Merge branch 'master' into hiddenannex
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 226 additions and 99 deletions
@ -792,8 +792,8 @@ rememberTreeishLocked treeish graftpoint jl = do
:: (RawFilePath -> Maybe v)
-> (Annex (Maybe (v, RawFilePath, Maybe L.ByteString)) -> Annex ())
-> Annex ()
-> (Annex (Maybe (v, RawFilePath, Maybe L.ByteString)) -> Annex a)
-> Annex a
overBranchFileContents select go = do
st <- update
g <- Annex.gitRepo
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ overBranchFileContents select go = do
Nothing -> drain buf =<< journalledFiles
Just fs -> drain buf fs
catObjectStreamLsTree l (select' . getTopFilePath . Git.LsTree.file) g go'
liftIO $ void cleanup
`finally` liftIO (void cleanup)
getnext [] = Nothing
getnext (f:fs) = case select f of
@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ git-annex (8.20210331) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Fix bug caused by recent optimisations that could make git-annex not
see recently recorded status information when configured with
* Fix bug that could make git-annex importfeed not see recently recorded
state when configured with annex.alwayscommit=false.
* importfeed: Made "checking known urls" phase run 12 times faster.
-- Joey Hess <> Thu, 01 Apr 2021 12:17:26 -0400
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2013-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2013-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import Command
@ -45,10 +44,8 @@ import Annex.MetaData
import Annex.FileMatcher
import Command.AddUrl (addWorkTree)
import Annex.UntrustedFilePath
import qualified Git.Ref
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Logs
import Git.CatFile (catObjectStream)
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $
@ -125,41 +122,38 @@ getCache opttemplate = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.force)
( ret S.empty S.empty
, do
showStart "importfeed" "checking known urls" (SeekInput [])
(is, us) <- unzip <$> knownItems
(us, is) <- knownItems
ret (S.fromList us) (S.fromList (concat is))
ret (S.fromList us) (S.fromList is)
tmpl = Utility.Format.gen $ fromMaybe defaultTemplate opttemplate
ret us is = return $ Cache us is tmpl
knownItems :: Annex [([ItemId], URLString)]
knownItems = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
catObjectStream g $ \catfeeder catcloser catreader -> do
rt <- liftIO $ async $ reader catreader []
withKnownUrls (feeder config catfeeder catcloser)
liftIO (wait rt)
{- Scan all url logs and metadata logs in the branch and find urls
- and ItemIds that are already known. -}
knownItems :: Annex ([URLString], [ItemId])
knownItems = Annex.Branch.overBranchFileContents select (go [] [])
feeder config catfeeder catcloser urlreader = urlreader >>= \case
Just (k, us) -> do
forM_ us $ \u ->
let logf = metaDataLogFile config k
ref = Git.Ref.branchFileRef Annex.Branch.fullname logf
in liftIO $ catfeeder (u, ref)
feeder config catfeeder catcloser urlreader
Nothing -> liftIO catcloser
reader catreader c = catreader >>= \case
Just (u, Just mdc) ->
let !itemids = S.toList $ S.filter (/= noneValue) $
|||| (decodeBS . fromMetaValue) $
currentMetaDataValues itemIdField $
parseCurrentMetaData mdc
in reader catreader ((itemids,u):c)
Just (u, Nothing) -> reader catreader (([],u):c)
Nothing -> return c
select f
| isUrlLog f = Just ()
| isMetaDataLog f = Just ()
| otherwise = Nothing
go uc ic reader = reader >>= \case
Just ((), f, Just content)
| isUrlLog f -> case parseUrlLog content of
[] -> go uc ic reader
us -> go (us++uc) ic reader
| isMetaDataLog f ->
let s = currentMetaDataValues itemIdField $
parseCurrentMetaData content
in if S.null s
then go uc ic reader
else go uc (map (decodeBS . fromMetaValue) (S.toList s)++ic) reader
| otherwise -> go uc ic reader
Just ((), _, Nothing) -> go uc ic reader
Nothing -> return (uc, ic)
findDownloads :: URLString -> Feed -> [ToDownload]
findDownloads u f = catMaybes $ map mk (feedItems f)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- Web url logs.
- Copyright 2011-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -13,26 +13,23 @@ module Logs.Web (
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Logs
import Logs.Presence
import Logs.Location
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Git.LsTree
import Git.CatFile (catObjectStreamLsTree)
import Git.FilePath
import Utility.Url
import Annex.UUID
import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
@ -50,7 +47,7 @@ getUrls key = do
us <- currentLogInfo l
if null us
then go ls
else return $ map (decodeBS . fromLogInfo) us
else return $ map decodeUrlLogInfo us
getUrlsWithPrefix :: Key -> String -> Annex [URLString]
getUrlsWithPrefix key prefix = filter (prefix `isPrefixOf`)
@ -88,32 +85,6 @@ setUrlMissing key url = do
OtherDownloader -> False
_ -> True
{- Finds all known urls. -}
withKnownUrls :: (Annex (Maybe (Key, [URLString])) -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withKnownUrls a = do
{- Ensure any journalled changes are committed to the git-annex
- branch, since we're going to look at its tree. -}
_ <- Annex.Branch.update
Annex.Branch.commit =<< Annex.Branch.commitMessage
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ Git.LsTree.lsTree
(Git.LsTree.LsTreeLong False)
g <- Annex.gitRepo
let want = urlLogFileKey . getTopFilePath . Git.LsTree.file
catObjectStreamLsTree l want g (\reader -> a (go reader))
`finally` void (liftIO cleanup)
go reader = liftIO reader >>= \case
Just (k, Just content) ->
case geturls content of
[] -> go reader
us -> return (Just (k, us))
Just (_, Nothing) -> go reader
Nothing -> return Nothing
geturls = map (decodeBS . fromLogInfo) . getLog
setTempUrl :: Key -> URLString -> Annex ()
setTempUrl key url = Annex.changeState $ \s ->
s { Annex.tempurls = M.insert key url (Annex.tempurls s) }
@ -146,3 +117,11 @@ getDownloader u = case separate (== ':') u of
("quvi", u') -> (u', YoutubeDownloader)
("", u') -> (u', OtherDownloader)
_ -> (u, WebDownloader)
decodeUrlLogInfo :: LogInfo -> URLString
decodeUrlLogInfo = decodeBS . fromLogInfo
{- Parses the content of an url log file, returning the urls that are
- currently recorded. -}
parseUrlLog :: L.ByteString -> [URLString]
parseUrlLog = map decodeUrlLogInfo . getLog
@ -223,7 +223,13 @@ properties = localOption (QuickCheckTests 1000) $ testGroup "QuickCheck" $
testRemotes :: TestTree
testRemotes = testGroup "Remote Tests"
testRemotes = testGroup "Remote Tests" $
-- These tests are failing in really strange ways on Windows,
-- apparently not due to an actual problem with the remotes being
-- tested, so are disabled there.
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
filter (\_ -> False)
[ testGitRemote
, testDirectoryRemote
@ -2002,3 +2002,7 @@ PS G:\test2>
### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders)
Of course! On Linux, it runs perfectly. I manage all my data with git-annex.
> The test suite passes on windows 10 on the autobuilder used to build
> git-annex. Given the age of this bug, I don't think it's useful to keep
> it open, so [[done]] --[[Joey]]
@ -21,3 +21,6 @@ cp: cannot create regular file '.git\annex\tmp\SHA256E-s1048576--c347f274df21467
I think this fail is relatively recent since [5 days ago]( is green for git-annex (but red for datalad). Overall [today's log]( for 8.20210331-ge3de27dcc says `126 out of 833 tests failed (599.24s)`
not sure if relates to [ubuntu build fails]( which seems to be less wild, so filing separately
> Fixed by disabling the failing tests on windows, see comments for the
> gory details. [[done]] --[[Joey]]
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 5"""
I tried to reproduce this, but here the same part of the
test suite fails at an earlier point:
Remote Tests
testremote type git
Detected a filesystem without fifo support.
Disabling ssh connection caching.
Detected a crippled filesystem.
(scanning for unlocked files...)
Exception: MoveFileEx "C:\\Users\\IEUser\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ranD3A1" Just ".git\\annex\\objects\\37a\\645\\SHA256E-s1048576--bc48211bf79f8e756afe5cb3c44ac0b291da541d27647d3ebec17f73aa2a04c1.this-is-a-test-key\\SHA256E-s1048576--bc48211bf79f8e756afe5cb3c44ac0b291da541d27647d3ebec17f73aa2a04c1.this-is-a-test-key": does not exist (The system cannot find the path specified.)
This failure is really weird. It's Command.TestRemote.randKey failing
to move the temp file it just created into the annex object directory.
I added some debugging just before it moves the file, to see which of
source or destination didn't exist. Result is: Both do exist!
doesFileExist "C:\\Users\\IEUser\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ranDD65"
doesDirectoryExist ".git\\annex\\objects\\bf8\\db3\\SHA256E-s1048576--e5c9f51441e7f2669ee7fd518c12c65f1e71fc07416abb4ddee5abcd0333f068.this-is-a-test-key"
MoveFileEx "C:\\Users\\IEUser\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ranDD65" Just ".git\\annex\\objects\\bf8\\db3\\SHA256E-s1048576--e5c9f51441e7f2669ee7fd518c12c65f1e71fc07416abb4ddee5abcd0333f068.this-is-a-test-key\\SHA256E-s1048576--e5c9f51441e7f2669ee7fd518c12c65f1e71fc07416abb4ddee5abcd0333f068.this-is-a-test-key": does not exist (The system cannot find the path specified.)
Anyway, I could chase these kind of things for a year and the windows port
would be no better than it's ever been. The point is I currently have no way to
reproduce or debug the original problem except for an autobuilder with a 1 day
turnaround time that's building the master branch.
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 6"""
Results from Windows autobuilder with the 0% test being the first test ran:
That test succeeded, and then the 33% test failed. So apparently the first
retrieveKeyFile is setting up a situation where the second one fails.
Meanwhile, on Linux, I have verified that there is no leaking file handle
by retrieveKeyFile. Which doesn't mean there isn't on windows, but if there
is, it's a ghc bug or a Windows bug and not a bug I can do anything about.
Also, manually testing the directory special remote, not using the test
suite, retrieveKeyFile seems to work ok, even when run multiple times.
I have disabled the remote tests on Windows.
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 8"
It'd also be helpful if this could be integrated into the unannex subcommand:
`git annex add file` -> realise it shouldn't have been added -> `git annex unannex --forget file`
That would make for a rather intuitive and user-friendly workflow.
If the git-annex branch is unpushed, it could even be rebased to reflect that change but that might be too complicated to do reliably.
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
Hello everyone.
I’m new to local multi-device file sync, and I just read the project overviews and FAQs as well as most of the documentations of **git-annex**, **Mutagen**, **Syncthing**, and **Unison**. I’m a little stuck in thinking everything through until the end, so maybe I could ask some of you for your advice and/or opinion.
## What do I want to achieve?
Synchronized folders and files as well as symlinks. LAN-only preferred, no online/cloud, i.e. everything should, if possible, work without any internet connection whatsoever.
## How many and which devices are in use?
Three, at least. We’re having three Mac devices in our network, as well as optionally a Raspberry Pi with optionally some storage attached that could serve as network storage (SSHFS, NFS, AFP, et cetera) and serve files between the Mac devices; also an Apple Time Capsule with 2 TB storage would be available.
## Is real-time synchronization necessary?
Not really; it would be okay to be automating, i.e. auto-starting, the check/sync for example every hour. I think this is one of the main differences of Syncthing and Unison, that Unison needs to be “started” manually after making changes to files, and Syncthing just runs in the background and as soon as something is changed, the changes are propagated to all other devices?
## Are the devices used at the same time?
Generally, I’d like to say no. In the very most cases the three Mac devices are not used at the same moment in time.
## Are all devices always-on?
Not really. The Mac devices (old Macbook, new Macbook, Mac Mini) are often in sleep mode, I guess; the Raspberry Pi on my network is always-on, though.
In case I haven’t forgotten to write anything down, I think that’s all I have to say, i.e. am asking/looking for. Based on these demands, what would you say would be the better way to go, and if you don’t mind, please elaborate why?
Thank you so much, everyone.
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Hi there, I have an old archive drive with ~300k files, ~2 TB data. They're files that I would like to use in my work, but I've had to move them off my machine due to space. I periodically copy files off of the archive when I need to work with them. This of course is before I had even heard of `git-annex`.
So now I'm wondering how I can start to integrate these files into my work. Two basic ideas I have are:
1. `git-annex` the whole thing right away, and `git annex get` them onto my local machine as needed.
2. Start an empty annex on the archive drive. Move files from the old archive location into the annex as needed.
So basically I'm wondering between annexing the whole thing to start, or gradually building up the annex.
I have no idea how well `git-annex` will work with 300k files / 2 TB data.
How would you approach incorporating an old archive drive into a new annex?
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
2TB of data is no problem. git does start to slow down as the number of
files in a tree increases, with 200,000 or so where it might start to become
noticable. With this many files, updating .git/index will need to write out
something like 50mb of data to disk.
(git has some "split index" stuff that is supposed to help with this, but
I have not had the best experience with it.)
Committing the files to a branch other than master might be a reasonable
compromise. Then you can just copy the git-annex symlinks over to master as
needed, or check out the branch from time to time.
The main bottleneck doing that would be that the git-annex branch will also
contain 1 location log file per annexed file, and writing to
.git/annex/index will slow down a bit with so many files too. But,
git-annex has a lot of optimisations around batching writes to its index that
should make the impact minimal.
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="comment 2"
> Committing the files to a branch other than master might be a reasonable compromise. Then you can just copy the git-annex symlinks over to master as needed, or check out the branch from time to time.
I think that could work nicely. I do like the idea of having my files annexed, and distributing them across machines that way, so this strikes me as a good compromise.
Thank you for the idea!
@ -155,8 +155,21 @@ later write.
> * [[bugs/git-annex_branch_caching_bug]] was a problem, now fixed.
> * Any other similar direct accesses of the branch, not going through
> Annex.Branch, also need to be fixed (and may be missing journal files
> already?) Command.ImportFeed.knownItems is one. Command.Log behavior
> needs to be investigated, may be ok. And Logs.Web.withKnownUrls is another.
> already?) Most fixed now. Command.Log behavior needs to be
> investigated still.
> * Need to implement regardingPrivateUUID and privateUUIDsKnown,
> which need to look at the git config to find the private uuids.
> But that involves a mvar access, so there will be some slow down,
> although often it will be swamped by the actual branch querying.
> So far it's been possible to avoid any slow down from this feature
> when it's not in use.
> Encoding inside the uuid if a repo is private avoids slowdown of
> regardingPrivateUUID, but not privateUUIDsKnown. (So branch queries
> still slow down). It also avoids needing to set the config before
> writing to the branch when setting up a private repo or special remote.
## networks of hidden repos
@ -203,8 +216,6 @@ None of the above allows for a network of hidden repos, one of which is
part of a *different* network of hidden repos. Supporting that would be a
major complication.
## other uuid exposures
Things other than the git-annex branch that can expose the existence of the
@ -214,4 +225,40 @@ repository:
* git-annex-shell configlist will list the UUID. User has to know/guess
the repo exists and have an accepted ssh key.
# alternative: git-annex branch filtering
Different angle on this: Let the git-annex branch grow as usual. But
provide a way to filter uuids out of the git-annex branch, producing a new
Then the user can push the filtered branch back to origin or whatever they
want to do with it. It would be up to them to avoid making a mistake and
letting git push automatically send git-annex to origin/git-annex.
Maybe git has sufficient configs to let it be configured to avoid such
mistakes, dunno. (git-annex sync would certianly be a foot shooting
opportunity too.)
> Setting = simple would avoid accidental pushes.
> But if the user wanted to otherwise push matching branches, they would
> not be able to express that with a git config. Also, `git push origin :`
> would override that config.
> Using a different branch name than git-annex when branch filtering is
> enabled would be avoid most accidental pushes. And then the filtering
> could produce the git-annex branch.
The filtering would need to go back from the top commit to the last commit
that was filtered, and remove all mentions of the uuid. The transition
code (mostly) knows how to do that, but it doesn't preserve the history of
commits currently, and filtering would need to preserve that.
Any commits that were made elsewhere or that don't contain the UUIDs would
keep the same trees, and should keep the same commit hashes too, as long
as their parents are the same.
This would support any networks of hidden repos that might be wanted.
And it's *clean*.. Except it punts the potential foot shooting of
keeping the unfiltered branch private and unpushed to the user, and it
adds a step of needing to do the filtering before pushing.
[[!tag projects/datalad]]
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