This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 58 additions and 52 deletions
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ copyFromRemote'' repo forcersync r st@(State connpool _ _ _ _) key file dest met
(ok, v) <- runTransfer (Transfer Download u (fromKey id key))
file Nothing stdRetry $ \p ->
metered (Just (combineMeterUpdate p meterupdate)) key $ \_ p' ->
copier object dest p' checksuccess
copier object dest key p' checksuccess
if ok
then return v
else giveup "failed to retrieve content from remote"
@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ copyToRemote' repo r st@(State connpool duc _ _ _) key file meterupdate
let rsp = RetrievalAllKeysSecure
res <- logStatusAfter key $ Annex.Content.getViaTmp rsp verify key file $ \dest ->
metered (Just (combineMeterUpdate meterupdate p)) key $ \_ p' ->
copier object (fromRawFilePath dest) p' (liftIO checksuccessio)
copier object (fromRawFilePath dest) key p' (liftIO checksuccessio)
Annex.Content.saveState True
return res
@ -783,50 +783,6 @@ onLocal' (LocalRemoteAnnex repo v) a = liftIO (takeMVar v) >>= \case
onLocalFast :: State -> Annex a -> Annex a
onLocalFast st a = onLocal st $ Annex.BranchState.disableUpdate >> a
-- To avoid the overhead of trying copy-on-write every time, it's tried
-- once and if it fails, is not tried again.
newtype CopyCoWTried = CopyCoWTried (MVar Bool)
newCopyCoWTried :: IO CopyCoWTried
newCopyCoWTried = CopyCoWTried <$> newEmptyMVar
{- Copys a file. Uses copy-on-write if it is supported. Otherwise,
- uses rsync, so that interrupted copies can be resumed. -}
rsyncOrCopyFile :: State -> [CommandParam] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
rsyncOrCopyFile _st _rsyncparams src dest p =
-- rsync is only available on Windows in some installation methods,
-- and is not strictly needed here, so don't use it.
docopywith copyFileExternal
rsyncOrCopyFile st rsyncparams src dest p =
-- If multiple threads reach this at the same time, they
-- will both try CoW, which is acceptable.
ifM (liftIO $ isEmptyMVar copycowtried)
( do
ok <- docopycow
void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar copycowtried ok
pure ok <||> dorsync
, ifM (liftIO $ readMVar copycowtried)
( docopycow <||> dorsync
, dorsync
copycowtried = case st of
State _ _ (CopyCoWTried v) _ _ -> v
dorsync = do
-- dest may already exist, so make sure rsync can write to it
void $ liftIO $ tryIO $ allowWrite (toRawFilePath dest)
oh <- mkOutputHandlerQuiet
Ssh.rsyncHelper oh (Just p) $
rsyncparams ++ [File src, File dest]
docopycow = docopywith copyCoW
docopywith a = liftIO $ watchFileSize dest p $
a CopyTimeStamps src dest
commitOnCleanup :: Git.Repo -> Remote -> State -> Annex a -> Annex a
commitOnCleanup repo r st a = go `after` a
@ -867,23 +823,23 @@ wantHardLink = (annexHardLink <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
-- When a hard link is created, returns Verified; the repo being linked
-- from is implicitly trusted, so no expensive verification needs to be
-- done.
type Copier = FilePath -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool -> Annex (Bool, Verification)
-- done. Also returns Verified if the key's content is verified while
-- copying it.
type Copier = FilePath -> FilePath -> Key -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool -> Annex (Bool, Verification)
mkCopier :: Bool -> State -> [CommandParam] -> Annex Copier
mkCopier remotewanthardlink st rsyncparams = do
let copier = \src dest p check -> unVerified $
rsyncOrCopyFile st rsyncparams src dest p <&&> check
let copier = fileCopier st rsyncparams
localwanthardlink <- wantHardLink
let linker = \src dest -> createLink src dest >> return True
if remotewanthardlink || localwanthardlink
then return $ \src dest p check ->
then return $ \src dest k p check ->
ifM (liftIO (catchBoolIO (linker src dest)))
( ifM check
( return (True, Verified)
, return (False, UnVerified)
, copier src dest p check
, copier src dest k p check
else return copier
@ -941,3 +897,53 @@ mkState r u gc = do
return (duc, getrepo)
-- To avoid the overhead of trying copy-on-write every time, it's tried
-- once and if it fails, is not tried again.
newtype CopyCoWTried = CopyCoWTried (MVar Bool)
newCopyCoWTried :: IO CopyCoWTried
newCopyCoWTried = CopyCoWTried <$> newEmptyMVar
{- Copys a file. Uses copy-on-write if it is supported. Otherwise,
- uses rsync, so that interrupted copies can be resumed. -}
fileCopier :: State -> [CommandParam] -> Copier
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
rsyncOrCopyFile _st _rsyncparams src dest k p check =
-- rsync is only available on Windows in some installation methods,
-- and is not strictly needed here, so don't use it.
unVerified $ docopywith copyFileExternal <&&> check
fileCopier st rsyncparams src dest _k p check =
-- If multiple threads reach this at the same time, they
-- will both try CoW, which is acceptable.
ifM (liftIO $ isEmptyMVar copycowtried)
( do
ok <- docopycow
void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar copycowtried ok
if ok
then unVerified check
else unVerified $ dorsync <&&> check
, ifM (liftIO $ readMVar copycowtried)
( do
ok <- docopycow
if ok
then unVerified check
else unVerified $ dorsync <&&> check
, unVerified dorsync
copycowtried = case st of
State _ _ (CopyCoWTried v) _ _ -> v
dorsync = do
-- dest may already exist, so make sure rsync can write to it
void $ liftIO $ tryIO $ allowWrite (toRawFilePath dest)
oh <- mkOutputHandlerQuiet
Ssh.rsyncHelper oh (Just p) $
rsyncparams ++ [File src, File dest]
docopycow = docopywith copyCoW
docopywith a = liftIO $ watchFileSize dest p $
a CopyTimeStamps src dest
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