-- Download, supporting canceling detected stalls.
download :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> NotifyWitness -> Annex Bool
download r key f d witness = logStatusAfter key $ stallDetection r >>= \case
Nothing -> getViaTmp (Remote.retrievalSecurityPolicy r) (RemoteVerify r) key f $ \dest ->
download' (Remote.uuid r) key f d (go dest) witness
Nothing -> go (Just ProbeStallDetection)
Just StallDetectionDisabled -> go Nothing
Just sd -> runTransferrer sd r key f d Download witness
go dest p = verifiedAction $
go sd = getViaTmp (Remote.retrievalSecurityPolicy r) (RemoteVerify r) key f $ \dest ->
download' (Remote.uuid r) key f sd d (go' dest) witness
go' dest p = verifiedAction $
Remote.retrieveKeyFile r key f (fromRawFilePath dest) p
-- Download, not supporting stall detection.
download' :: Observable v => UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> NotifyWitness -> Annex v
download' u key f d a _witness = guardHaveUUID u $
runTransfer (Transfer Download u (fromKey id key)) f d a
-- Download, not supporting canceling detected stalls.
download' :: Observable v => UUID -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe StallDetection -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> NotifyWitness -> Annex v
download' u key f sd d a _witness = guardHaveUUID u $
runTransfer (Transfer Download u (fromKey id key)) f sd d a
guardHaveUUID :: Observable v => UUID -> Annex v -> Annex v
guardHaveUUID u a
@ -98,34 +104,44 @@ guardHaveUUID u a
- An upload can be run from a read-only filesystem, and in this case
- no transfer information or lock file is used.
- Cannot cancel stalls, but when a likely stall is detected,
- suggests to the user that they enable stall detection handling.
runTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe StallDetection -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer = runTransfer' False
{- Like runTransfer, but ignores any existing transfer lock file for the
- transfer, allowing re-running a transfer that is already in progress.
alwaysRunTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
alwaysRunTransfer :: Observable v => Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe StallDetection -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
alwaysRunTransfer = runTransfer' True
runTransfer' :: Observable v => Bool -> Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer' ignorelock t afile retrydecider transferaction = enteringStage TransferStage $ debugLocks $ preCheckSecureHashes (transferKey t) $ do
info <- liftIO $ startTransferInfo afile
(meter, tfile, createtfile, metervar) <- mkProgressUpdater t info
mode <- annexFileMode
(lck, inprogress) <- prep tfile createtfile mode
if inprogress && not ignorelock
then do
showNote "transfer already in progress, or unable to take transfer lock"
return observeFailure
else do
v <- retry 0 info metervar (transferaction meter)
liftIO $ cleanup tfile lck
if observeBool v
then removeFailedTransfer t
else recordFailedTransfer t info
return v
runTransfer' :: Observable v => Bool -> Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe StallDetection -> RetryDecider -> (MeterUpdate -> Annex v) -> Annex v
runTransfer' ignorelock t afile stalldetection retrydecider transferaction =
enteringStage TransferStage $
debugLocks $
preCheckSecureHashes (transferKey t) go
go = do
info <- liftIO $ startTransferInfo afile
(meter, tfile, createtfile, metervar) <- mkProgressUpdater t info
mode <- annexFileMode
(lck, inprogress) <- prep tfile createtfile mode
if inprogress && not ignorelock
then do
showNote "transfer already in progress, or unable to take transfer lock"
return observeFailure
else do
v <- retry 0 info metervar $
detectStallsAndSuggestConfig stalldetection metervar $
transferaction meter
liftIO $ cleanup tfile lck
if observeBool v
then removeFailedTransfer t
else recordFailedTransfer t info
return v
prep :: RawFilePath -> Annex () -> FileMode -> Annex (Maybe LockHandle, Bool)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
prep tfile createtfile mode = catchPermissionDenied (const prepfailed) $ do
@ -191,11 +207,32 @@ runTransfer' ignorelock t afile retrydecider transferaction = enteringStage Tran
getbytescomplete metervar
| transferDirection t == Upload =
liftIO $ readMVar metervar
liftIO $ maybe 0 fromBytesProcessed
<$> readTVarIO metervar
| otherwise = do
f <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation (transferKey t)
liftIO $ catchDefaultIO 0 $ getFileSize f
detectStallsAndSuggestConfig :: Maybe StallDetection -> TVar (Maybe BytesProcessed) -> Annex a -> Annex a
detectStallsAndSuggestConfig Nothing _ a = a
detectStallsAndSuggestConfig sd@(Just _) metervar a =
bracket setup cleanup (const a)
setup = do
v <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
sdt <- liftIO $ async $ detectStalls sd metervar $
void $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar v True
wt <- liftIO . async =<< forkState (warnonstall v)
return (v, sdt, wt)
cleanup (v, sdt, wt) = do
liftIO $ uninterruptibleCancel sdt
void $ liftIO $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar v False
join (liftIO (wait wt))
warnonstall v = whenM (liftIO (atomically (takeTMVar v))) $
warning "Transfer seems to have stalled. To restart stalled transfers, configure annex.stalldetection"
{- Runs a transfer using a separate process, which lets detected stalls be
- canceled. -}
:: StallDetection
-> Remote
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ git-annex (8.20210128) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* annex.stalldetection can now be set to "true" to make git-annex
do automatic stall detection when it detects a remote is updating its
transfer progress consistently enough.
* When annex.stalldetection is not enabled and a likely stall is
detected, display a suggestion to enable it.
-- Joey Hess <> Thu, 28 Jan 2021 12:34:32 -0400
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Types.Concurrency
import Messages.Concurrent
import Types.Messages
import Types.WorkerPool
import Remote.List
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
@ -251,10 +252,19 @@ startConcurrency usedstages a = do
initworkerpool n = do
tv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.workers = Just tv }
st <- dupState
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar tv $
allocateWorkerPool st (max n 1) usedstages
-- Make sure that some expensive actions have been done before
-- starting threads. This way the state has them already run,
-- and each thread won't try to do them.
prepDupState :: Annex ()
prepDupState = do
_ <- remoteList
return ()
{- Ensures that only one thread processes a key at a time.
- Other threads will block until it's done.
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ downloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file =
let cleanuptmp = pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp (liftIO . removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink)
showNote "using youtube-dl"
Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download url $
||||' webUUID mediakey (AssociatedFile Nothing) Transfer.noRetry $ \p ->
||||' webUUID mediakey (AssociatedFile Nothing) Nothing Transfer.noRetry $ \p ->
youtubeDl url (fromRawFilePath workdir) p >>= \case
Right (Just mediafile) -> do
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ downloadWith' downloader dummykey u url afile =
checkDiskSpaceToGet dummykey Nothing $ do
tmp <- fromRepo $ gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation dummykey
ok <- Transfer.notifyTransfer Transfer.Download url $
||||' u dummykey afile Transfer.stdRetry $ \p -> do
||||' u dummykey afile Nothing Transfer.stdRetry $ \p -> do
createAnnexDirectory (parentDir tmp)
downloader (fromRawFilePath tmp) p
if ok
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ performExport r db ek af contentsha loc allfilledvar = do
-- could be used for more than one export
-- location, and concurrently uploading
-- of the content should still be allowed.
alwaysUpload (uuid r) k af stdRetry $ \pm -> do
alwaysUpload (uuid r) k af Nothing stdRetry $ \pm -> do
let rollback = void $
performUnexport r db [ek] loc
sendAnnex k rollback $ \f ->
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ fieldTransfer direction key a = do
<$> Fields.getField Fields.associatedFile
ok <- maybe (a $ const noop)
-- Using noRetry here because we're the sender.
(\u -> runner (Transfer direction (toUUID u) (fromKey id key)) afile noRetry a)
(\u -> runner (Transfer direction (toUUID u) (fromKey id key)) afile Nothing noRetry a)
=<< Fields.getField Fields.remoteUUID
liftIO $ debugM "fieldTransfer" "transfer done"
liftIO $ exitBool ok
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ start o (_, key) = startingCustomOutput key $ case fromToOptions o of
toPerform :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Remote -> CommandPerform
toPerform key file remote = go Upload file $
upload' (uuid remote) key file stdRetry $ \p -> do
upload' (uuid remote) key file Nothing stdRetry $ \p -> do
tryNonAsync (Remote.storeKey remote key file p) >>= \case
Right () -> do
Remote.logStatus remote key InfoPresent
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ toPerform key file remote = go Upload file $
fromPerform :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> Remote -> CommandPerform
fromPerform key file remote = go Upload file $
download' (uuid remote) key file stdRetry $ \p ->
download' (uuid remote) key file Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
logStatusAfter key $ getViaTmp (retrievalSecurityPolicy remote) (RemoteVerify remote) key file $ \t ->
tryNonAsync (Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key file (fromRawFilePath t) p) >>= \case
Right v -> return (True, v)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ start = do
runner (TransferRequest direction remote key file)
| direction == Upload = notifyTransfer direction file $
upload' (Remote.uuid remote) key file stdRetry $ \p -> do
upload' (Remote.uuid remote) key file Nothing stdRetry $ \p -> do
tryNonAsync (Remote.storeKey remote key file p) >>= \case
Left e -> do
warning (show e)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ start = do
Remote.logStatus remote key InfoPresent
return True
| otherwise = notifyTransfer direction file $
download' (Remote.uuid remote) key file stdRetry $ \p ->
download' (Remote.uuid remote) key file Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
logStatusAfter key $ getViaTmp (Remote.retrievalSecurityPolicy remote) (RemoteVerify remote) key file $ \t -> do
r <- tryNonAsync (Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key file (fromRawFilePath t) p) >>= \case
Left e -> do
@ -45,21 +45,23 @@ start = do
runner (UploadRequest _ key (TransferAssociatedFile file)) remote =
-- This is called by eg, Annex.Transfer.upload,
-- so caller is responsible for doing notification,
-- and for retrying, and updating location log.
upload' (Remote.uuid remote) key file noRetry
-- and for retrying, and updating location log,
-- and stall canceling.
upload' (Remote.uuid remote) key file Nothing noRetry
(Remote.action . Remote.storeKey remote key file)
runner (DownloadRequest _ key (TransferAssociatedFile file)) remote =
-- This is called by eg,
-- so caller is responsible for doing notification
-- and for retrying, and updating location log.
-- and for retrying, and updating location log,
-- and stall canceling.
let go p = getViaTmp (Remote.retrievalSecurityPolicy remote) (RemoteVerify remote) key file $ \t -> do
Remote.verifiedAction (Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key file (fromRawFilePath t) p)
in download' (Remote.uuid remote) key file noRetry go
in download' (Remote.uuid remote) key file Nothing noRetry go
runner (AssistantUploadRequest _ key (TransferAssociatedFile file)) remote =
notifyTransfer Upload file $
upload' (Remote.uuid remote) key file stdRetry $ \p -> do
upload' (Remote.uuid remote) key file Nothing stdRetry $ \p -> do
tryNonAsync (Remote.storeKey remote key file p) >>= \case
Left e -> do
warning (show e)
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ start = do
return True
runner (AssistantDownloadRequest _ key (TransferAssociatedFile file)) remote =
notifyTransfer Download file $
download' (Remote.uuid remote) key file stdRetry $ \p ->
download' (Remote.uuid remote) key file Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
logStatusAfter key $ getViaTmp (Remote.retrievalSecurityPolicy remote) (RemoteVerify remote) key file $ \t -> do
r <- tryNonAsync (Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key file (fromRawFilePath t) p) >>= \case
Left e -> do
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex transfer information files and lock files
- Copyright 2012-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2012-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Annex.Perms
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
@ -58,23 +58,25 @@ percentComplete t info =
- the transfer info file. Also returns the file it'll be updating,
- an action that sets up the file with appropriate permissions,
- which should be run after locking the transfer lock file, but
- before using the callback, and a MVar that can be used to read
- the number of bytesComplete. -}
mkProgressUpdater :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex (MeterUpdate, RawFilePath, Annex (), MVar Integer)
- before using the callback, and a TVar that can be used to read
- the number of bytes processed so far. -}
mkProgressUpdater :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex (MeterUpdate, RawFilePath, Annex (), TVar (Maybe BytesProcessed))
mkProgressUpdater t info = do
tfile <- fromRepo $ transferFile t
let createtfile = void $ tryNonAsync $ writeTransferInfoFile info tfile
mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar 0
return (liftIO . updater (fromRawFilePath tfile) mvar, tfile, createtfile, mvar)
tvar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Nothing
loggedtvar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO 0
return (liftIO . updater (fromRawFilePath tfile) tvar loggedtvar, tfile, createtfile, tvar)
updater tfile mvar b = modifyMVar_ mvar $ \oldbytes -> do
let newbytes = fromBytesProcessed b
if newbytes - oldbytes >= mindelta
then do
let info' = info { bytesComplete = Just newbytes }
_ <- tryIO $ updateTransferInfoFile info' tfile
return newbytes
else return oldbytes
updater tfile tvar loggedtvar new = do
old <- atomically $ swapTVar tvar (Just new)
let oldbytes = maybe 0 fromBytesProcessed old
let newbytes = fromBytesProcessed new
when (newbytes - oldbytes >= mindelta) $ do
let info' = info { bytesComplete = Just newbytes }
_ <- tryIO $ updateTransferInfoFile info' tfile
atomically $ writeTVar loggedtvar newbytes
{- The minimum change in bytesComplete that is worth
- updating a transfer info file for is 1% of the total
- keySize, rounded down. -}
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ runLocal runst runner a = case a of
case v of
Right (Just (f, checkchanged)) -> proceed $ do
-- alwaysUpload to allow multiple uploads of the same key.
let runtransfer ti = transfer alwaysUpload k af $ \p ->
let runtransfer ti = transfer alwaysUpload k af Nothing $ \p ->
sinkfile f o checkchanged sender p ti
checktransfer runtransfer fallback
Right Nothing -> proceed fallback
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ runLocal runst runner a = case a of
let rsp = RetrievalAllKeysSecure
v <- tryNonAsync $ do
let runtransfer ti =
Right <$> transfer download' k af (\p ->
Right <$> transfer download' k af Nothing (\p ->
logStatusAfter k $ getViaTmp rsp DefaultVerify k af $ \tmp ->
storefile (fromRawFilePath tmp) o l getb validitycheck p ti)
let fallback = return $ Left $
@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ runLocal runst runner a = case a of
runner next
RunValidityCheck checkaction next -> runner . next =<< checkaction
transfer mk k af ta = case runst of
transfer mk k af sd ta = case runst of
-- Update transfer logs when serving.
-- Using noRetry because we're the sender.
Serving theiruuid _ _ ->
mk theiruuid k af noRetry ta noNotification
mk theiruuid k af sd noRetry ta noNotification
-- Transfer logs are updated higher in the stack when
-- a client.
Client _ -> ta nullMeterUpdate
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ copyFromRemote'' repo forcersync r st@(State connpool _ _ _ _) key file dest met
Just (object, checksuccess) -> do
copier <- mkCopier hardlink st params
(ok, v) <- runTransfer (Transfer Download u (fromKey id key))
file stdRetry $ \p ->
file Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
metered (Just (combineMeterUpdate p meterupdate)) key $ \_ p' ->
copier object dest p' checksuccess
if ok
@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ copyToRemote' repo r st@(State connpool duc _ _ _) key file meterupdate
-- run copy from perspective of remote
res <- onLocalFast st $ ifM (Annex.Content.inAnnex key)
( return True
, runTransfer (Transfer Download u (fromKey id key)) file stdRetry $ \p -> do
, runTransfer (Transfer Download u (fromKey id key)) file Nothing stdRetry $ \p -> do
copier <- mkCopier hardlink st params
let verify = Annex.Content.RemoteVerify r
let rsp = RetrievalAllKeysSecure
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ data StallDetection
| ProbeStallDetection
-- ^ Used when unsure how frequently transfer progress is updated,
-- or how fast data can be sent.
| StallDetectionDisabled
deriving (Show)
-- Parse eg, "0KiB/60s"
@ -38,4 +39,4 @@ parseStallDetection s = case isTrueFalse s of
d <- parseDuration ds
return (Just (StallDetection b d))
Just True -> Right (Just ProbeStallDetection)
Just False -> Right Nothing
Just False -> Right (Just StallDetectionDisabled)
@ -1422,16 +1422,20 @@ Remotes are configured using these settings in `.git/config`.
* `remote.<name>.annex-stalldetecton`, `annex.stalldetection`
This lets stalled or too-slow transfers be detected, and dealt with, so
rather than getting stuck, git-annex will cancel the stalled operation.
When this happens, the transfer will be considered to have failed, so
Configuring this lets stalled or too-slow transfers be detected, and
dealt with, so rather than getting stuck, git-annex will cancel the
stalled operation. The transfer will be considered to have failed, so
settings like annex.retry will control what it does next.
Set to "true" to enable automatic stall detection. With this setting,
if a remote does not update its progress consistently, no stall detection
will be done. And it may take a while for git-annex to decide a remote
is really stalled when using automatic stall detection, since it needs
to be conservative about what looks like a stall.
By default, git-annex detects transfers that have probably stalled,
and suggests configuring this. If it is incorrectly detecting
stalls, setting this to "false" will avoid that.
Set to "true" to enable automatic stall detection. If a remote does not
update its progress consistently, no automatic stall detection will be
done. And it may take a while for git-annex to decide a remote is really
stalled when using automatic stall detection, since it needs to be
conservative about what looks like a stall.
For more fine control over what constitutes a stall, set to a value in
the form "$amount/$timeperiod" to specify how much data git-annex should
@ -20,3 +20,5 @@ gets it wrong and the remote does not support resuming transfers,
defaulting to on could lead to bad waste of resources. It could
detect stalls even when not turned on, but only display a message
suggesting enabling the config. --[[Joey]]
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]
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