push RawFilePath down into Annex.ReplaceFile

Minor optimisation, but a win in every case, except for a couple where
it's a wash.

Note that replaceFile still takes a FilePath, because it needs to
operate on Chars to truncate unicode filenames properly.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2023-10-26 13:36:49 -04:00
parent c873586e14
commit d9fd205cbb
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
12 changed files with 38 additions and 44 deletions

View file

@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ resolveMerge' unstagedmap (Just us) them inoverlay u = do
stageSymlink dest' =<< hashSymlink l
replacewithsymlink dest link = replaceWorkTreeFile dest $
makeGitLink link . toRawFilePath
makeGitLink link
makepointer key dest destmode = do
unless inoverlay $
@ -267,10 +267,10 @@ resolveMerge' unstagedmap (Just us) them inoverlay u = do
Nothing -> noop
Just sha -> replaceWorkTreeFile item $ \tmp -> do
c <- catObject sha
liftIO $ L.writeFile tmp c
liftIO $ L.writeFile (decodeBS tmp) c
when isexecutable $
liftIO $ void $ tryIO $
modifyFileMode (toRawFilePath tmp) $
modifyFileMode tmp $
addModes executeModes
-- Update the work tree to reflect the graft.

View file

@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ linkToAnnex key src srcic = ifM (checkSecureHashes' key)
linkFromAnnex :: Key -> RawFilePath -> Maybe FileMode -> Annex LinkAnnexResult
linkFromAnnex key dest destmode =
replaceFile' (const noop) (fromRawFilePath dest) (== LinkAnnexOk) $ \tmp ->
linkFromAnnex' key (toRawFilePath tmp) destmode
linkFromAnnex' key tmp destmode
{- This is only safe to use when dest is not a worktree file. -}
linkFromAnnex' :: Key -> RawFilePath -> Maybe FileMode -> Annex LinkAnnexResult

View file

@ -38,11 +38,10 @@ populatePointerFile restage k obj f = go =<< liftIO (isPointerFile f)
destmode <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fileMode <$> R.getFileStatus f
liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink f
(ic, populated) <- replaceWorkTreeFile f' $ \tmp -> do
let tmp' = toRawFilePath tmp
ok <- linkOrCopy k obj tmp' destmode >>= \case
Just _ -> thawContent tmp' >> return True
Nothing -> liftIO (writePointerFile tmp' k destmode) >> return False
ic <- withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache tmp')
ok <- linkOrCopy k obj tmp destmode >>= \case
Just _ -> thawContent tmp >> return True
Nothing -> liftIO (writePointerFile tmp k destmode) >> return False
ic <- withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache tmp)
return (ic, ok)
maybe noop (restagePointerFile restage f) ic
if populated
@ -60,14 +59,13 @@ depopulatePointerFile key file = do
secureErase file
liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink file
ic <- replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath file) $ \tmp -> do
let tmp' = toRawFilePath tmp
liftIO $ writePointerFile tmp' key mode
liftIO $ writePointerFile tmp key mode
#if ! defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-- Don't advance mtime; this avoids unnecessary re-smudging
-- by git in some cases.
liftIO $ maybe noop
(\t -> touch tmp' t False)
(\t -> touch tmp t False)
(fmap Posix.modificationTimeHiRes st)
withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache tmp')
withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache tmp)
maybe noop (restagePointerFile (Restage True) file) ic

View file

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ restoreFile file key e = do
makeLink :: RawFilePath -> Key -> Maybe InodeCache -> Annex LinkTarget
makeLink file key mcache = flip catchNonAsync (restoreFile file key) $ do
l <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink file key
replaceWorkTreeFile file' $ makeAnnexLink l . toRawFilePath
replaceWorkTreeFile file' $ makeAnnexLink l
-- touch symlink to have same time as the original file,
-- as provided in the InodeCache

View file

@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ import Utility.Path.Max
{- replaceFile on a file located inside the gitAnnexDir. -}
replaceGitAnnexDirFile :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceGitAnnexDirFile :: FilePath -> (RawFilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceGitAnnexDirFile = replaceFile createAnnexDirectory
{- replaceFile on a file located inside the .git directory. -}
replaceGitDirFile :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceGitDirFile :: FilePath -> (RawFilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceGitDirFile = replaceFile $ \dir -> do
top <- fromRepo localGitDir
liftIO $ createDirectoryUnder [top] dir
{- replaceFile on a worktree file. -}
replaceWorkTreeFile :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceWorkTreeFile :: FilePath -> (RawFilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceWorkTreeFile = replaceFile createWorkTreeDirectory
{- Replaces a possibly already existing file with a new version,
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ replaceWorkTreeFile = replaceFile createWorkTreeDirectory
- The createdirectory action is only run when moving the file into place
- fails, and can create any parent directory structure needed.
replaceFile :: (RawFilePath -> Annex ()) -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceFile :: (RawFilePath -> Annex ()) -> FilePath -> (RawFilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceFile createdirectory file action = replaceFile' createdirectory file (const True) action
replaceFile' :: (RawFilePath -> Annex ()) -> FilePath -> (a -> Bool) -> (FilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceFile' :: (RawFilePath -> Annex ()) -> FilePath -> (a -> Bool) -> (RawFilePath -> Annex a) -> Annex a
replaceFile' createdirectory file checkres action = withOtherTmp $ \othertmpdir -> do
let othertmpdir' = fromRawFilePath othertmpdir
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ replaceFile' createdirectory file checkres action = withOtherTmp $ \othertmpdir
let basetmp = "t"
withTmpDirIn othertmpdir' basetmp $ \tmpdir -> do
let tmpfile = tmpdir </> basetmp
let tmpfile = toRawFilePath (tmpdir </> basetmp)
r <- action tmpfile
when (checkres r) $
replaceFileFrom (toRawFilePath tmpfile) (toRawFilePath file) createdirectory
replaceFileFrom tmpfile (toRawFilePath file) createdirectory
return r
replaceFileFrom :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath -> (RawFilePath -> Annex ()) -> Annex ()

View file

@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ onAddSymlink' linktarget mk file filestatus = go mk
then ensurestaged (Just link) =<< getDaemonStatus
else do
liftAnnex $ replaceWorkTreeFile file $
makeAnnexLink link . toRawFilePath
makeAnnexLink link
addLink file link (Just key)
-- other symlink, not git-annex
go Nothing = ensurestaged linktarget =<< getDaemonStatus

View file

@ -73,12 +73,11 @@ start fixwhat si file key = do
breakHardLink :: RawFilePath -> Key -> RawFilePath -> CommandPerform
breakHardLink file key obj = do
replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath file) $ \tmp -> do
let tmp' = toRawFilePath tmp
mode <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fileMode <$> R.getFileStatus file
unlessM (checkedCopyFile key obj tmp' mode) $
unlessM (checkedCopyFile key obj tmp mode) $
giveup "unable to break hard link"
thawContent tmp'
Database.Keys.storeInodeCaches key [tmp']
thawContent tmp
Database.Keys.storeInodeCaches key [tmp]
modifyContentDir obj $ freezeContent obj
next $ return True
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ makeHardLink :: RawFilePath -> Key -> CommandPerform
makeHardLink file key = do
replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath file) $ \tmp -> do
mode <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fileMode <$> R.getFileStatus file
linkFromAnnex' key (toRawFilePath tmp) mode >>= \case
linkFromAnnex' key tmp mode >>= \case
LinkAnnexFailed -> giveup "unable to make hard link"
_ -> noop
next $ return True
@ -99,10 +98,9 @@ fixSymlink file link = do
<$> R.getSymbolicLinkStatus file
replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath file) $ \tmpfile -> do
let tmpfile' = toRawFilePath tmpfile
liftIO $ R.createSymbolicLink link tmpfile'
liftIO $ R.createSymbolicLink link tmpfile
#if ! defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
liftIO $ maybe noop (\t -> touch tmpfile' t False) mtime
liftIO $ maybe noop (\t -> touch tmpfile t False) mtime
stageSymlink file =<< hashSymlink link
next $ return True

View file

@ -417,16 +417,15 @@ verifyWorkTree key file = do
Just k | k == key -> whenM (inAnnex key) $ do
showNote "fixing worktree content"
replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath file) $ \tmp -> do
let tmp' = toRawFilePath tmp
mode <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fileMode <$> R.getFileStatus file
ifM (annexThin <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( void $ linkFromAnnex' key tmp' mode
( void $ linkFromAnnex' key tmp mode
, do
obj <- calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation key)
void $ checkedCopyFile key obj tmp' mode
thawContent tmp'
void $ checkedCopyFile key obj tmp mode
thawContent tmp
Database.Keys.storeInodeCaches key [tmp']
Database.Keys.storeInodeCaches key [tmp]
_ -> return ()
return True

View file

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ perform file key = do
mfc <- withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache file)
unlessM (sameInodeCache obj (maybeToList mfc)) $ do
modifyContentDir obj $ replaceGitAnnexDirFile (fromRawFilePath obj) $ \tmp -> do
unlessM (checkedCopyFile key obj (toRawFilePath tmp) Nothing) $
unlessM (checkedCopyFile key obj tmp Nothing) $
giveup "unable to lock file"
Database.Keys.storeInodeCaches key [obj]

View file

@ -111,10 +111,9 @@ linkKey file oldkey newkey = ifM (isJust <$> isAnnexLink file)
when (linkCount st > 1) $ do
freezeContent oldobj
replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath file) $ \tmp -> do
let tmp' = toRawFilePath tmp
unlessM (checkedCopyFile oldkey oldobj tmp' Nothing) $
unlessM (checkedCopyFile oldkey oldobj tmp Nothing) $
giveup "can't lock old key"
thawContent tmp'
thawContent tmp
ic <- withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache file)
case v of
Left e -> do

View file

@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ perform dest key = do
destic <- replaceWorkTreeFile (fromRawFilePath dest) $ \tmp -> do
ifM (inAnnex key)
( do
r <- linkFromAnnex' key (toRawFilePath tmp) destmode
r <- linkFromAnnex' key tmp destmode
case r of
LinkAnnexOk -> return ()
LinkAnnexNoop -> return ()
LinkAnnexFailed -> giveup "unlock failed"
, liftIO $ writePointerFile (toRawFilePath tmp) key destmode
, liftIO $ writePointerFile tmp key destmode
withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache (toRawFilePath tmp))
withTSDelta (liftIO . genInodeCache tmp)
next $ cleanup dest destic key destmode
cleanup :: RawFilePath -> Maybe InodeCache -> Key -> Maybe FileMode -> CommandCleanup

View file

@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ withLogHandle f a = do
bracket (setup tmp) cleanup a
setup tmp = do
setAnnexFilePerm (toRawFilePath tmp)
liftIO $ openFile tmp WriteMode
setAnnexFilePerm tmp
liftIO $ openFile (fromRawFilePath tmp) WriteMode
cleanup h = liftIO $ hClose h
-- | Appends a line to a log file, first locking it to prevent