WebDAV: Avoid buffering whole file in memory when downloading.
httpBodyRetriever will later also be used by S3 This commit was sponsored by Ethan Aubin.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 37 additions and 23 deletions
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Common.Annex
import Types.StoreRetrieve
import Utility.Metered
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Network.HTTP.Client (RequestBody(..))
import Network.HTTP.Client (RequestBody(..), Response, responseBody, BodyReader)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
@ -35,5 +35,19 @@ httpStorer a = fileStorer $ \k f m -> do
pop [] = ([], S.empty)
pop (c:cs) = (cs, c)
--httpRetriever :: (Key -> Annex Response) -> Retriever
--httpRetriever a = byteRetriever $ \k sink
-- Reads the http body and stores it to the specified file, updating the
-- meter as it goes.
httpBodyRetriever :: FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Response BodyReader -> IO ()
httpBodyRetriever dest meterupdate resp =
bracket (openBinaryFile dest WriteMode) hClose (go zeroBytesProcessed)
reader = responseBody resp
go sofar h = do
b <- reader
if S.null b
then return ()
else do
let sofar' = addBytesProcessed sofar $ S.length b
S.hPut h b
meterupdate sofar'
go sofar' h
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ store (LegacyChunks chunksize) (Just dav) = fileStorer $ \k f p -> liftIO $
withMeteredFile f p $ storeLegacyChunked chunksize k dav
store _ (Just dav) = httpStorer $ \k reqbody -> liftIO $ goDAV dav $ do
let tmp = keyTmpLocation k
let dest = keyLocation k ++ keyFile k
let dest = keyLocation k
void $ mkColRecursive tmpDir
inLocation tmp $
putContentM' (contentType, reqbody)
@ -117,16 +117,10 @@ retrieve :: ChunkConfig -> Maybe DavHandle -> Retriever
retrieve _ Nothing = error "unable to connect"
retrieve (LegacyChunks _) (Just dav) = retrieveLegacyChunked dav
retrieve _ (Just dav) = fileRetriever $ \d k p -> liftIO $
meteredWriteFile p d =<< getDAV dav (keyLocation k ++ keyFile k)
getDAV :: DavHandle -> DavLocation -> IO L.ByteString
getDAV dav l = do
mb <- goDAV dav $ safely $
inLocation l $
snd <$> getContentM
case mb of
Nothing -> error "download failed"
Just b -> return b
goDAV dav $
inLocation (keyLocation k) $
withContentM $
httpBodyRetriever d p
remove :: Maybe DavHandle -> Remover
remove Nothing _ = return False
@ -134,7 +128,7 @@ remove (Just dav) k = liftIO $ do
-- Delete the key's whole directory, including any
-- legacy chunked files, etc, in a single action.
ret <- goDAV dav $ safely $
inLocation (keyLocation k) delContentM
inLocation (keyDir k) delContentM
return (isJust ret)
checkKey :: Remote -> ChunkConfig -> Maybe DavHandle -> CheckPresent
@ -145,7 +139,7 @@ checkKey r chunkconfig (Just dav) k = do
LegacyChunks _ -> checkKeyLegacyChunked dav k
_ -> do
v <- liftIO $ goDAV dav $
existsDAV (keyLocation k ++ keyFile k)
existsDAV (keyLocation k)
either error return v
configUrl :: Remote -> Maybe URLString
@ -315,13 +309,15 @@ storeLegacyChunked chunksize k dav b =
finalizeStore (baseURL dav) tmp' (fromJust $ locationParent dest')
tmp = keyTmpLocation k
dest = keyLocation k ++ keyFile k
dest = keyLocation k
retrieveLegacyChunked :: DavHandle -> Retriever
retrieveLegacyChunked dav = fileRetriever $ \d k p -> liftIO $
withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr $ \locs ->
Legacy.meteredWriteFileChunks p d locs $
getDAV dav
Legacy.meteredWriteFileChunks p d locs $ \l ->
goDAV dav $
inLocation l $
snd <$> getContentM
onerr = error "download failed"
@ -365,4 +361,4 @@ withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr a = do
then onerr chunkcount
else a chunks
keyloc = keyLocation k ++ keyFile k
keyloc = keyLocation k
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ inLocation :: (MonadIO m) => DavLocation -> DAVT m a -> DAVT m a
inLocation d = inDAVLocation (</> d)
{- The directory where files(s) for a key are stored. -}
keyLocation :: Key -> DavLocation
keyLocation k = addTrailingPathSeparator $ hashdir </> keyFile k
keyDir :: Key -> DavLocation
keyDir k = addTrailingPathSeparator $ hashdir </> keyFile k
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
hashdir = hashDirLower k
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ keyLocation k = addTrailingPathSeparator $ hashdir </> keyFile k
hashdir = replace "\\" "/" (hashDirLower k)
keyLocation :: Key -> DavLocation
keyLocation k = keyDir k ++ keyFile k
{- Where we store temporary data for a key as it's being uploaded. -}
keyTmpLocation :: Key -> DavLocation
keyTmpLocation = addTrailingPathSeparator . tmpLocation . keyFile
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ git-annex (5.20140718) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Display exception message when a transfer fails due to an exception.
* WebDAV: Sped up by avoiding making multiple http connections
when storing a file.
* WebDAV: Avoid buffering whole file in memory when uploading.
* WebDAV: Avoid buffering whole file in memory when uploading and
* WebDAV: Dropped support for DAV before 1.0.
* testremote: New command to test uploads/downloads to a remote.
* Dropping an object from a bup special remote now deletes the git branch
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