moved all alert messages into one file
Makes it easier to edit for consistent voice etc.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 60 additions and 46 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
module Assistant.Alert where
import Common.Annex
import qualified Remote
import Yesod
type Widget = forall sub master. GWidget sub master ()
@ -34,3 +37,52 @@ activityAlert header message = Alert
, alertMessage = StringAlert message
, alertBlockDisplay = False
startupScanAlert :: Alert
startupScanAlert = activityAlert Nothing "Performing startup scan"
pushAlert :: [Remote] -> Alert
pushAlert rs = activityAlert Nothing $
"Syncing with " ++ unwords (map rs)
pushRetryAlert :: [Remote] -> Alert
pushRetryAlert rs = activityAlert (Just "Retrying sync") $
"with " ++ unwords (map rs) ++ ", which failed earlier."
syncMountAlert :: FilePath -> [Remote] -> Alert
syncMountAlert dir rs = Alert
{ alertClass = Activity
, alertHeader = Just $ "Syncing with " ++ unwords (map rs)
, alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords
["I noticed you plugged in"
, dir
, " -- let's get it in sync!"
, alertBlockDisplay = True
scanAlert :: Remote -> Alert
scanAlert r = Alert
{ alertClass = Activity
, alertHeader = Just $ "Scanning " ++ r
, alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords
[ "Ensuring that ", r
, "is fully in sync." ]
, alertBlockDisplay = True
sanityCheckAlert :: Alert
sanityCheckAlert = activityAlert (Just "Running daily sanity check")
"to make sure I've not missed anything."
sanityCheckFixAlert :: String -> Alert
sanityCheckFixAlert msg = Alert
{ alertClass = Warning
, alertHeader = Just "Fixed a problem"
, alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords
[ "The daily sanity check found and fixed a problem:"
, msg
, "If these problems persist, consider filing a bug report."
, alertBlockDisplay = True
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ handleMount st dstatus scanremotes mntent = do
branch <- runThreadState st $ Command.Sync.currentBranch
let nonspecial = filter (Git.repoIsLocal . Remote.repo) rs
unless (null nonspecial) $
alertWhile dstatus (syncalert nonspecial) $ do
alertWhile dstatus (syncMountAlert dir nonspecial) $ do
debug thisThread ["syncing with", show nonspecial]
runThreadState st $ manualPull branch nonspecial
now <- getCurrentTime
@ -173,15 +173,6 @@ handleMount st dstatus scanremotes mntent = do
addScanRemotes scanremotes rs
dir = mnt_dir mntent
syncalert rs = Alert
{ alertClass = Activity
, alertHeader = Just $ "Syncing with " ++ unwords (map rs)
, alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords
["I noticed you plugged in", dir,
" -- let's get it in sync!"]
, alertBlockDisplay = True
{- Finds remotes located underneath the mount point.
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import qualified Command.Sync
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Utility.Parallel
import qualified Remote
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Data.Map as M
@ -38,12 +37,10 @@ pushRetryThread st dstatus pushmap = runEvery (Seconds halfhour) $ do
, "failed pushes"
now <- getCurrentTime
alertWhile dstatus (alert topush) $
alertWhile dstatus (pushRetryAlert topush) $
pushToRemotes thisThread now st (Just pushmap) topush
halfhour = 1800
alert rs = activityAlert (Just "Retrying sync") $
"with " ++ unwords (map rs) ++ ", which failed earlier."
{- This thread pushes git commits out to remotes soon after they are made. -}
pushThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> CommitChan -> FailedPushMap -> IO ()
@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap = do
if shouldPush now commits
then do
remotes <- knownRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
alertWhile dstatus (syncalert remotes) $
alertWhile dstatus (pushAlert remotes) $
pushToRemotes thisThread now st (Just pushmap) remotes
else do
debug thisThread
@ -66,9 +63,6 @@ pushThread st dstatus commitchan pushmap = do
, "commits"
refillCommits commitchan commits
syncalert rs = activityAlert Nothing $
"Syncing with " ++ unwords (map rs)
{- Decide if now is a good time to push to remotes.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ sanityCheckerThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan = forever $ do
debug thisThread ["starting sanity check"]
alertWhile dstatus alert go
alertWhile dstatus sanityCheckAlert go
debug thisThread ["sanity check complete"]
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ sanityCheckerThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan = forever $ do
{ sanityCheckRunning = False
, lastSanityCheck = Just now
alert = activityAlert (Just "Running daily sanity check")
"to make sure I've not missed anything."
{- Only run one check per day, from the time of the last check. -}
waitForNextCheck :: DaemonStatusHandle -> IO ()
@ -87,18 +85,9 @@ check st dstatus transferqueue changechan = do
slop = fromIntegral tenMinutes
insanity msg = do
runThreadState st $ warning msg
void $ addAlert dstatus $ Alert
{ alertClass = Warning
, alertHeader = Just "Fixed a problem"
, alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords
[ "The daily sanity check found and fixed a problem:"
, msg
, "If these problems persist, consider filing a bug report."
, alertBlockDisplay = True
void $ addAlert dstatus $ sanityCheckFixAlert msg
addsymlink file s = do
insanity $ "found unstaged symlink: " ++ file
Watcher.runHandler thisThread st dstatus
transferqueue changechan
Watcher.onAddSymlink file s
insanity $ "found unstaged symlink: " ++ file
@ -32,18 +32,9 @@ transferScannerThread st dstatus scanremotes transferqueue = do
runEvery (Seconds 2) $ do
r <- getScanRemote scanremotes
liftIO $ debug thisThread ["starting scan of", show r]
alertWhile dstatus (scanalert r) $
alertWhile dstatus (scanAlert r) $
scan st dstatus transferqueue r
liftIO $ debug thisThread ["finished scan of", show r]
scanalert r = Alert
{ alertClass = Activity
, alertHeader = Just $ "Scanning " ++ r
, alertMessage = StringAlert $ unwords
[ "Ensuring that ", r
, "is fully in sync." ]
, alertBlockDisplay = True
{- This is a naive scan through the git work tree.
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ watchThread st dstatus transferqueue changechan = do
startupScan :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> IO a -> IO a
startupScan st dstatus scanner = do
runThreadState st $ showAction "scanning"
r <- alertWhile dstatus alert scanner
r <- alertWhile dstatus startupScanAlert scanner
modifyDaemonStatus_ dstatus $ \s -> s { scanComplete = True }
-- Notice any files that were deleted before watching was started.
@ -84,9 +84,6 @@ startupScan st dstatus scanner = do
showAction "started"
return r
alert = activityAlert Nothing "Performing startup scan"
ignored :: FilePath -> Bool
ignored = ig . takeFileName
Add table
Reference in a new issue