sped up the --all option by 2x to 16x by using git cat-file --buffer
This assumes that no location log files will have a newline or carriage
return in their name. catObjectStream skips any such files due to
cat-file not supporting them.
Keys have been prevented from containing newlines since 2011,
commit 480495beb4
. If some old repo
had a key with a newline in it, --all will just skip processing that key.
Other things, like .git/annex/unused files certianly assume no newlines in
keys too, and AFAICR, such keys never actually worked.
Carriage return is escaped by preSanitizeKeyName since 2013. WORM keys
generated before that point could perhaps contain a CR. (URL probably not,
http probably doesn't support an URL with a raw CR in it.) So, added
a warning in fsck about such keys. Although, fsck --all will naturally
skip them, so won't be able to warn about them. Not entirely
satisfactory, but I'll bet there are not really any such keys in
Thanks to Lukey for finding this optimisation.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 162 additions and 24 deletions
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ backend = Backend
, getKey = Just keyValue
, verifyKeyContent = Nothing
, canUpgradeKey = Just needsUpgrade
, fastMigrate = Just removeSpaces
, fastMigrate = Just removeProblemChars
, isStableKey = const True
@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ keyValue source _ = do
, keyMtime = Just $ modificationTime stat
{- Old WORM keys could contain spaces, and can be upgraded to remove them. -}
{- Old WORM keys could contain spaces and carriage returns,
- and can be upgraded to remove them. -}
needsUpgrade :: Key -> Bool
needsUpgrade key = ' ' `S8.elem` fromKey keyName key
needsUpgrade key = any (`S8.elem` fromKey keyName key) [' ', '\r']
removeSpaces :: Key -> Backend -> AssociatedFile -> Annex (Maybe Key)
removeSpaces oldkey newbackend _
removeProblemChars :: Key -> Backend -> AssociatedFile -> Annex (Maybe Key)
removeProblemChars oldkey newbackend _
| migratable = return $ Just $ alterKey oldkey $ \d -> d
{ keyName = encodeBS $ reSanitizeKeyName $ decodeBS $ keyName d }
| otherwise = return Nothing
@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ git-annex (8.20200618) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
git-annex sync --content --all gets 20% faster.
* Fix a recently introduced bug that could cause a "fork: resource exhausted"
after getting several thousand files.
* Sped up the --all option by 2x to 16x by using git cat-file --buffer.
Thanks to Lukey for finding this optimisation.
* fsck: Detect if WORM keys contain a carriage return, and recommend
upgrading to fix the problem, because the --all optimisation above
skips any such keys that might exist (git-annex could have maybe
created such keys back in 2013).
-- Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> Thu, 18 Jun 2020 12:21:14 -0400
@ -22,16 +22,19 @@ import qualified Git.LsTree as LsTree
import Git.FilePath
import qualified Limit
import CmdLine.GitAnnex.Options
import Logs.Location
import Logs
import Logs.Unused
import Types.Transfer
import Logs.Transfer
import Remote.List
import qualified Remote
import Annex.CatFile
import Git.CatFile (catObjectStream)
import Annex.CurrentBranch
import Annex.Content
import Annex.InodeSentinal
import qualified Annex.Branch
import qualified Annex.BranchState
import qualified Database.Keys
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
@ -180,26 +183,55 @@ withKeyOptions' ko auto mkkeyaction fallbackaction params = do
giveup "Cannot use --auto in a bare repository"
case (null params, ko) of
(True, Nothing)
| bare -> noauto $ runkeyaction finishCheck loggedKeys
| bare -> noauto runallkeys
| otherwise -> fallbackaction params
(False, Nothing) -> fallbackaction params
(True, Just WantAllKeys) -> noauto $ runkeyaction finishCheck loggedKeys
(True, Just WantUnusedKeys) -> noauto $ runkeyaction (pure . Just) unusedKeys'
(True, Just WantAllKeys) -> noauto runallkeys
(True, Just WantUnusedKeys) -> noauto $ runkeyaction unusedKeys'
(True, Just WantFailedTransfers) -> noauto runfailedtransfers
(True, Just (WantSpecificKey k)) -> noauto $ runkeyaction (pure . Just) (return [k])
(True, Just WantIncompleteKeys) -> noauto $ runkeyaction (pure . Just) incompletekeys
(True, Just (WantSpecificKey k)) -> noauto $ runkeyaction (return [k])
(True, Just WantIncompleteKeys) -> noauto $ runkeyaction incompletekeys
(True, Just (WantBranchKeys bs)) -> noauto $ runbranchkeys bs
(False, Just _) -> giveup "Can only specify one of file names, --all, --branch, --unused, --failed, --key, or --incomplete"
noauto a
| auto = giveup "Cannot use --auto with --all or --branch or --unused or --key or --incomplete"
| otherwise = a
incompletekeys = staleKeysPrune gitAnnexTmpObjectDir True
runkeyaction checker getks = do
-- List all location log files on the git-annex branch,
-- and use those to get keys. Pass through cat-file
-- to get the contents of the location logs, and pre-cache
-- those. This significantly speeds up typical operations
-- that need to look at the location log for each key.
runallkeys = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
g <- Annex.gitRepo
void Annex.Branch.update
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsTree.lsTree
let getk = locationLogFileKey config . getTopFilePath
let go reader = liftIO reader >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just (f, content) -> do
case getk f of
Just k -> do
Annex.BranchState.setCache (getTopFilePath f) content
keyaction (k, mkActionItem k)
Nothing -> return ()
go reader
catObjectStream l (isJust . getk . LsTree.file) g go
liftIO $ void cleanup
runkeyaction getks = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
ks <- getks
forM_ ks $ checker >=> maybe noop
(\k -> keyaction (k, mkActionItem k))
forM_ ks $ \k -> keyaction (k, mkActionItem k)
runbranchkeys bs = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
forM_ bs $ \b -> do
@ -211,6 +243,7 @@ withKeyOptions' ko auto mkkeyaction fallbackaction params = do
in keyaction (k, bfp)
unlessM (liftIO cleanup) $
error ("git ls-tree " ++ Git.fromRef b ++ " failed")
runfailedtransfers = do
keyaction <- mkkeyaction
rs <- remoteList
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Git.CatFile (
) where
import System.IO
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import Data.Char
import Numeric
import System.Posix.Types
import Text.Read
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Common
import Git
@ -42,8 +44,10 @@ import Git.Command
import Git.Types
import Git.FilePath
import Git.HashObject
import qualified Git.LsTree as LsTree
import qualified Utility.CoProcess as CoProcess
import Utility.Tuple
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
data CatFileHandle = CatFileHandle
{ catFileProcess :: CoProcess.CoProcessHandle
@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ catFileStart = catFileStart' True
catFileStart' :: Bool -> Repo -> IO CatFileHandle
catFileStart' restartable repo = CatFileHandle
<$> startp "--batch"
<*> startp "--batch-check=%(objectname) %(objecttype) %(objectsize)"
<*> startp ("--batch-check=" ++ batchFormat)
<*> pure repo
startp p = gitCoProcessStart restartable
@ -65,6 +69,9 @@ catFileStart' restartable repo = CatFileHandle
, Param p
] repo
batchFormat :: String
batchFormat = "%(objectname) %(objecttype) %(objectsize)"
catFileStop :: CatFileHandle -> IO ()
catFileStop h = do
CoProcess.stop (catFileProcess h)
@ -88,18 +95,12 @@ catObjectDetails :: CatFileHandle -> Ref -> IO (Maybe (L.ByteString, Sha, Object
catObjectDetails h object = query (catFileProcess h) object newlinefallback $ \from -> do
header <- S8.hGetLine from
case parseResp object header of
Just (ParsedResp sha objtype size) -> do
content <- S.hGet from (fromIntegral size)
eatchar '\n' from
return $ Just (L.fromChunks [content], sha, objtype)
Just r@(ParsedResp sha objtype _size) -> do
content <- readObjectContent from r
return $ Just (content, sha, objtype)
Just DNE -> return Nothing
Nothing -> error $ "unknown response from git cat-file " ++ show (header, object)
eatchar expected from = do
c <- hGetChar from
when (c /= expected) $
error $ "missing " ++ (show expected) ++ " from git cat-file"
-- Slow fallback path for filenames containing newlines.
newlinefallback = queryObjectType object (gitRepo h) >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
@ -113,6 +114,18 @@ catObjectDetails h object = query (catFileProcess h) object newlinefallback $ \f
(gitRepo h)
return (Just (content, sha, objtype))
readObjectContent :: Handle -> ParsedResp -> IO L.ByteString
readObjectContent h (ParsedResp _ _ size) = do
content <- S.hGet h (fromIntegral size)
eatchar '\n'
return (L.fromChunks [content])
eatchar expected = do
c <- hGetChar h
when (c /= expected) $
error $ "missing " ++ (show expected) ++ " from git cat-file"
readObjectContent _ DNE = error "internal"
{- Gets the size and type of an object, without reading its content. -}
catObjectMetaData :: CatFileHandle -> Ref -> IO (Maybe (Sha, FileSize, ObjectType))
catObjectMetaData h object = query (checkFileProcess h) object newlinefallback $ \from -> do
@ -266,3 +279,69 @@ parseCommit b = Commit
sp = fromIntegral (ord ' ')
lt = fromIntegral (ord '<')
gt = fromIntegral (ord '>')
{- Uses cat-file to stream the contents of the files listed by lstree
- as efficiently as possible. This is much faster than querying it
- repeatedly per file.
- Any files with a newline or carriage return in their name will be
- skipped, because the interface does not support them.
:: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m)
=> [LsTree.TreeItem]
-> (LsTree.TreeItem -> Bool)
-> Repo
-> (IO (Maybe (TopFilePath, L.ByteString)) -> m ())
-> m ()
catObjectStream l want repo a = assertLocal repo $
bracketIO start stop $ \(_, _, hout, _) -> a (reader hout)
feeder h = do
forM_ l $ \ti ->
when (want ti) $ do
let f = getTopFilePath (LsTree.file ti)
-- skip files with newlines or carriage returns
unless (any (`S8.elem` f) ['\n', '\r']) $
S8.hPutStrLn h $
fromRef' (LsTree.sha ti) <> " " <> f
hClose h
reader h = ifM (hIsEOF h)
( return Nothing
, do
resp <- S8.hGetLine h
case eitherToMaybe $ A.parseOnly respparser resp of
Nothing -> error $ "unknown response from git cat-file " ++ show resp
Just (r, f) -> do
content <- readObjectContent h r
return (Just (asTopFilePath f, content))
params =
[ Param "cat-file"
-- %(rest) is used to feed the filename through
-- cat-file; it will be at the end of the response
, Param ("--batch=" ++ batchFormat ++ " %(rest)")
, Param "--buffer"
respparser = (,)
<$> respParser
<* A8.char ' '
<*> A.takeByteString
start = do
let p = gitCreateProcess params repo
(Just hin, Just hout, _, pid) <- createProcess p
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
f <- async (feeder hin)
return (f, hin, hout, pid)
stop (f, hin, hout, pid) = do
cancel f
hClose hin
hClose hout
void $ checkSuccessProcess pid
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 10"""
Wow, I implemented your --buffer trick, and `get --all`
is over 2x faster. `sync --content --all` somewhat less, but still
another decent improvement there. (cold cache timings)
And some warm cache times are *much* faster than my cold cache benchmarks.
`get --all` is 17x faster in a 10k file repo, which makes it only 3x slower
than `get` without --all.
I think I will still leave this open because it's still worth considering
sqlite caching or finding a way to speed up the second sync --all pass...
but would be interested to know how your use case is improved now.
Please feel free to find optimisations anytime, I really appreciate it.
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