support all filename encodings with ghc 7.4
Under ghc 7.4, this seems to be able to handle all filename encodings again. Including filename encodings that do not match the LANG setting. I think this will not work with earlier versions of ghc, it uses some ghc internals. Turns out that ghc 7.4 has a special filesystem encoding that it uses when reading/writing filenames (as FilePaths). This encoding is documented to allow "arbitrary undecodable bytes to be round-tripped through it". So, to get FilePaths from eg, git ls-files, set the Handle that is reading from git to use this encoding. Then things basically just work. However, I have not found a way to make Text read using this encoding. Text really does assume unicode. So I had to switch back to using String when reading/writing data to git. Which is a pity, because it's some percent slower, but at least it works. Note that stdout and stderr also have to be set to this encoding, or printing out filenames that contain undecodable bytes causes a crash. IMHO this is a misfeature in ghc, that the user can pass you a filename, which you can readFile, etc, but that default, putStr of filename may cause a crash! Git.CheckAttr gave me special trouble, because the filenames I got back from git, after feeding them in, had further encoding breakage. Rather than try to deal with that, I just zip up the input filenames with the attributes. Which must be returned in the same order queried for this to work. Also of note is an apparent GHC bug I worked around in Git.CheckAttr. It used to forkProcess and feed git from the child process. Unfortunatly, after this forkProcess, accessing the `files` variable from the parent returns []. Not the value that was passed into the function. This screams of a bad bug, that's clobbering a variable, but for now I just avoid forkProcess there to work around it. That forkProcess was itself only added because of a ghc bug, #624389. I've confirmed that the test case for that bug doesn't reproduce it with ghc 7.4. So that's ok, except for the new ghc bug I have not isolated and reported. Why does this simple bit of code magnet the ghc bugs? :) Also, the symlink touching code is currently broken, when used on utf-8 filenames in a non-utf-8 locale, or probably on any filename containing undecodable bytes, and I temporarily commented it out.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 64 additions and 89 deletions
@ -82,9 +82,11 @@ cleanup file key hascontent = do
-- touch the symlink to have the same mtime as the
-- file it points to
liftIO $ do
mtime <- modificationTime <$> getFileStatus file
touch file (TimeSpec mtime) False
-- XXX Currently broken on non-utf8 locales when
-- dealing with utf-8 filenames.
--liftIO $ do
--mtime <- modificationTime <$> getFileStatus file
--touch file (TimeSpec mtime) False
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
if force
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
module Command.Uninit where
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import Common.Annex
import Command
import qualified Git
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ check = do
when (b == $ error $
"cannot uninit when the " ++ show b ++ " branch is checked out"
current_branch = Git.Ref . Prelude.head . lines . L.unpack <$> revhead
current_branch = Git.Ref . Prelude.head . lines <$> revhead
revhead = inRepo $ Git.Command.pipeRead
[Params "rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"]
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ excludeReferenced l = do
refs = map (Git.Ref . snd) .
nubBy uniqref .
filter ourbranches .
map (separate (== ' ')) . lines . L.unpack
map (separate (== ' ')) . lines
uniqref (a, _) (b, _) = a == b
ourbranchend = '/' : show
ourbranches (_, b) = not $ ourbranchend `isSuffixOf` b
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
module Git.Branch where
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import Common
import Git
import Git.Sha
@ -19,15 +17,15 @@ current :: Repo -> IO (Maybe Git.Ref)
current r = parse <$> pipeRead [Param "symbolic-ref", Param "HEAD"] r
parse v
| L.null v = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ Git.Ref $ firstLine $ L.unpack v
| null v = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ Git.Ref $ firstLine v
{- Checks if the second branch has any commits not present on the first
- branch. -}
changed :: Branch -> Branch -> Repo -> IO Bool
changed origbranch newbranch repo
| origbranch == newbranch = return False
| otherwise = not . L.null <$> diffs
| otherwise = not . null <$> diffs
diffs = pipeRead
[ Param "log"
@ -73,15 +71,14 @@ fastForward branch (first:rest) repo = do
- with the specified parent refs, and returns the committed sha -}
commit :: String -> Branch -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO Sha
commit message branch parentrefs repo = do
tree <- getSha "write-tree" $ asString $
tree <- getSha "write-tree" $
pipeRead [Param "write-tree"] repo
sha <- getSha "commit-tree" $ asString $
sha <- getSha "commit-tree" $
ignorehandle $ pipeWriteRead
(map Param $ ["commit-tree", show tree] ++ ps)
(L.pack message) repo
message repo
run "update-ref" [Param $ show branch, Param $ show sha] repo
return sha
ignorehandle a = snd <$> a
asString a = L.unpack <$> a
ps = concatMap (\r -> ["-p", show r]) parentrefs
@ -7,12 +7,9 @@
module Git.CheckAttr where
import System.Exit
import Common
import Git
import Git.Command
import qualified Git.Filename
import qualified Git.Version
{- Efficiently looks up a gitattributes value for each file in a list. -}
@ -20,13 +17,9 @@ lookup :: String -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO [(FilePath, String)]
lookup attr files repo = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
(_, fromh, toh) <- hPipeBoth "git" (toCommand params)
_ <- forkProcess $ do
hClose fromh
hPutStr toh $ join "\0" $ input cwd
hClose toh
hClose toh
output cwd . lines <$> hGetContents fromh
hPutStr toh $ join "\0" $ input cwd
hClose toh
zip files . map attrvalue . lines <$> hGetContents fromh
params = gitCommandLine
[ Param "check-attr"
@ -45,22 +38,7 @@ lookup attr files repo = do
input cwd
| oldgit = map (absPathFrom cwd) files
| otherwise = map (relPathDirToFile cwd . absPathFrom cwd) files
output cwd
| oldgit = map (torel cwd . topair)
| otherwise = map topair
topair l = (Git.Filename.decode file, value)
file = join sep $ beginning bits
value = end bits !! 0
attrvalue l = end bits !! 0
bits = split sep l
sep = ": " ++ attr ++ ": "
torel cwd (file, value) = (relfile, value)
| startswith cwd' file = drop (length cwd') file
| otherwise = relPathDirToFile top' file
top = workTree repo
cwd' = cwd ++ "/"
top' = top ++ "/"
@ -8,9 +8,7 @@
module Git.Command where
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Common
import Git
@ -41,10 +39,11 @@ run subcommand params repo = assertLocal repo $
- Note that this leaves the git process running, and so zombies will
- result unless reap is called.
pipeRead :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO L.Text
pipeRead :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO String
pipeRead params repo = assertLocal repo $ do
(_, h) <- hPipeFrom "git" $ toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo
L.decodeUtf8 <$> B.hGetContents h
fileEncoding h
hGetContents h
{- Runs a git subcommand, feeding it input.
- You should call either getProcessStatus or forceSuccess on the PipeHandle. -}
@ -57,26 +56,23 @@ pipeWrite params s repo = assertLocal repo $ do
{- Runs a git subcommand, feeding it input, and returning its output.
- You should call either getProcessStatus or forceSuccess on the PipeHandle. -}
pipeWriteRead :: [CommandParam] -> L.Text -> Repo -> IO (PipeHandle, L.Text)
pipeWriteRead :: [CommandParam] -> String -> Repo -> IO (PipeHandle, String)
pipeWriteRead params s repo = assertLocal repo $ do
(p, from, to) <- hPipeBoth "git" (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo)
hSetBinaryMode from True
L.hPutStr to s
fileEncoding to
fileEncoding from
hPutStr to s
hClose to
c <- L.hGetContents from
c <- hGetContents from
return (p, c)
{- Reads null terminated output of a git command (as enabled by the -z
- parameter), and splits it. -}
pipeNullSplit :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO [String]
pipeNullSplit params repo = map L.unpack <$> pipeNullSplitT params repo
{- For when Strings are not needed. -}
pipeNullSplitT ::[CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO [L.Text]
pipeNullSplitT params repo = filter (not . L.null) . L.splitOn sep <$>
pipeRead params repo
pipeNullSplit params repo =
filter (not . null) . split sep <$> pipeRead params repo
sep = L.pack "\0"
sep = "\0"
{- Reaps any zombie git processes. -}
reap :: IO ()
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ module Git.LsTree (
import Numeric
import Control.Applicative
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import Common
import Git
@ -31,22 +30,22 @@ data TreeItem = TreeItem
{- Lists the contents of a Ref -}
lsTree :: Ref -> Repo -> IO [TreeItem]
lsTree t repo = map parseLsTree <$>
pipeNullSplitT [Params "ls-tree --full-tree -z -r --", File $ show t] repo
pipeNullSplit [Params "ls-tree --full-tree -z -r --", File $ show t] repo
{- Parses a line of ls-tree output.
- (The --long format is not currently supported.) -}
parseLsTree :: L.Text -> TreeItem
parseLsTree :: String -> TreeItem
parseLsTree l = TreeItem
{ mode = fst $ Prelude.head $ readOct $ L.unpack m
, typeobj = L.unpack t
, sha = L.unpack s
, file = Git.Filename.decode $ L.unpack f
{ mode = fst $ Prelude.head $ readOct m
, typeobj = t
, sha = s
, file = Git.Filename.decode f
-- l = <mode> SP <type> SP <sha> TAB <file>
-- All fields are fixed, so we can pull them out of
-- specific positions in the line.
(m, past_m) = L.splitAt 7 l
(t, past_t) = L.splitAt 4 past_m
(s, past_s) = L.splitAt 40 $ L.tail past_t
f = L.tail past_s
(m, past_m) = splitAt 7 l
(t, past_t) = splitAt 4 past_m
(s, past_s) = splitAt 40 $ Prelude.tail past_t
f = Prelude.tail past_s
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.IO
import System.Cmd.Utils
import Data.String.Utils
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Common
@ -91,4 +90,6 @@ runAction repo action files =
params = toCommand $ gitCommandLine
(Param (getSubcommand action):getParams action) repo
feedxargs h = hPutStr h $ join "\0" $ map encodeString files
feedxargs h = do
fileEncoding h
hPutStr h $ join "\0" files
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
module Git.Ref where
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import Common
import Git
import Git.Command
@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ exists ref = runBool "show-ref"
{- Get the sha of a fully qualified git ref, if it exists. -}
sha :: Branch -> Repo -> IO (Maybe Sha)
sha branch repo = process . L.unpack <$> showref repo
sha branch repo = process <$> showref repo
showref = pipeRead [Param "show-ref",
Param "--hash", -- get the hash
@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ sha branch repo = process . L.unpack <$> showref repo
matching :: Ref -> Repo -> IO [(Ref, Branch)]
matching ref repo = do
r <- pipeRead [Param "show-ref", Param $ show ref] repo
return $ map (gen . L.unpack) (L.lines r)
return $ map gen (lines r)
gen l = let (r, b) = separate (== ' ') l in
(Ref r, Ref b)
@ -107,21 +107,22 @@ mergeFile :: String -> FilePath -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> IO (Maybe String)
mergeFile info file h repo = case filter (/= nullSha) [Ref asha, Ref bsha] of
[] -> return Nothing
(sha:[]) -> use sha
shas -> use =<< either return (hashObject repo . L.unlines) =<<
shas -> use =<< either return (hashObject repo . unlines) =<<
calcMerge . zip shas <$> mapM getcontents shas
[_colonmode, _bmode, asha, bsha, _status] = words info
getcontents s = L.lines . L.decodeUtf8 <$> catObject h s
getcontents s = map L.unpack . L.lines .
L.decodeUtf8 <$> catObject h s
use sha = return $ Just $ update_index_line sha file
{- Injects some content into git, returning its Sha. -}
hashObject :: Repo -> L.Text -> IO Sha
hashObject :: Repo -> String -> IO Sha
hashObject repo content = getSha subcmd $ do
(h, s) <- pipeWriteRead (map Param params) content repo
L.length s `seq` do
length s `seq` do
forceSuccess h
reap -- XXX unsure why this is needed
return $ L.unpack s
return s
subcmd = "hash-object"
params = [subcmd, "-w", "--stdin"]
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ hashObject repo content = getSha subcmd $ do
- When possible, reuses the content of an existing ref, rather than
- generating new content.
calcMerge :: [(Ref, [L.Text])] -> Either Ref [L.Text]
calcMerge :: [(Ref, [String])] -> Either Ref [String]
calcMerge shacontents
| null reuseable = Right $ new
| otherwise = Left $ fst $ Prelude.head reuseable
@ -119,16 +119,13 @@ showHeader h = handle q $
showRaw :: String -> Annex ()
showRaw s = handle q $ putStrLn s
{- This check is done because the code assumes filenames are utf8 encoded,
- using decodeUtf8 and Codec.Binary.UTF8.String.encodeString. So if
- run in a non unicode locale, it will crash or worse, possibly operate
- on the wrong file.
{- This avoids ghc's output layer crashing on invalid encoded characters in
- files when printing them out.
setupConsole :: IO ()
| show localeEncoding == show utf8 = return ()
| otherwise = error $
"Sorry, only UTF-8 locales are currently supported."
setupConsole = do
fileEncoding stdout
fileEncoding stderr
handle :: IO () -> IO () -> Annex ()
handle json normal = Annex.getState Annex.output >>= go
@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ import System.IO
import System.IO.Error (try)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.IO.Encoding
{- Sets a Handle to use the filesystem encoding. This causes data
- written or read from it to be encoded/decoded the same
- as ghc 7.4 does to filenames et. This special encoding
- allows "arbitrary undecodable bytes to be round-tripped through it". -}
fileEncoding :: Handle -> IO ()
fileEncoding h = hSetEncoding h =<< getFileSystemEncoding
{- A version of hgetContents that is not lazy. Ensures file is
- all read before it gets closed. -}
Add table
Reference in a new issue