switch to silent chat messages for XMPP pairing
Along the way, significantly cleaned up Assistant.XMPP, and made XMPP message decoding more efficient.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 136 additions and 167 deletions
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ xmppClientThread urlrenderer = NamedThread "XMPPClient" $ do
- the client connects, so that stale info
- is not retained. -}
void $ liftIO ioemptybuddies
putStanza $ gitAnnexPresence gitAnnexSignature
putStanza gitAnnexSignature
xmppThread $ receivenotifications selfjid
forever $ do
a <- liftIO $ iorelay selfjid
@ -90,13 +90,11 @@ xmppClientThread urlrenderer = NamedThread "XMPPClient" $ do
handle (PresenceMessage p) =
void $ liftIO $ ioupdatebuddies p
handle (GotNetMessage QueryPresence) =
putStanza $ gitAnnexPresence gitAnnexSignature
putStanza gitAnnexSignature
handle (GotNetMessage (NotifyPush us)) =
void $ liftIO $ iopull us
handle (GotNetMessage (PairingNotification stage t u)) =
maybe noop (handlePairing stage u) (parseJID t)
handle (GotNetMessage (SelfPairingNotification stage t u)) =
error "TODO"
handle (Ignorable _) = noop
handle (Unknown _) = noop
handle (ProtocolError _) = noop
@ -119,22 +117,24 @@ decodeStanza selfjid s@(ReceivedPresence p)
| presenceType p == PresenceError = [ProtocolError s]
| presenceFrom p == Nothing = [Ignorable p]
| presenceFrom p == Just selfjid = [Ignorable p]
| not (null pushed) = impliedp $ GotNetMessage $ NotifyPush pushed
| isPresenceQuery p = impliedp $ GotNetMessage QueryPresence
| otherwise = case decodePairingNotification p of
Nothing -> [PresenceMessage p]
Just pn -> impliedp $ GotNetMessage pn
| otherwise = maybe [PresenceMessage p] decode (getGitAnnexAttrValue p)
-- Things sent via presence imply a presence message,
-- along with their real meaning.
decode (attr, v)
| attr == pushAttr = impliedp $ GotNetMessage $ NotifyPush $
decodePushNotification v
| attr == queryAttr = impliedp $ GotNetMessage QueryPresence
| otherwise = [Unknown s]
{- Things sent via presence imply a presence message,
- along with their real meaning. -}
impliedp v = [PresenceMessage p, v]
pushed = concat $ catMaybes $ map decodePushNotification $
presencePayloads p
decodeStanza _ s@(ReceivedIQ iq)
| iqType iq == IQError = [ProtocolError s]
| otherwise = case decodeSelfPairingNotification iq of
Nothing -> [Unknown s]
Just pn -> [GotNetMessage pn]
decodeStanza _ s@(ReceivedMessage m)
| messageType m == MessageError = [ProtocolError s]
| otherwise = maybe [Unknown s] decode (getGitAnnexAttrValue m)
decode (attr, v)
| attr == pairAttr =
[maybe (Unknown s) GotNetMessage (decodePairingNotification v m)]
| otherwise = [Unknown s]
decodeStanza _ s = [Unknown s]
{- Waits for a NetMessager message to be sent, and relays it to XMPP. -}
@ -145,12 +145,10 @@ relayNetMessage selfjid = convert <$> waitNetMessage
convert QueryPresence = putStanza $ presenceQuery
convert (PairingNotification stage t u) = case parseJID t of
Nothing -> noop
Just tojid -> mapM_ putStanza $
encodePairingNotification stage u tojid selfjid
convert (SelfPairingNotification stage t u) = case parseJID t of
Nothing -> noop
Just tojid -> putStanza $
encodeSelfPairingNotification stage u tojid selfjid
Just tojid
| tojid == selfjid -> noop
| otherwise -> putStanza $
pairingNotification stage u tojid selfjid
{- Runs the client, handing restart events. -}
restartableClient :: IO () -> Assistant ()
@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ data NetMessage
-- notification about a stage in the pairing process,
-- involving a client identified by the Text, and a UUID.
| PairingNotification PairStage Text UUID
-- notification about a stage in the pairing process with
-- other clients using the same account.
| SelfPairingNotification PairStage Text UUID
deriving (Show)
data NetMessagerControl = NetMessagerControl
@ -81,26 +81,24 @@ getStartPairR = noPairing "local or jabber"
getStartXMPPPairR :: BuddyKey -> Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_XMPP
getStartXMPPPairR bid = do
buddy <- liftAssistant $ getBuddy bid <<~ buddyList
go $ S.toList . buddyAssistants <$> buddy
go (Just (clients@((Client exemplar):_))) = do
creds <- runAnnex Nothing getXMPPCreds
let ourjid = fromJust $ parseJID =<< xmppJID <$> creds
buddy <- liftAssistant $ getBuddy bid <<~ buddyList
case S.toList . buddyAssistants <$> buddy of
-- A buddy could have logged out, or the XMPP client restarted;
-- so handle unforseen by going back.
Nothing -> redirect StartPairR
(Just []) -> redirect StartPairR
(Just clients@((Client exemplar):_)) -> do
let samejid = baseJID ourjid == baseJID exemplar
let account = formatJID $ baseJID exemplar
liftAssistant $ do
u <- liftAnnex getUUID
if samejid
then forM_ clients $ \(Client c) ->
sendNetMessage $ SelfPairingNotification PairReq (formatJID c) u
else sendNetMessage $ PairingNotification PairReq account u
forM_ clients $ \(Client c) -> sendNetMessage $
PairingNotification PairReq (formatJID c) u
pairPage $ do
let name = buddyName exemplar
$(widgetFile "configurators/pairing/xmpp/inprogress")
-- A buddy could have logged out, or the XMPP client restarted,
-- and there be no clients to message; handle unforseen by going back.
go _ = redirect StartPairR
getStartXMPPPairR _ = noXMPPPairing
@ -12,157 +12,133 @@ import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
import Assistant.Pairing
import Network.Protocol.XMPP
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.XML.Types
{- A presence with a git-annex tag in it. -}
gitAnnexPresence :: Element -> Presence
gitAnnexPresence tag = (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable)
{ presencePayloads = [extendedAway, tag] }
extendedAway = Element (Name (T.pack "show") Nothing Nothing) []
[NodeContent $ ContentText $ T.pack "xa"]
{- Does a presence contain a git-annex tag? -}
isGitAnnexPresence :: Presence -> Bool
isGitAnnexPresence p = any isGitAnnexTag (presencePayloads p)
{- Name of a git-annex tag, in our own XML namespace.
{- Name of the git-annex tag, in our own XML namespace.
- (Not using a namespace URL to avoid unnecessary bloat.) -}
gitAnnexTagName :: Name
gitAnnexTagName = Name (T.pack "git-annex") (Just $ T.pack "git-annex") Nothing
{- Creates a git-annex tag containing a particular attribute and value. -}
gitAnnexTag :: Name -> Text -> Element
gitAnnexTag attr val = Element gitAnnexTagName [(attr, [ContentText val])] []
isGitAnnexTag :: Element -> Bool
isGitAnnexTag t = elementName t == gitAnnexTagName
{- A git-annex tag, to let other clients know we're a git-annex client too. -}
gitAnnexSignature :: Element
gitAnnexSignature = Element gitAnnexTagName [] []
{- Things that a git-annex tag can inserted into. -}
class GitAnnexTaggable a where
insertGitAnnexTag :: a -> Element -> a
queryAttr :: Name
queryAttr = Name (T.pack "query") Nothing Nothing
extractGitAnnexTag :: a -> Maybe Element
pushAttr :: Name
pushAttr = Name (T.pack "push") Nothing Nothing
hasGitAnnexTag :: a -> Bool
hasGitAnnexTag = isJust . extractGitAnnexTag
pairAttr :: Name
pairAttr = Name (T.pack "pair") Nothing Nothing
instance GitAnnexTaggable Message where
insertGitAnnexTag m e = m { messagePayloads = e : messagePayloads m }
extractGitAnnexTag = headMaybe . filter isGitAnnexTag . messagePayloads
isAttr :: Name -> (Name, [Content]) -> Bool
isAttr attr (k, _) = k == attr
instance GitAnnexTaggable Presence where
-- always mark extended away
insertGitAnnexTag p e = p { presencePayloads = extendedAway : e : presencePayloads p }
extractGitAnnexTag = headMaybe . filter isGitAnnexTag . presencePayloads
getAttr :: Element -> Name -> Maybe T.Text
getAttr (Element _name attrs _nodes) name =
T.concat . map unpack . snd <$> headMaybe (filter (isAttr name) attrs)
{- Gets the attr and value from a git-annex tag. -}
getGitAnnexAttrValue :: GitAnnexTaggable a => a -> Maybe (Name, Text)
getGitAnnexAttrValue a = case extractGitAnnexTag a of
Just (Element _ [(attr, content)] []) -> Just $
(attr, T.concat $ map unpack content)
_ -> Nothing
unpack (ContentText t) = t
unpack (ContentEntity t) = t
{- A presence with a git-annex tag in it. -}
gitAnnexPresence :: Element -> Presence
gitAnnexPresence = insertGitAnnexTag $ emptyPresence PresenceAvailable
{- A presence with an empty git-annex tag in it, used for letting other
- clients know we're around and are a git-annex client. -}
gitAnnexSignature :: Presence
gitAnnexSignature = gitAnnexPresence $ Element gitAnnexTagName [] []
{- A message with a git-annex tag in it. -}
gitAnnexMessage :: Element -> Message
gitAnnexMessage = insertGitAnnexTag silentMessage
{- A notification that we've pushed to some repositories, listing their
- UUIDs. -}
pushNotification :: [UUID] -> Presence
pushNotification = gitAnnexPresence . gitAnnexTag pushAttr . encodePushNotification
pushAttr :: Name
pushAttr = Name (T.pack "push") Nothing Nothing
uuidSep :: T.Text
uuidSep = T.pack ","
{- git-annex tag with one push attribute per UUID pushed to. -}
encodePushNotification :: [UUID] -> Element
encodePushNotification us = Element gitAnnexTagName
[(pushAttr, [ContentText pushvalue])] []
pushvalue = T.intercalate uuidSep $
map (T.pack . fromUUID) us
encodePushNotification :: [UUID] -> Text
encodePushNotification = T.intercalate uuidSep . map (T.pack . fromUUID)
decodePushNotification :: Element -> Maybe [UUID]
decodePushNotification (Element name attrs _nodes)
| name == gitAnnexTagName && not (null us) = Just us
| otherwise = Nothing
us = map (toUUID . T.unpack) $
concatMap (T.splitOn uuidSep . T.concat . map fromContent . snd) $
filter ispush attrs
ispush (k, _) = k == pushAttr
fromContent (ContentText t) = t
fromContent (ContentEntity t) = t
pushNotification :: [UUID] -> Presence
pushNotification = gitAnnexPresence . encodePushNotification
decodePushNotification :: Text -> [UUID]
decodePushNotification = map (toUUID . T.unpack) . T.splitOn uuidSep
{- A request for other git-annex clients to send presence. -}
presenceQuery :: Presence
presenceQuery = gitAnnexPresence $ Element gitAnnexTagName
[ (queryAttr, [ContentText T.empty]) ]
presenceQuery = gitAnnexPresence $ gitAnnexTag queryAttr T.empty
isPresenceQuery :: Presence -> Bool
isPresenceQuery p = case filter isGitAnnexTag (presencePayloads p) of
[] -> False
((Element _name attrs _nodes):_) -> any (isAttr queryAttr) attrs
queryAttr :: Name
queryAttr = Name (T.pack "query") Nothing Nothing
{- A notification about a stage of pairing, sent as directed presence
- to all clients of a jid.
- For PairReq, the directed presence is followed by a second presence
- without the pair notification. This is done because XMPP servers
- resend the last directed presence periodically, which can make
- the pair request alert be re-displayed annoyingly. For PairAck and
- PairDone, that resending is a desirable feature, as it helps ensure
- clients see them.
encodePairingNotification :: PairStage -> UUID -> JID -> JID -> [Presence]
encodePairingNotification pairstage u tojid fromjid
| pairstage == PairReq = [send, clear]
| otherwise = [send]
{- A notification about a stage of pairing. -}
pairingNotification :: PairStage -> UUID -> JID -> JID -> Message
pairingNotification pairstage u tojid fromjid =
(gitAnnexMessage tag)
{ messageTo = Just tojid
, messageFrom = Just fromjid
send = directed $ gitAnnexPresence $ Element gitAnnexTagName
[(pairAttr, [ContentText content])] []
clear = directed $ gitAnnexPresence gitAnnexSignature
tag = gitAnnexTag pairAttr $
encodePairingNotification pairstage u
directed p = p
{ presenceTo = Just $ baseJID tojid
, presenceFrom = Just fromjid
pairAttr :: Name
pairAttr = Name (T.pack "pair") Nothing Nothing
content = mkPairingContent pairstage u
{- A notification about a stage of pairing. Sent to self as an XMPP IQ.
- Directed presence is not used for self-messaging presence because
- some XMPP clients seem very confused by it. Google Talk has been
- observed leaking self-directed presence to other friends, seeming
- to think it sets the visible presence.
- The pairing info is sent using its id attribute; it also has a git-annex
- tag to identify it as from us. -}
encodeSelfPairingNotification :: PairStage -> UUID -> JID -> JID -> IQ
encodeSelfPairingNotification pairstage u tojid fromjid = (emptyIQ IQGet)
{ iqTo = Just tojid
, iqFrom = Just fromjid
, iqID = Just $ mkPairingContent pairstage u
, iqPayload = Just gitAnnexSignature
decodePairingNotification :: Presence -> Maybe NetMessage
decodePairingNotification p = case filter isGitAnnexTag (presencePayloads p) of
[] -> Nothing
(elt:_) -> parsePairingContent (presenceFrom p) =<< getAttr elt pairAttr
decodeSelfPairingNotification :: IQ -> Maybe NetMessage
decodeSelfPairingNotification iq@(IQ { iqPayload = Just elt })
| isGitAnnexTag elt = parsePairingContent (iqFrom iq) =<< iqID iq
| otherwise = Nothing
decodeSelfPairingNotification _ = Nothing
mkPairingContent :: PairStage -> UUID -> T.Text
mkPairingContent pairstage u = T.unwords $ map T.pack
encodePairingNotification :: PairStage -> UUID -> Text
encodePairingNotification pairstage u = T.unwords $ map T.pack
[ show pairstage
, fromUUID u
parsePairingContent :: Maybe JID -> T.Text -> Maybe NetMessage
parsePairingContent jid t = parse $ words $ T.unpack t
decodePairingNotification :: Text -> Message -> Maybe NetMessage
decodePairingNotification t msg = parse $ words $ T.unpack t
parse [stage, u] = PairingNotification
<$> readish stage
<*> (formatJID <$> jid)
<*> (formatJID <$> messageFrom msg)
<*> pure (toUUID u)
parse _ = Nothing
{- The JID without the client part. -}
baseJID :: JID -> JID
baseJID j = JID (jidNode j) (jidDomain j) Nothing
{- An XMPP chat message with an empty body. This should not be displayed
- by clients, but can be used for communications. -}
silentMessage :: Message
silentMessage = (emptyMessage MessageChat)
{ messagePayloads = [ emptybody ] }
emptybody = Element
{ elementName = Name (T.pack "body") Nothing Nothing
, elementAttributes = []
, elementNodes = []
{- Add to a presence to mark its client as extended away. -}
extendedAway :: Element
extendedAway = Element (Name (T.pack "show") Nothing Nothing) []
[NodeContent $ ContentText $ T.pack "xa"]
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ applyPresence p b = fromMaybe b $! go <$> presenceFrom p
, buddyPresent = removefrom $ buddyPresent b
, buddyAssistants = removefrom $ buddyAssistants b
| isGitAnnexPresence p = b
| hasGitAnnexTag p = b
{ buddyAssistants = addto $ buddyAssistants b
, buddyAway = removefrom $ buddyAway b }
| presenceType p == PresenceAvailable = b
@ -29,26 +29,26 @@ who share a repository, that is stored in the [[cloud]].
## protocol
To avoid relying on XMPP extensions, git-annex communicates
using presence messages. These always mark it as extended away.
To this, it adds its own tag as [extended content](http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6121.html#presence-extended).
using presence messages (which always mark it as extended away),
and chat messages (with empty body tags, so clients don't display them).
To these messages, it adds its own tag as
[extended content](http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6121.html#presence-extended).
The xml namespace is "git-annex" (not an URL because I hate wasting bandwidth).
To indicate it's pushed changes to a git repo with a given UUID, a client uses:
To indicate it's pushed changes to a git repo with a given UUID,
a message that should be sent to all buddies and other clients using the account
(no explicit pairing needed), a client uses a broadcast presence message with:
<git-annex xmlns='git-annex' push="uuid[,uuid...]" />
Multiple UUIDs can be listed when multiple clients were pushed. If the
git repo does not have a git-annex UUID, an empty string is used.
For pairing, a directed presence message is sent, also using the git-annex tag:
For pairing, a chat message is sent, also using the git-annex tag:
<git-annex xmlns='git-annex' pairing="PairReq uuid" />
For pairing with other clients using the same XMPP account, git-annex uses
IQ messages, also containing a git-annex tag. The id attribute of the iq
tag contains the pairing information. This is done because self-directed
presence is not handled correctly by Google Talk. (Or is ill-specified.)
### security
Data git-annex sends over XMPP will be visible to the XMPP
Reference in a new issue