improve live update starting

In an expression like "balanced=foo and exclude=bar", avoid it starting
a live update when the overall expression doesn't match.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2024-08-24 13:07:05 -04:00
parent 16f945459c
commit d60a33fd13
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
5 changed files with 67 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import Git.FilePath
import Types.Remote (RemoteConfig)
import Types.ProposedAccepted
import Annex.CheckAttr
import Annex.RepoSize.LiveUpdate
import qualified Git.Config
import Annex.Magic
@ -88,13 +89,16 @@ checkMatcher matcher mkey afile lu notpresent notconfigured d
go mi = checkMatcher' matcher mi lu notpresent
checkMatcher' :: FileMatcher Annex -> MatchInfo -> LiveUpdate -> AssumeNotPresent -> Annex Bool
checkMatcher' (matcher, (MatcherDesc matcherdesc)) mi lu notpresent = do
(matches, desc) <- runWriterT $ matchMrun' matcher $ \op ->
matchAction op lu notpresent mi
explain (mkActionItem mi) $ UnquotedString <$>
describeMatchResult matchDesc desc
((if matches then "matches " else "does not match ") ++ matcherdesc ++ ": ")
return matches
checkMatcher' (matcher, (MatcherDesc matcherdesc)) mi lu notpresent =
checkLiveUpdate lu go
go = do
(matches, desc) <- runWriterT $ matchMrun' matcher $ \op ->
matchAction op lu notpresent mi
explain (mkActionItem mi) $ UnquotedString <$>
describeMatchResult matchDesc desc
((if matches then "matches " else "does not match ") ++ matcherdesc ++ ": ")
return matches
fileMatchInfo :: RawFilePath -> Maybe Key -> Annex MatchInfo
fileMatchInfo file mkey = do

View file

@ -63,30 +63,36 @@ prepareLiveUpdate :: Maybe UUID -> Key -> SizeChange -> Annex LiveUpdate
prepareLiveUpdate mu k sc = do
h <- Db.getRepoSizeHandle
u <- maybe getUUID pure mu
needv <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
startv <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
readyv <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
donev <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
finishv <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ waitstart startv donev finishv h u
return (LiveUpdate startv donev finishv)
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ waitstart startv readyv donev finishv h u
return (LiveUpdate needv startv readyv donev finishv)
{- Wait for startLiveUpdate, or for the LiveUpdate to get garbage
- collected in the case where it is never going to start. -}
waitstart startv donev finishv h u = tryNonAsync (takeMVar startv) >>= \case
Right _ -> do
{- Deferring updating the database until here
- avoids overhead except in cases where preferred
- content expressions need live updates. -}
Db.startingLiveSizeChange h u k sc
waitdone donev finishv h u
Left _ -> noop
{- Wait for checkLiveUpdate to request a start, or for the
- LiveUpdate to get garbage collected in the case where
- it is not needed. -}
waitstart startv readyv donev finishv h u =
tryNonAsync (takeMVar startv) >>= \case
Right () -> do
{- Deferring updating the database until
- here avoids overhead except in cases
- where preferred content expressions
- need live updates. -}
Db.startingLiveSizeChange h u k sc
putMVar readyv ()
waitdone donev finishv h u
Left _ -> noop
{- Wait for finishedLiveUpdate to be called, or for the LiveUpdate to
- get garbage collected in the case where the change didn't
{- Wait for finishedLiveUpdate to be called, or for the LiveUpdate
- to get garbage collected in the case where the change didn't
- actually happen. -}
waitdone donev finishv h u = tryNonAsync (takeMVar donev) >>= \case
-- TODO need to update RepoSize db
-- in same transaction as Db.finishedLiveSizeChange
Right (u', k', sc')
Right (Just (u', k', sc'))
| u' == u && k' == k && sc' == sc -> do
done h u
putMVar finishv ()
@ -94,19 +100,37 @@ prepareLiveUpdate mu k sc = do
-- causes fanout and so this is called with
-- other UUIDs.
| otherwise -> waitdone donev finishv h u
Right Nothing -> done h u
Left _ -> done h u
done h u = Db.finishedLiveSizeChange h u k sc
-- Called when a preferred content check indicates that a live update is
-- needed. Can be called more than once.
startLiveUpdate :: LiveUpdate -> Annex ()
startLiveUpdate (LiveUpdate startv _donev _finishv) =
liftIO $ void $ tryPutMVar startv ()
startLiveUpdate NoLiveUpdate = noop
-- needed. Can be called more than once on the same LiveUpdate.
needLiveUpdate :: LiveUpdate -> Annex ()
needLiveUpdate NoLiveUpdate = noop
needLiveUpdate lu = liftIO $ void $ tryPutMVar (liveUpdateNeeded lu) ()
-- needLiveUpdate has to be called inside this to take effect. If the
-- action calls needLiveUpdate and then returns True, the live update is
-- started. If the action calls needLiveUpdate and then returns False,
-- the live update is not started.
-- This can be called more than once on the same LiveUpdate. It will
-- only start it once.
checkLiveUpdate :: LiveUpdate -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool
checkLiveUpdate NoLiveUpdate a = a
checkLiveUpdate lu a = do
r <- a
needed <- liftIO $ isJust <$> tryTakeMVar (liveUpdateNeeded lu)
when (r && needed) $ do
liftIO $ void $ tryPutMVar (liveUpdateStart lu) ()
liftIO $ void $ readMVar (liveUpdateReady lu)
return r
finishedLiveUpdate :: LiveUpdate -> UUID -> Key -> SizeChange -> IO ()
finishedLiveUpdate (LiveUpdate _startv donev finishv) u k sc = do
tryNonAsync (putMVar donev (u, k, sc)) >>= \case
Right () -> void $ tryNonAsync $ readMVar finishv
Left _ -> noop
finishedLiveUpdate NoLiveUpdate _ _ _ = noop
finishedLiveUpdate lu u k sc = do
tryNonAsync (putMVar (liveUpdateDone lu) (Just (u, k, sc))) >>= \case
Right () -> void $
tryNonAsync $ readMVar $ liveUpdateFinish lu
Left _ -> noop

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@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ limitFullyBalanced''' filtercandidates termname mu getgroupmap g n want = Right
u `elem` picker candidates key n
_ -> False
when wanted $
startLiveUpdate lu
needLiveUpdate lu
return wanted
, matchNeedsFileName = False
, matchNeedsFileContent = False

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@ -31,7 +31,13 @@ newtype MaxSize = MaxSize { fromMaxSize :: Integer }
-- the changes to its size into account. If NoLiveUpdate is used, it
-- prevents that.
data LiveUpdate
= LiveUpdate (MVar ()) (MVar (UUID, Key, SizeChange)) (MVar ())
= LiveUpdate
{ liveUpdateNeeded :: MVar ()
, liveUpdateStart :: MVar ()
, liveUpdateReady :: MVar ()
, liveUpdateDone :: MVar (Maybe (UUID, Key, SizeChange))
, liveUpdateFinish :: MVar ()
| NoLiveUpdate
data SizeChange = AddingKey | RemovingKey

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@ -145,20 +145,6 @@ Planned schedule of work:
* Still implementing LiveUpdate. Check for TODO XXX markers
* In an expression like "balanced=foo and exclude=bar",
it will start a live update even if the overall expression doesn't
match. That is suboptimal, but also this will probably be a rare case,
it doesn't really make sense to to that. What will happen in that case
is the repo will temporarily be treated as having that key going
into it, even when it is not. As soon as the LiveUpdate gets GCed,
that resolves. Until then, other keys may not match that usually would,
if the repo would have been filled up by that key.
What could be done in this case is, after checking preferred content,
when it's not preferred content, call stopLiveUpdate immediately,
rather than relying on GC.
That would also help with the next problem...
* In the case where a copy to a remote fails (due eg to annex.diskreserve),
the LiveUpdate thread can not get a chance to catch its exception when
the LiveUpdate is gced, before git-annex exits. In this case, the