This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 25 additions and 29 deletions
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ update = onceonly $ do
let merge_desc = if null branches
then "update"
else "merging " ++
(unwords $ map (show . Git.refDescribe) branches) ++
unwords (map (show . Git.refDescribe) branches) ++
" into " ++ show name
unless (null branches) $ do
showSideAction merge_desc
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Annex.Exception
{- Checks if a given key's content is currently present. -}
inAnnex :: Key -> Annex Bool
inAnnex = inAnnex' $ doesFileExist
inAnnex = inAnnex' doesFileExist
inAnnex' :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> Key -> Annex a
inAnnex' a key = do
whenM (fromRepo Git.repoIsUrl) $
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ git_annex_shell r command params
shellcmd = "git-annex-shell"
shellopts = Param command : File dir : params
sshcmd uuid = unwords $
shellcmd : (map shellEscape $ toCommand shellopts) ++
shellcmd : map shellEscape (toCommand shellopts) ++
uuidcheck uuid
uuidcheck NoUUID = []
uuidcheck (UUID u) = ["--uuid", u]
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ dispatch args cmds options header getgitrepo = do
r <- E.try getgitrepo :: IO (Either E.SomeException Git.Repo)
case r of
Left e -> maybe (throw e) id (cmdnorepo cmd)
Left e -> fromMaybe (throw e) (cmdnorepo cmd)
Right g -> do
state <- Annex.new g
(actions, state') <- Annex.run state $ do
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ doCommand = start
whenAnnexed :: (FilePath -> (Key, Backend Annex) -> Annex (Maybe a)) -> FilePath -> Annex (Maybe a)
whenAnnexed a file = ifAnnexed file (a file) (return Nothing)
ifAnnexed :: FilePath -> ((Key, Backend Annex) -> Annex a) -> (Annex a) -> Annex a
ifAnnexed :: FilePath -> ((Key, Backend Annex) -> Annex a) -> Annex a -> Annex a
ifAnnexed file yes no = maybe no yes =<< Backend.lookupFile file
notBareRepo :: Annex a -> Annex a
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ tryScan r
"git config --list"
dir = Git.workTree r
| take 2 dir == "/~" =
| "/~" `isPrefixOf` dir =
let (userhome, reldir) = span (/= '/') (drop 1 dir)
in "cd " ++ userhome ++ " && cd " ++ shellEscape (drop 1 reldir)
| otherwise = "cd " ++ shellEscape dir
@ -191,9 +191,8 @@ staleSize label dirspec = do
keys <- lift (Command.Unused.staleKeys dirspec)
if null keys
then nostat
else do
stat label $ json (++ aside "clean up with git-annex unused") $
return $ keySizeSum $ S.fromList keys
else stat label $ json (++ aside "clean up with git-annex unused") $
return $ keySizeSum $ S.fromList keys
aside :: String -> String
aside s = " (" ++ s ++ ")"
@ -152,13 +152,12 @@ excludeReferenced l = do
(S.fromList l)
-- Skip the git-annex branches, and get all other unique refs.
refs = map Git.Ref .
map last .
refs = map (Git.Ref . last) .
nubBy cmpheads .
filter ourbranches .
map words . lines . L.unpack
cmpheads a b = head a == head b
ourbranchend = '/' : show (Annex.Branch.name)
ourbranchend = '/' : show Annex.Branch.name
ourbranches ws = not $ ourbranchend `isSuffixOf` last ws
removewith [] s = return $ S.toList s
removewith (a:as) s
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ merge_index h repo bs =
- earlier ones, so the list can be generated from any combination of
- ls_tree, merge_trees, and merge_tree_index. -}
update_index :: Repo -> [String] -> IO ()
update_index repo ls = stream_update_index repo [\s -> mapM_ s ls]
update_index repo ls = stream_update_index repo [(`mapM_` ls)]
{- Streams content into update-index. -}
stream_update_index :: Repo -> [Streamer] -> IO ()
@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ fixBadUUID = M.fromList . map fixup . M.toList
| otherwise = (k, v)
kuuid = fromUUID k
isbad = (not $ isuuid kuuid) && isuuid lastword
isbad = not (isuuid kuuid) && isuuid lastword
ws = words $ value v
lastword = last ws
fixeduuid = toUUID lastword
fixedvalue = unwords $ kuuid:(take (length ws - 1) ws)
fixedvalue = unwords $ kuuid: init ws
-- For the fixed line to take precidence, it should be
-- slightly newer, but only slightly.
newertime (LogEntry (Date d) _) = d + minimumPOSIXTimeSlice
newertime (LogEntry (Unknown) _) = minimumPOSIXTimeSlice
newertime (LogEntry Unknown _) = minimumPOSIXTimeSlice
minimumPOSIXTimeSlice = 0.000001
isuuid s = length s == 36 && length (split "-" s) == 5
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ onLocal :: Git.Repo -> Annex a -> IO a
onLocal r a = do
-- Avoid re-reading the repository's configuration if it was
-- already read.
state <- if (M.null $ Git.configMap r)
state <- if M.null $ Git.configMap r
then Annex.new r
else return $ Annex.newState r
Annex.eval state $ do
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ upgrade = do
when e $ do
inRepo $ Git.run "rm" [Param "-r", Param "-f", Param "-q", File old]
unless bare $ inRepo $ gitAttributesUnWrite
unless bare $ inRepo gitAttributesUnWrite
unless bare push
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ bandwidthUnits = error "stop trying to rip people off"
{- Do you yearn for the days when men were men and megabytes were megabytes? -}
oldSchoolUnits :: [Unit]
oldSchoolUnits = map mingle $ zip storageUnits memoryUnits
oldSchoolUnits = zipWith (curry mingle) storageUnits memoryUnits
mingle (Unit _ a n, Unit s' _ _) = Unit s' a n
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import System.IO.Error
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Directory
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Conditional
@ -37,13 +38,11 @@ moveFile src dest = try (rename src dest) >>= onrename
mv tmp _ = do
ok <- boolSystem "mv" [Param "-f",
Param src, Param tmp]
if ok
then return ()
else do
-- delete any partial
_ <- try $
removeFile tmp
unless ok $ do
-- delete any partial
_ <- try $
removeFile tmp
isdir f = do
r <- try (getFileStatus f)
case r of
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ checkGitVersion = do
dotted = sum . mult 1 . reverse . extend 10 . map readi . split "."
extend n l = l ++ replicate (n - length l) 0
mult _ [] = []
mult n (x:xs) = (n*x) : (mult (n*100) xs)
mult n (x:xs) = (n*x) : mult (n*100) xs
readi :: String -> Integer
readi s = case reads s of
((x,_):_) -> x
@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ import Test.QuickCheck
import System.Posix.Directory (changeWorkingDirectory)
import System.Posix.Files
import Control.Exception (bracket_, bracket)
import Control.Exception (bracket_, bracket, throw)
import System.IO.Error
import System.Posix.Env
import qualified Control.Exception.Extensible as E
import Control.Exception (throw)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.IO.HVFS (SystemFS(..))
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