finished XMPP pairing!
This includes keeping track of which buddies we're pairing with, to know which PairAck are legitimate.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 142 additions and 50 deletions
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Annex.UUID (
) where
import Common.Annex
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ pairRequestReceivedAlert who button = Alert
pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert :: String -> Maybe AlertButton -> Alert
pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert who button = baseActivityAlert
{ alertData = ["Pair request with", UnTensed (T.pack who), Tensed "in progress" "complete"]
{ alertData = ["Pairing with", UnTensed (T.pack who), Tensed "in progress" "complete"]
, alertPriority = High
, alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
, alertButton = button
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ setupAuthorizedKeys msg repodir = do
pubkey = remoteSshPubKey $ pairMsgData msg
{- When pairing is complete, this is used to set up the remote for the host
- we paired with. -}
finishedPairing :: PairMsg -> SshKeyPair -> Assistant ()
finishedPairing msg keypair = do
{- When local pairing is complete, this is used to set up the remote for
- the host we paired with. -}
finishedLocalPairing :: PairMsg -> SshKeyPair -> Assistant ()
finishedLocalPairing msg keypair = do
sshdata <- liftIO $ setupSshKeyPair keypair =<< pairMsgToSshData msg
{- Ensure that we know the ssh host key for the host we paired with.
- If we don't, ssh over to get it. -}
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ pairAckReceived True (Just pip) msg cache = do
stopSending pip
repodir <- repoPath <$> liftAnnex gitRepo
liftIO $ setupAuthorizedKeys msg repodir
finishedPairing msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
finishedLocalPairing msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
startSending pip PairDone $ multicastPairMsg
(Just 1) (inProgressSecret pip) (inProgressPairData pip)
return $ pip : take 10 cache
@ -153,4 +153,4 @@ pairDoneReceived False _ _ = noop -- not verified
pairDoneReceived True Nothing _ = noop -- not in progress
pairDoneReceived True (Just pip) msg = do
stopSending pip
finishedPairing msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
finishedLocalPairing msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
@ -22,11 +22,14 @@ import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.Pairing
import Assistant.XMPP.Git
import Annex.UUID
import Network.Protocol.XMPP
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Git.Branch
import Data.Time.Clock
@ -36,17 +39,17 @@ xmppClientThread urlrenderer = NamedThread "XMPPClient" $ do
- can be run from within the XMPP monad using liftIO. Ugly. -}
iodebug <- asIO1 debug
iopull <- asIO1 pull
iopairReqReceived <- asIO2 $ pairReqReceived urlrenderer
iopairMsgReceived <- asIO2 $ pairMsgReceived urlrenderer
ioupdatebuddies <- asIO1 $ \p ->
updateBuddyList (updateBuddies p) <<~ buddyList
ioemptybuddies <- asIO $
updateBuddyList (const noBuddies) <<~ buddyList
iorelay <- asIO1 relayNetMessage
ioclientthread <- asIO $
go iorelay iodebug iopull ioupdatebuddies ioemptybuddies iopairReqReceived
go iorelay iodebug iopull ioupdatebuddies ioemptybuddies iopairMsgReceived
restartableClient ioclientthread
go iorelay iodebug iopull ioupdatebuddies ioemptybuddies iopairReqReceived = do
go iorelay iodebug iopull ioupdatebuddies ioemptybuddies iopairMsgReceived = do
v <- liftAnnex getXMPPCreds
case v of
Nothing -> noop
@ -85,23 +88,19 @@ xmppClientThread urlrenderer = NamedThread "XMPPClient" $ do
receivenotifications selfjid = forever $ do
l <- decodeStanza selfjid <$> getStanza
debug' ["received:", show l]
mapM_ handle l
mapM_ (handle selfjid) l
handle (PresenceMessage p) =
handle _ (PresenceMessage p) =
void $ liftIO $ ioupdatebuddies p
handle (GotNetMessage QueryPresence) =
handle _ (GotNetMessage QueryPresence) =
putStanza gitAnnexSignature
handle (GotNetMessage (NotifyPush us)) =
handle _ (GotNetMessage (NotifyPush us)) =
void $ liftIO $ iopull us
handle (GotNetMessage (PairingNotification stage t u)) =
maybe noop (handlePairing stage u) (parseJID t)
handle (Ignorable _) = noop
handle (Unknown _) = noop
handle (ProtocolError _) = noop
handlePairing PairReq u jid = liftIO $ iopairReqReceived u jid
handlePairing PairAck _ _ = error "TODO"
handlePairing PairDone _ _ = error "TODO"
handle selfjid (GotNetMessage (PairingNotification stage t u)) =
maybe noop (\jid -> liftIO $ iopairMsgReceived (stage, u) (selfjid, jid)) (parseJID t)
handle _ (Ignorable _) = noop
handle _ (Unknown _) = noop
handle _ (ProtocolError _) = noop
data XMPPEvent
= GotNetMessage NetMessage
@ -139,16 +138,18 @@ decodeStanza _ s = [Unknown s]
{- Waits for a NetMessager message to be sent, and relays it to XMPP. -}
relayNetMessage :: JID -> Assistant (XMPP ())
relayNetMessage selfjid = convert <$> waitNetMessage
relayNetMessage selfjid = convert =<< waitNetMessage
convert (NotifyPush us) = putStanza $ pushNotification us
convert QueryPresence = putStanza $ presenceQuery
convert (NotifyPush us) = return $ putStanza $ pushNotification us
convert QueryPresence = return $ putStanza $ presenceQuery
convert (PairingNotification stage t u) = case parseJID t of
Nothing -> noop
Nothing -> return $ noop
Just tojid
| tojid == selfjid -> noop
| otherwise -> putStanza $
pairingNotification stage u tojid selfjid
| tojid == selfjid -> return $ noop
| otherwise -> do
changeBuddyPairing tojid True
return $ putStanza $
pairingNotification stage u tojid selfjid
{- Runs the client, handing restart events. -}
restartableClient :: IO () -> Assistant ()
@ -193,17 +194,44 @@ pull us = do
unlessM (all id . fst <$> manualPull branch [r]) $
pullone rs branch
{- Show an alert when a PairReq is seen, unless the PairReq came from
- another client using our JID. In that case, just start pairing. -}
pairReqReceived :: UrlRenderer -> UUID -> JID -> Assistant ()
pairReqReceived urlrenderer u jid = do
-- TODO: check same JID
let route = FinishXMPPPairR (PairKey u $ formatJID jid)
url <- liftIO $ renderUrl urlrenderer route []
close <- asIO1 removeAlert
void $ addAlert $ pairRequestReceivedAlert (T.unpack $ buddyName jid)
{ buttonUrl = url
, buttonLabel = T.pack "Respond"
, buttonAction = Just close
pairMsgReceived :: UrlRenderer -> (PairStage, UUID) -> (JID, JID) -> Assistant ()
pairMsgReceived urlrenderer (PairReq, theiruuid) (selfjid, theirjid)
-- PairReq from another client using our JID is automatically accepted.
| baseJID selfjid == baseJID theirjid = do
selfuuid <- liftAnnex getUUID
sendNetMessage $
PairingNotification PairAck (formatJID theirjid) selfuuid
finishXMPPPairing theirjid theiruuid
-- Show an alert to let the user decide if they want to pair.
| otherwise = do
let route = FinishXMPPPairR (PairKey theiruuid $ formatJID theirjid)
url <- liftIO $ renderUrl urlrenderer route []
close <- asIO1 removeAlert
void $ addAlert $ pairRequestReceivedAlert (T.unpack $ buddyName theirjid)
{ buttonUrl = url
, buttonLabel = T.pack "Respond"
, buttonAction = Just close
pairMsgReceived _ (PairAck, theiruuid) (_selfjid, theirjid) =
{- PairAck must come from one of the buddies we are pairing with;
- don't pair with just anyone. -}
whenM (isBuddyPairing theirjid) $ do
changeBuddyPairing theirjid False
selfuuid <- liftAnnex getUUID
sendNetMessage $
PairingNotification PairDone (formatJID theirjid) selfuuid
finishXMPPPairing theirjid theiruuid
pairMsgReceived _ (PairDone, _theiruuid) (_selfjid, theirjid) =
changeBuddyPairing theirjid False
isBuddyPairing :: JID -> Assistant Bool
isBuddyPairing jid = maybe False buddyPairing <$>
getBuddy (genBuddyKey jid) <<~ buddyList
changeBuddyPairing :: JID -> Bool -> Assistant ()
changeBuddyPairing jid ispairing =
updateBuddyList (M.adjust set key) <<~ buddyList
key = genBuddyKey jid
set b = b { buddyPairing = ispairing }
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ data Buddy = Buddy
{ buddyPresent :: S.Set Client
, buddyAway :: S.Set Client
, buddyAssistants :: S.Set Client
, buddyPairing :: Bool
data Buddy = Buddy
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Annex.UUID
import Assistant.XMPP
import Assistant.XMPP.Client
import Assistant.XMPP.Buddies
import Assistant.XMPP.Git
import Network.Protocol.XMPP
import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
import Assistant.NetMessager
@ -139,9 +140,15 @@ getFinishLocalPairR _ = noLocalPairing
getFinishXMPPPairR :: PairKey -> Handler RepHtml
#ifdef WITH_XMPP
getFinishXMPPPairR (PairKey u t) = case parseJID t of
getFinishXMPPPairR (PairKey theiruuid t) = case parseJID t of
Nothing -> error "bad JID"
Just jid -> error "TODO"
Just theirjid -> do
liftAssistant $ do
selfuuid <- liftAnnex getUUID
sendNetMessage $
PairingNotification PairAck (formatJID theirjid) selfuuid
finishXMPPPairing theirjid theiruuid
redirect RepositoriesR
getFinishXMPPPairR _ _ = noXMPPPairing
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
genKey :: JID -> BuddyKey
genKey j = BuddyKey $ formatJID $ baseJID j
genBuddyKey :: JID -> BuddyKey
genBuddyKey j = BuddyKey $ formatJID $ baseJID j
buddyName :: JID -> Text
buddyName j = maybe (T.pack "") strNode (jidNode j)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ buddyName j = maybe (T.pack "") strNode (jidNode j)
- If the buddy has no clients at all anymore, returns Nothing. -}
buddySummary :: Buddy -> Maybe (Text, Bool, Bool, BuddyKey)
buddySummary b = case clients of
((Client j):_) -> Just (buddyName j, away, canpair, genKey j)
((Client j):_) -> Just (buddyName j, away, canpair, genBuddyKey j)
[] -> Nothing
away = S.null (buddyPresent b) && S.null (buddyAssistants b)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ buddySummary b = case clients of
updateBuddies :: Presence -> Buddies -> Buddies
updateBuddies p@(Presence { presenceFrom = Just jid }) = M.alter update key
key = genKey jid
key = genBuddyKey jid
update (Just b) = Just $ applyPresence p b
update Nothing = newBuddy p
updateBuddies _ = id
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ newBuddy p
{ buddyPresent = S.empty
, buddyAway = S.empty
, buddyAssistants = S.empty
, buddyPairing = False
applyPresence :: Presence -> Buddy -> Buddy
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
{- git over XMPP
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.XMPP.Git where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.XMPP
import Assistant.XMPP.Buddies
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Assistant.Alert
import Assistant.MakeRemote
import Assistant.Sync
import Annex.UUID
import Config
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
import Network.Protocol.XMPP
import qualified Data.Text as T
finishXMPPPairing :: JID -> UUID -> Assistant ()
finishXMPPPairing jid u = void $ alertWhile alert $
makeXMPPGitRemote buddy (baseJID jid) u
buddy = T.unpack $ buddyName jid
alert = pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert buddy Nothing
{- A git remote for an XMPP user? This is represented as a git remote
- that has no location set. The user's XMPP address is stored in the
- xmppaddress setting.
- The UUID of their remote is also stored as usual.
makeXMPPGitRemote :: String -> JID -> UUID -> Assistant Bool
makeXMPPGitRemote buddyname jid u = do
remote <- liftAnnex $ addRemote $ makeGitRemote buddyname "" -- no location
liftAnnex $ do
let r = Remote.repo remote
storeUUID (remoteConfig r "uuid") u
setConfig (remoteConfig r "xmppaddress") xmppaddress
syncNewRemote remote
return True
xmppaddress = T.unpack $ formatJID $ baseJID jid
@ -881,6 +881,11 @@ Here are all the supported configuration settings.
Used to identify Amazon S3 special remotes.
Normally this is automaticaly set up by `git annex initremote`.
* `remote.<name>.annex-xmppaddress`
Used to identify the XMPP address of a Jabber buddy.
Normally this is set up by the git-annex assistant when pairing over XMPP.
# CONFIGURATION VIA .gitattributes
The key-value backend used when adding a new file to the annex can be
Add table
Reference in a new issue