add git-union-merge

This is a new git subcommand, that does a generic union merge operation
between two refs, storing the result in a branch. It operates efficiently
without touching the working tree. It does need to write out a temporary
index file, and may need to write out some other temp files as well.

This could be useful for anything that stores data in a branch,
and needs to merge changes into that branch without actually checking the
branch out. Since conflict handling can't be done without a working copy,
the merge type is always a union merge, which is fine for data stored in
log format (as git-annex does), or in non-conflicting files
(as pristine-tar does).

This probably belongs in git proper, but it will live in git-annex for now.


Plan is to move .git-annex/ to a git-annex branch, and use git-union-merge
to handle merging changes when pulling from remotes.

Some preliminary benchmarking using real .git-annex/ data indicates
that it's quite fast, except for the "git add" call, which is as slow
as "git add" tends to be with a big index.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2011-06-20 19:44:45 -04:00
parent 91e50782ce
commit c835166a7c
7 changed files with 170 additions and 7 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ configure

View file

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module GitRepo (
@ -412,7 +413,7 @@ typeChangedFiles' repo l middle = pipeNullSplit repo $ start ++ middle ++ end
end = [Param "--"] ++ map File l
{- Reads null terminated output of a git command (as enabled by the -z
- parameter), and splits it into a list of files. -}
- parameter), and splits it into a list of files/lines/whatever. -}
pipeNullSplit :: Repo -> [CommandParam] -> IO [FilePath]
pipeNullSplit repo params = do
fs0 <- pipeRead repo params

View file

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ GHCFLAGS=-prof -auto-all -rtsopts -caf-all -fforce-recomp $(IGNORE)
GHCMAKE=ghc $(GHCFLAGS) --make
bins=git-annex git-annex-shell
mans=git-annex.1 git-annex-shell.1
bins=git-annex git-annex-shell git-union-merge
mans=git-annex.1 git-annex-shell.1 git-union-merge.1
all: $(bins) $(mans) docs
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ git-annex.1: doc/git-annex.mdwn
./mdwn2man git-annex 1 doc/git-annex.mdwn > git-annex.1
git-annex-shell.1: doc/git-annex-shell.mdwn
./mdwn2man git-annex-shell 1 doc/git-annex-shell.mdwn > git-annex-shell.1
git-union-merge.1: doc/git-union-merge.mdwn
./mdwn2man git-union-merge 1 doc/git-union-merge.mdwn > git-union-merge.1
install: all
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin

debian/changelog vendored
View file

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ git-annex (0.20110611) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
such as btrfs.
* Allow --trust etc to specify a repository by name, for temporarily
trusting repositories that are not configured remotes.
* git-union-merge: New git subcommand, that does a generic union merge
operation, and operates efficiently without touching the working tree.
-- Joey Hess <> Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:53:24 -0400

doc/git-union-merge.mdwn Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
git-union-merge - Join branches together using a union merge
git union-merge branch ref ref
Does a union merge between two refs, storing the result in the
specified branch.
The union merge will always succeed, but assumes that files can be merged
simply by concacenating together lines from all the oldrefs, in any order.
So, this is useful only for branches containing log-type data.
That this does not touch the checked out working copy. It operates
entirely on git refs and branches.
git union-merge git-annex git-annex origin/git-annex
Merges the current git-annex branch, and a version from origin,
storing the result in the git-annex branch.
File modes are not currently merged.
Joey Hess <>
Warning: this page is automatically made into a man page via [mdwn2man](;a=blob;f=mdwn2man;hb=HEAD). Edit with care

View file

@ -148,10 +148,8 @@ problem generically. Something like this:
* For remotes, there are also `origin/B`, `otherremote/B`, etc.
* To merge two branches `B` and `foo/B`, construct a merge commit that
makes each file have all lines that were in either version of the file,
with duplicates removed (probably). Do this without checking out a tree,
or using a temporary directory. (One easy but expensive way is to just
check out the branch to a temp dir, union merge into it, and remove the
temp dir ... but it should be possible to do it without using a temp dir.)
with duplicates removed (probably). Do this without checking out a tree.
-- now implemented as git-union-merge
* As a `post-merge` hook, merge `*/B` into `B`. This will ensure `B`
is always up-to-date after a pull from a remote.
* When pushing to a remote, nothing need to be done, except ensure

git-union-merge.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
{- git-union-merge program
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.Cmd
import System.Cmd.Utils
import System.Posix.Env (setEnv)
import System.Posix.Directory (changeWorkingDirectory)
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Data.List
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import Utility
header :: String
header = "Usage: git-union-merge branch ref ref"
usage :: IO a
usage = error $ "bad parameters\n\n" ++ header
main :: IO ()
main = do
[branch, aref, bref] <- parseArgs
g <- setup
stage g aref bref
commit g branch aref bref
cleanup g
parseArgs :: IO [String]
parseArgs = do
args <- getArgs
if (length args /= 3)
then usage
else return args
tmpDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
tmpDir g = Git.workTree g </> Git.gitDir g </> "tmp" </> "git-union-merge"
tmpIndex :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
tmpIndex g = Git.workTree g </> Git.gitDir g </> "tmp" </> "git-union-merge.index"
{- Moves to a temporary directory, and configures git to use it as its
- working tree, and to use a temporary index file as well. -}
setup :: IO Git.Repo
setup = do
g <- Git.configRead =<< Git.repoFromCwd
cleanup g -- idempotency
let tmp = tmpDir g
createDirectoryIfMissing True tmp
changeWorkingDirectory tmp
-- Note that due to these variables being set, and
-- similar helpers cannot be used, as they override the work tree.
-- It is only safe to use etc when doing things that do
-- not operate on the work tree.
setEnv "GIT_WORK_TREE" tmp True
setEnv "GIT_INDEX_FILE" (tmpIndex g) True
return g
cleanup :: Git.Repo -> IO ()
cleanup g = do
e <- doesDirectoryExist (tmpDir g)
when e $ removeDirectoryRecursive (tmpDir g)
e' <- doesFileExist (tmpIndex g)
when e' $ removeFile (tmpIndex g)
{- Stages the content of both refs into the index. -}
stage :: Git.Repo -> String -> String -> IO ()
stage g aref bref = do
-- populate index with the contents of aref, as a starting point
_ <- system $ "git ls-tree -r --full-name --full-tree " ++ aref ++
" | git update-index --index-info"
-- identify files that are different in bref, and stage merged files
diff <- Git.pipeNullSplit g $ map Param
["diff-tree", "--raw", "-z", "--no-renames", "-l0", aref, bref]
mapM_ genfile (pairs diff)
_ <- system "git add ."
return ()
pairs [] = []
pairs (_:[]) = error "parse error"
pairs (a:b:rest) = (a,b):pairs rest
nullsha = take 40 $ repeat '0'
genfile (info, file) = do
let [_colonamode, _bmode, asha, bsha, _status] = words info
let shas =
if bsha == nullsha
then [] -- staged from aref
if asha == nullsha
then [bsha]
else [asha, bsha]
unless (null shas) $ do
content <- Git.pipeRead g $ map Param ("show":shas)
writeFile file $ unlines $ nub $ lines content
{- Commits the index into the specified branch. -}
commit :: Git.Repo -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
commit g branch aref bref = do
tree <- getsha $
pipeFrom "git" ["write-tree"]
sha <- getsha $
pipeBoth "git" ["commit-tree", tree, "-p", aref, "-p", bref]
"union merge" g "update-ref" [Param $ "refs/heads/" ++ branch, Param sha]
getsha a = do
(_, t) <- a
let t' = if last t == '\n'
then take (length t - 1) t
else t
when (null t') $ error "failed to read sha from git"
return t'