ByteString Ref continued
Attoparsec parser for diff-tree. Changed fromRef back to producing a String, to avoid needing to convert every use of it. However, this does mean I'm going to miss some opportunities where fromRef is used and the result converted back to a ByteString. Would be worth revisiting that at some point maybe.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 77 additions and 52 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Git (
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git diff-tree interface
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2012-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ module Git.DiffTree (
) where
import Numeric
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A8
import Common
import Git
@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ import Git.FilePath
import Git.DiffTreeItem
import qualified Git.Filename
import qualified Git.Ref
import Utility.Attoparsec
{- Checks if the DiffTreeItem modifies a file with a given name
- or under a directory by that name. -}
@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ commitDiff ref = getdiff (Param "show")
getdiff :: CommandParam -> [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO ([DiffTreeItem], IO Bool)
getdiff command params repo = do
(diff, cleanup) <- pipeNullSplit ps repo
return (parseDiffRaw (map decodeBL diff), cleanup)
return (parseDiffRaw diff, cleanup)
ps =
command :
@ -100,26 +104,28 @@ getdiff command params repo = do
{- Parses --raw output used by diff-tree and git-log. -}
parseDiffRaw :: [String] -> [DiffTreeItem]
parseDiffRaw :: [L.ByteString] -> [DiffTreeItem]
parseDiffRaw l = go l
go [] = []
go (info:f:rest) = mk info f : go rest
go (s:[]) = error $ "diff-tree parse error near \"" ++ s ++ "\""
go (info:f:rest) = case A.parse (parserDiffRaw (L.toStrict f)) info of
A.Done _ r -> r : go rest
A.Fail _ _ err -> error $ "diff-tree parse error: " ++ err
go (s:[]) = error $ "diff-tree parse error near \"" ++ decodeBL' s ++ "\""
mk info f = DiffTreeItem
{ srcmode = readmode srcm
, dstmode = readmode dstm
, srcsha = fromMaybe (error "bad srcsha") $ extractSha ssha
, dstsha = fromMaybe (error "bad dstsha") $ extractSha dsha
, status = s
, file = asTopFilePath $ fromInternalGitPath $ Git.Filename.decode $ toRawFilePath f
readmode = fst . Prelude.head . readOct
-- info = :<srcmode> SP <dstmode> SP <srcsha> SP <dstsha> SP <status>
(srcm, past_srcm) = splitAt 7 $ drop 1 info
(dstm, past_dstm) = splitAt 7 past_srcm
(ssha, past_ssha) = separate (== ' ') past_dstm
(dsha, s) = separate (== ' ') past_ssha
-- :<srcmode> SP <dstmode> SP <srcsha> SP <dstsha> SP <status>
parserDiffRaw :: RawFilePath -> A.Parser DiffTreeItem
parserDiffRaw f = DiffTreeItem
<$ A8.char ':'
<*> octal
<* A8.char ' '
<*> octal
<* A8.char ' '
<*> (maybe (fail "bad srcsha") return . extractSha =<< nextword)
<* A8.char ' '
<*> (maybe (fail "bad dstsha") return . extractSha =<< nextword)
<* A8.char ' '
<*> A.takeByteString
<*> pure (asTopFilePath $ fromInternalGitPath $ Git.Filename.decode f)
nextword = A8.takeTill (== ' ')
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Git.DiffTreeItem (
) where
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Git.FilePath
import Git.Types
@ -19,6 +20,6 @@ data DiffTreeItem = DiffTreeItem
, dstmode :: FileMode
, srcsha :: Sha -- null sha if file was added
, dstsha :: Sha -- null sha if file was deleted
, status :: String
, status :: S.ByteString
, file :: TopFilePath
} deriving Show
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ data BranchFilePath = BranchFilePath Ref TopFilePath
{- Git uses the branch:file form to refer to a BranchFilePath -}
descBranchFilePath :: BranchFilePath -> S.ByteString
descBranchFilePath (BranchFilePath b f) =
fromRef b <> ":" <> getTopFilePath f
fromRef' b <> ":" <> getTopFilePath f
{- Path to a TopFilePath, within the provided git repo. -}
fromTopFilePath :: TopFilePath -> Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ parserLsTree = TreeItem
<*> A8.takeTill (== ' ')
<* A8.char ' '
-- sha
<*> (Ref . decodeBS' <$> A8.takeTill (== '\t'))
<*> (Ref <$> A8.takeTill (== '\t'))
<* A8.char '\t'
-- file
<*> (asTopFilePath . Git.Filename.decode <$> A.takeByteString)
@ -106,6 +106,6 @@ formatLsTree :: TreeItem -> String
formatLsTree ti = unwords
[ showOct (mode ti) ""
, decodeBS (typeobj ti)
, decodeBS' (fromRef (sha ti))
, fromRef (sha ti)
, fromRawFilePath (getTopFilePath (file ti))
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ listLooseObjectShas r = catchDefaultIO [] $
looseObjectFile :: Repo -> Sha -> FilePath
looseObjectFile r sha = objectsDir r </> prefix </> rest
(prefix, rest) = splitAt 2 (decodeBS' (fromRef sha))
(prefix, rest) = splitAt 2 (fromRef sha)
listAlternates :: Repo -> IO [FilePath]
listAlternates r = catchDefaultIO [] (lines <$> readFile alternatesfile)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Git.Types
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
headRef :: Ref
headRef = Ref "HEAD"
@ -41,10 +42,11 @@ base = removeBase "refs/heads/" . removeBase "refs/remotes/"
{- Removes a directory such as "refs/heads/master" from a
- fully qualified ref. Any ref not starting with it is left as-is. -}
removeBase :: String -> Ref -> Ref
removeBase dir (Ref r)
| prefix `isPrefixOf` r = Ref (drop (length prefix) r)
| otherwise = Ref r
removeBase dir r
| prefix `isPrefixOf` rs = Ref $ encodeBS $ drop (length prefix) rs
| otherwise = r
rs = fromRef r
prefix = case end dir of
['/'] -> dir
_ -> dir ++ "/"
@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ removeBase dir (Ref r)
- refs/heads/master, yields a version of that ref under the directory,
- such as refs/remotes/origin/master. -}
underBase :: String -> Ref -> Ref
underBase dir r = Ref $ dir ++ "/" ++ fromRef (base r)
underBase dir r = Ref $ encodeBS' $ dir ++ "/" ++ fromRef (base r)
{- Convert a branch such as "master" into a fully qualified ref. -}
branchRef :: Branch -> Ref
@ -66,21 +68,25 @@ branchRef = underBase "refs/heads"
- of a repo.
fileRef :: RawFilePath -> Ref
fileRef f = Ref $ ":./" ++ fromRawFilePath f
fileRef f = Ref $ ":./" <> f
{- Converts a Ref to refer to the content of the Ref on a given date. -}
dateRef :: Ref -> RefDate -> Ref
dateRef (Ref r) (RefDate d) = Ref $ r ++ "@" ++ d
dateRef r (RefDate d) = Ref $ fromRef' r <> "@" <> encodeBS' d
{- A Ref that can be used to refer to a file in the repository as it
- appears in a given Ref. -}
fileFromRef :: Ref -> RawFilePath -> Ref
fileFromRef (Ref r) f = let (Ref fr) = fileRef f in Ref (r ++ fr)
fileFromRef r f = let (Ref fr) = fileRef f in Ref (fromRef' r <> fr)
{- Checks if a ref exists. -}
exists :: Ref -> Repo -> IO Bool
exists ref = runBool
[Param "show-ref", Param "--verify", Param "-q", Param $ fromRef ref]
[ Param "show-ref"
, Param "--verify"
, Param "-q"
, Param $ fromRef ref
{- The file used to record a ref. (Git also stores some refs in a
- packed-refs file.) -}
@ -107,26 +113,26 @@ sha branch repo = process <$> showref repo
process s
| S.null s = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ Ref $ decodeBS' $ firstLine' s
| otherwise = Just $ Ref $ firstLine' s
headSha :: Repo -> IO (Maybe Sha)
headSha = sha headRef
{- List of (shas, branches) matching a given ref or refs. -}
matching :: [Ref] -> Repo -> IO [(Sha, Branch)]
matching refs repo = matching' (map fromRef refs) repo
matching = matching' []
{- Includes HEAD in the output, if asked for it. -}
matchingWithHEAD :: [Ref] -> Repo -> IO [(Sha, Branch)]
matchingWithHEAD refs repo = matching' ("--head" : map fromRef refs) repo
matchingWithHEAD = matching' [Param "--head"]
{- List of (shas, branches) matching a given ref spec. -}
matching' :: [String] -> Repo -> IO [(Sha, Branch)]
matching' ps repo = map gen . lines . decodeBS' <$>
pipeReadStrict (Param "show-ref" : map Param ps) repo
matching' :: [CommandParam] -> [Ref] -> Repo -> IO [(Sha, Branch)]
matching' ps rs repo = map gen . S8.lines <$>
pipeReadStrict (Param "show-ref" : ps ++ rps) repo
gen l = let (r, b) = separate (== ' ') l
gen l = let (r, b) = separate' (== fromIntegral (ord ' ')) l
in (Ref r, Ref b)
rps = map (Param . fromRef) rs
{- List of (shas, branches) matching a given ref.
- Duplicate shas are filtered out. -}
@ -137,7 +143,7 @@ matchingUniq refs repo = nubBy uniqref <$> matching refs repo
{- List of all refs. -}
list :: Repo -> IO [(Sha, Ref)]
list = matching' []
list = matching' [] []
{- Deletes a ref. This can delete refs that are not branches,
- which git branch --delete refuses to delete. -}
@ -145,8 +151,8 @@ delete :: Sha -> Ref -> Repo -> IO ()
delete oldvalue ref = run
[ Param "update-ref"
, Param "-d"
, Param $ decodeBS' (fromRef ref)
, Param $ decodeBS' (fromRef oldvalue)
, Param $ fromRef ref
, Param $ fromRef oldvalue
{- Gets the sha of the tree a ref uses.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ get b = getMulti [b]
{- Gets reflogs for multiple branches. -}
getMulti :: [Branch] -> Repo -> IO [Sha]
getMulti bs = get' (map (Param . decodeBS' . fromRef) bs)
getMulti bs = get' (map (Param . fromRef) bs)
get' :: [CommandParam] -> Repo -> IO [Sha]
get' ps = mapMaybe (extractSha . S.copy) . S8.lines <$$> pipeReadStrict ps'
@ -84,8 +84,11 @@ type RemoteName = String
newtype Ref = Ref S.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
fromRef :: Ref -> S.ByteString
fromRef (Ref s) = s
fromRef :: Ref -> String
fromRef = decodeBS' . fromRef'
fromRef' :: Ref -> S.ByteString
fromRef' (Ref s) = s
{- Aliases for Ref. -}
type Branch = Ref
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ updateIndexLine :: Sha -> TreeItemType -> TopFilePath -> L.ByteString
updateIndexLine sha treeitemtype file = L.fromStrict $
fmtTreeItemType treeitemtype
<> " blob "
<> fromRef sha
<> fromRef' sha
<> "\t"
<> indexPath file
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ unstageFile file repo = do
unstageFile' :: TopFilePath -> Streamer
unstageFile' p = pureStreamer $ L.fromStrict $
"0 "
<> fromRef deleteSha
<> fromRef' deleteSha
<> "\t"
<> indexPath p
@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ applyRefSpec refspec rs getreflog = go [] refspec
go c [] = return (reverse c)
go c (AddRef r : rest) = go (r:c) rest
go c (AddMatching g : rest) =
let add = filter (matchGlob g . decodeBS' . fromRef) rs
let add = filter (matchGlob g . fromRef) rs
in go (add ++ c) rest
go c (AddRefLog : rest) = do
reflog <- getreflog
go (reflog ++ c) rest
go c (RemoveMatching g : rest) =
go (filter (not . matchGlob g . decodeBS' . fromRef) c) rest
go (filter (not . matchGlob g . fromRef) c) rest
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Utility.Misc (
@ -54,6 +55,13 @@ separate c l = unbreak $ break c l
| null b = r
| otherwise = (a, tail b)
separate' :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> S.ByteString -> (S.ByteString, S.ByteString)
separate' c l = unbreak $ S.break c l
unbreak r@(a, b)
| S.null b = r
| otherwise = (a, S.tail b)
{- Breaks out the first line. -}
firstLine :: String -> String
firstLine = takeWhile (/= '\n')
Add table
Reference in a new issue