Revert "optimise adjustTree when adding many TreeItems"
This reverts commit 2c86651180
That commit caused a test failure and problably wrong trees to be
imported, so revert until that is fixed.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 14 additions and 54 deletions
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
{- git trees
- Copyright 2016-2023 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2016-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Git.Tree (
@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ adjustTree adjusttreeitem addtreeitems resolveaddconflict removefiles r repo =
withMkTreeHandle repo $ \h -> do
(l, cleanup) <- liftIO $ lsTreeWithObjects LsTree.LsTreeRecursive r repo
(l', _, _) <- go h False [] 1 inTopTree l
l'' <- adjustlist h 0 inTopTree topTreePath l'
l'' <- adjustlist h 0 inTopTree (const True) l'
sha <- liftIO $ mkTree h l''
void $ liftIO cleanup
return sha
@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ adjustTree adjusttreeitem addtreeitems resolveaddconflict removefiles r repo =
in go h modified (blob:c) depth intree is
Just TreeObject -> do
(sl, modified, is') <- go h False [] (depth+1) (beneathSubTree i) is
sl' <- adjustlist h depth (inTree i) (gitPath i) sl
sl' <- adjustlist h depth (inTree i) (beneathSubTree i) sl
let slmodified = sl' /= sl
subtree <- if modified || slmodified
then liftIO $ recordSubTree h $ NewSubTree (LsTree.file i) sl'
@ -269,22 +268,16 @@ adjustTree adjusttreeitem addtreeitems resolveaddconflict removefiles r repo =
_ -> giveup ("unexpected object type \"" ++ decodeBS (LsTree.typeobj i) ++ "\"")
| otherwise = return (c, wasmodified, i:is)
adjustlist h depth ishere herepath l = do
let addhere = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup herepath addtreeitempathmap
adjustlist h depth ishere underhere l = do
let (addhere, rest) = partition ishere addtreeitems
let l' = filter (not . removed) $
addoldnew l (map treeItemToTreeContent addhere)
let inl i = any (\t -> beneathSubTree t i) l'
let (Tree addunderhere) = flattenTree depth $ treeItemsToTree $
filter (not . inl) $ if herepath == topTreePath
then filter (not . ishere) addtreeitems
else fromMaybe [] $
M.lookup (subTreePrefix herepath) addtreeitemprefixmap
filter (\i -> underhere i && not (inl i)) rest
addunderhere' <- liftIO $ mapM (recordSubTree h) addunderhere
return (addoldnew l' addunderhere')
addtreeitempathmap = mkPathMap addtreeitems
addtreeitemprefixmap = mkPathPrefixMap addtreeitems
removeset = S.fromList $ map (P.normalise . gitPath) removefiles
removed (TreeBlob f _ _) = S.member (P.normalise (gitPath f)) removeset
removed (TreeCommit f _ _) = S.member (P.normalise (gitPath f)) removeset
@ -362,8 +355,12 @@ graftTree' subtree graftloc basetree repo hdl = go basetree subdirs graftdirs
subdirs = P.splitDirectories $ gitPath graftloc
-- For a graftloc of "foo/bar/baz", this generates
-- ["foo", "foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz"]
graftdirs = map (asTopFilePath . toInternalGitPath) $
pathPrefixes subdirs
mkpaths [] subdirs
mkpaths _ [] = []
mkpaths base (d:rest) = (P.joinPath base P.</> d) : mkpaths (base ++ [d]) rest
{- Assumes the list is ordered, with tree objects coming right before their
- contents. -}
@ -416,50 +413,13 @@ instance GitPath TreeContent where
gitPath (TreeCommit f _ _) = gitPath f
inTopTree :: GitPath t => t -> Bool
inTopTree = inTree topTreePath
topTreePath :: RawFilePath
topTreePath = "."
inTopTree = inTree "."
inTree :: (GitPath t, GitPath f) => t -> f -> Bool
inTree t f = gitPath t == P.takeDirectory (gitPath f)
beneathSubTree :: (GitPath t, GitPath f) => t -> f -> Bool
beneathSubTree t f = subTreePrefix t `B.isPrefixOf` subTreePath f
subTreePath :: GitPath t => t -> RawFilePath
subTreePath = P.normalise . gitPath
subTreePrefix :: GitPath t => t -> RawFilePath
subTreePrefix t
| B.null tp = tp
| otherwise = P.addTrailingPathSeparator (P.normalise tp)
beneathSubTree t f = prefix `B.isPrefixOf` P.normalise (gitPath f)
tp = gitPath t
{- Makes a Map where the keys are directories, and the values
- are the items located in that directory.
- Values that are not in any subdirectory are placed in
- the topTreePath key.
mkPathMap :: GitPath t => [t] -> M.Map RawFilePath [t]
mkPathMap l = M.fromListWith (++) $
map (\ti -> (P.takeDirectory (gitPath ti), [ti])) l
{- Input is eg splitDirectories "foo/bar/baz",
- for which it will output ["foo", "foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz"] -}
pathPrefixes :: [RawFilePath] -> [RawFilePath]
pathPrefixes = go []
go _ [] = []
go base (d:rest) = (P.joinPath base P.</> d) : go (base ++ [d]) rest
{- Makes a Map where the keys are all path prefixes,
- and the values are items with that path prefix.
mkPathPrefixMap :: GitPath t => [t] -> M.Map RawFilePath [t]
mkPathPrefixMap l = M.fromListWith (++) $ concatMap go l
go ti = map (\p -> (p, [ti]))
(pathPrefixes $ P.splitDirectories $ subTreePath ti)
prefix = if B.null tp then tp else P.addTrailingPathSeparator (P.normalise tp)
Add table
Reference in a new issue