fsck: Commit incremental fsck database after every 1000 files fscked, or every 5 minutes, whichever comes first.
Previously, commits were made every 1000 files fscked. Also, improve docs
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 59 additions and 20 deletions
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Annex.LockFile
import Database.Persist.TH
import Database.Esqueleto hiding (Key)
import Data.Time.Clock
data FsckHandle = FsckHandle H.DbHandle UUID
@ -84,11 +85,18 @@ closeDb (FsckHandle h u) = do
unlockFile =<< fromRepo (gitAnnexFsckDbLock u)
addDb :: FsckHandle -> Key -> IO ()
addDb (FsckHandle h _) k = H.queueDb h 1000 $
addDb (FsckHandle h _) k = H.queueDb h checkcommit $
void $ insertUnique $ Fscked sk
sk = toSKey k
-- commit queue after 1000 files or 5 minutes, whichever comes first
checkcommit sz lastcommittime
| sz > 1000 = return True
| otherwise = do
now <- getCurrentTime
return $ diffUTCTime lastcommittime now > 300
inDb :: FsckHandle -> Key -> IO Bool
inDb (FsckHandle h _) = H.queryDb h . inDb' . toSKey
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Database.Handle (
) where
import Utility.Exception
import Utility.Monad
import Messages
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT)
import Data.List
import Data.Time.Clock
{- A DbHandle is a reference to a worker thread that communicates with
- the database. It has a MVar which Jobs are submitted to. -}
@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ openDb :: FilePath -> TableName -> IO DbHandle
openDb db tablename = do
jobs <- newEmptyMVar
worker <- async (workerThread (T.pack db) tablename jobs)
q <- newMVar emptyDbQueue
q <- newMVar =<< emptyDbQueue
return $ DbHandle worker jobs q
data Job
@ -145,16 +147,19 @@ closeDb h@(DbHandle worker jobs _) = do
type Size = Int
{- A queue of actions to perform, with a count of the number of actions
- queued. -}
data DbQueue = DbQueue Size (SqlPersistM ())
type LastCommitTime = UTCTime
emptyDbQueue :: DbQueue
emptyDbQueue = DbQueue 0 (return ())
{- A queue of actions to perform, with a count of the number of actions
- queued, and a last commit time. -}
data DbQueue = DbQueue Size LastCommitTime (SqlPersistM ())
emptyDbQueue :: IO DbQueue
emptyDbQueue = do
now <- getCurrentTime
return $ DbQueue 0 now (return ())
{- Queues a change to be made to the database. It will be buffered
- to be committed later, unless the queue gets larger than the specified
- size.
- to be committed later, unless the commitchecker action returns true.
- (Be sure to call closeDb or flushQueueDb to ensure the change
- gets committed.)
@ -164,25 +169,32 @@ emptyDbQueue = DbQueue 0 (return ())
- process, the transaction is put back in the queue. This solves
- the sqlite multiple writer problem.
queueDb :: DbHandle -> Size -> SqlPersistM () -> IO ()
queueDb h@(DbHandle _ _ qvar) maxsz a = do
DbQueue sz qa <- takeMVar qvar
:: DbHandle
-> (Size -> LastCommitTime -> IO Bool)
-> SqlPersistM ()
-> IO ()
queueDb h@(DbHandle _ _ qvar) commitchecker a = do
DbQueue sz lastcommittime qa <- takeMVar qvar
let !sz' = sz + 1
let qa' = qa >> a
let enqueue newsz = putMVar qvar (DbQueue newsz qa')
if sz' > maxsz
then do
let enqueue = putMVar qvar
ifM (commitchecker sz' lastcommittime)
( do
r <- commitDb h qa'
case r of
Left _ -> enqueue 0
Right _ -> putMVar qvar emptyDbQueue
else enqueue sz'
Left _ -> enqueue $ DbQueue sz' lastcommittime qa'
Right _ -> do
now <- getCurrentTime
enqueue $ DbQueue 0 now (return ())
, enqueue $ DbQueue sz' lastcommittime qa'
{- If flushing the queue fails, this could be because there is another
- writer to the database. Retry repeatedly for up to 10 seconds. -}
flushQueueDb :: DbHandle -> IO ()
flushQueueDb h@(DbHandle _ _ qvar) = do
DbQueue sz qa <- takeMVar qvar
DbQueue sz _ qa <- takeMVar qvar
when (sz > 0) $
robustly Nothing 100 (commitDb h qa)
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ git-annex (5.20150732) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* fsck: Commit incremental fsck database when --time-limit is reached.
Previously, some of the last files fscked did not make it into the
database when using --time-limit.
* fsck: Commit incremental fsck database after every 1000 files
fscked, or every 5 minutes, whichever comes first. Previously,
commits were made every 1000 files fscked.
-- Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> Fri, 31 Jul 2015 12:31:39 -0400
@ -21,3 +21,14 @@ Also tried with `docker/ubuntu:latest` using a clean install from https://downlo
git-annex: 5.20150522-gb199d65
Linux: 3.16.0-43-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 19 11:04:02 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> I've adjusted the timing of the fsck checkpoints used in resumes some.
> Now it makes one every 5 minutes, or every 1000 files, whichever comes
> first. I could make this tunable, but I don't think it's worth adding the
> complexity; this heuristic should work pretty well.
> Another approach would be to catch sigint and commit the fsck database
> then, as is now done when --time-limit interrupts a fsck run.
> But, I am leery of complicating git-annex with signal handling,
> so I've not done that currently.
> Also, documented this in fsck's man page. [[done]] --[[Joey]]
@ -37,7 +37,12 @@ With parameters, only the specified files are checked.
* `--more`
Continue the last incremental fsck pass, where it left off.
Resume the last incremental fsck pass, where it left off.
Resuming may redundantly check some files that were checked
before. Any files that fsck found problems with before will be re-checked
on resume. Also, checkpoints are made every 1000 files or every 5 minutes
during a fsck, and it resumes from the last checkpoint.
* `--incremental-schedule=time`
Add table
Reference in a new issue