diff --git a/doc/bugs/windows__58___needlessly_reminded_to_run___96__restage__96__/comment_4_42ef3d3d157a97a202718f3b768916f8._comment b/doc/bugs/windows__58___needlessly_reminded_to_run___96__restage__96__/comment_4_42ef3d3d157a97a202718f3b768916f8._comment new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac5bc2b181 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/bugs/windows__58___needlessly_reminded_to_run___96__restage__96__/comment_4_42ef3d3d157a97a202718f3b768916f8._comment @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +[[!comment format=mdwn + username="jkniiv" + avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/05fd8b33af7183342153e8013aa3713d" + subject="restage.log was empty indeed" + date="2022-10-01T05:14:17Z" + content=""" +Just for completeness sake: + +[[!format sh \"\"\" +K:\Reflect-varmistukset\Jarkon ThinkPad T450s (Win10 v21H1) . B [adjusted/master(unlocked)]> git-annex version --raw +10.20220927-g26dea5641 +K:\Reflect-varmistukset\Jarkon ThinkPad T450s (Win10 v21H1) . B [adjusted/master(unlocked)]> git annex drop --force 79698DAC29A079D3-06-06.mrimg +drop 79698DAC29A079D3-06-06.mrimg ok +(recording state in git...) + + git status will show some files to be modified, since content availability has changed and git-annex was unable to update the index. This is only a cosmetic problem affecting git status; git add, git commit, etc won't be affected. To fix the git status display, you can run: git-annex restage +K:\Reflect-varmistukset\Jarkon ThinkPad T450s (Win10 v21H1) . B [adjusted/master(unlocked)]> ls ..\.git\annex\restage.log + + Directory: K:\Reflect-varmistukset\.git\annex + +Mode LastWriteTime Length Name +---- ------------- ------ ---- +-a--- 1.10.2022 7:47 0 restage.log + +K:\Reflect-varmistukset\Jarkon ThinkPad T450s (Win10 v21H1) . B [adjusted/master(unlocked)]> time git annex get 79698DAC29A079D3-06-06.mrimg +get 79698DAC29A079D3-06-06.mrimg (from origin...) +ok +(recording state in git...) + + git status will show some files to be modified, since content availability has changed and git-annex was unable to update the index. This is only a cosmetic problem affecting git status; git add, git commit, etc won't be affected. To fix the git status display, you can run: git-annex restage +00:01:53.0001475 +K:\Reflect-varmistukset\Jarkon ThinkPad T450s (Win10 v21H1) . B [adjusted/master(unlocked)]> ls ..\.git\annex\restage.log + + Directory: K:\Reflect-varmistukset\.git\annex + +Mode LastWriteTime Length Name +---- ------------- ------ ---- +-a--- 1.10.2022 8:02 0 restage.log + +K:\Reflect-varmistukset\Jarkon ThinkPad T450s (Win10 v21H1) . B [adjusted/master(unlocked)]> git status +On branch adjusted/master(unlocked) +nothing to commit, working tree clean +\"\"\"]] + +"""]]