fixup annex link target calculation when submodules are used in filesystems not supporting symlinks
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 27 additions and 10 deletions
@ -60,12 +60,13 @@ fixupDirect r = return r
- submodule is mounted.
- When the filesystem doesn't support symlinks, we cannot make .git
- into a symlink. In this case, we merely adjust the Repo so that
- into a symlink. But we don't need too, since the repo will use direct
- mode, In this case, we merely adjust the Repo so that
- symlinks to objects that get checked in will be in the right form.
fixupSubmodule :: Repo -> GitConfig -> IO Repo
fixupSubmodule r@(Repo { location = l@(Local { worktree = Just w, gitdir = d }) }) c
| (".git" </> "modules") `isInfixOf` d = do
| needsSubmoduleFixup r = do
when (coreSymlinks c) $
`catchNonAsync` \_e -> hPutStrLn stderr
@ -84,3 +85,8 @@ fixupSubmodule r@(Repo { location = l@(Local { worktree = Just w, gitdir = d })
maybe (error "unset core.worktree failed") (\_ -> return ())
=<< Git.Config.unset "core.worktree" r
fixupSubmodule r _ = return r
needsSubmoduleFixup :: Repo -> Bool
needsSubmoduleFixup (Repo { location = (Local { worktree = Just _, gitdir = d }) }) =
(".git" </> "modules") `isInfixOf` d
needsSubmoduleFixup _ = False
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ import Types.Difference
import qualified Git
import Git.FilePath
import Annex.DirHashes
import Annex.Fixup
{- Conventions:
@ -126,9 +127,9 @@ annexLocation config key hasher = objectDir </> keyPath key (hasher $ objectHash
- the actual location of the file's content.
gitAnnexLocation :: Key -> Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> IO FilePath
gitAnnexLocation key r config = gitAnnexLocation' key r config (annexCrippledFileSystem config) doesFileExist
gitAnnexLocation' :: Key -> Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> Bool -> (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> IO FilePath
gitAnnexLocation' key r config crippled checker
gitAnnexLocation key r config = gitAnnexLocation' key r config (annexCrippledFileSystem config) doesFileExist (Git.localGitDir r)
gitAnnexLocation' :: Key -> Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> Bool -> (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
gitAnnexLocation' key r config crippled checker gitdir
{- Bare repositories default to hashDirLower for new
- content, as it's more portable.
@ -147,18 +148,27 @@ gitAnnexLocation' key r config crippled checker
- present. -}
| otherwise = return $ inrepo $ annexLocation config key hashDirMixed
inrepo d = Git.localGitDir r </> d
inrepo d = gitdir </> d
check locs@(l:_) = fromMaybe l <$> firstM checker locs
check [] = error "internal"
{- Calculates a symlink to link a file to an annexed object. -}
{- Calculates a symlink target to link a file to an annexed object. -}
gitAnnexLink :: FilePath -> Key -> Git.Repo -> GitConfig -> IO FilePath
gitAnnexLink file key r config = do
currdir <- getCurrentDirectory
let absfile = fromMaybe whoops $ absNormPathUnix currdir file
loc <- gitAnnexLocation' key r config False (\_ -> return True)
let gitdir = getgitdir currdir
loc <- gitAnnexLocation' key r config False (\_ -> return True) gitdir
toInternalGitPath <$> relPathDirToFile (parentDir absfile) loc
getgitdir currdir
{- This special case is for git submodules on filesystems not
- supporting symlinks; generate link target that will
- work portably. -}
| coreSymlinks config == False && needsSubmoduleFixup r =
fromMaybe whoops $ absNormPathUnix currdir $
Git.repoPath r </> ".git"
| otherwise = Git.localGitDir r
whoops = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
{- File used to lock a key's content. -}
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ Git normally makes a `.git` **file** in a
submodule, that points to the real git repository under `.git/modules/`.
This presents problems for git-annex. So, when used in a submodule,
git-annex will automatically replace the `.git` file with a symlink
pointing at the git repository.
pointing at the git repository. (When the filesystem doesn't support
symlinks, direct mode is used, and submodules are supported in that
setup too.)
With that taken care of, git-annex should work ok in submodules. Although
this is a new and somewhat experimental feature.
@ -18,4 +20,3 @@ Known problems:
will refuse to delete it, complaining that the
submodule "uses a .git directory". Workaround: Use `rm -rf`
to delete the tree, and then `git commit`.
* This won't work on filesystems not supporting symlinks.
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